Any main extension to the Village of Greene water system shall require prior approval by the Village of Greene and the New York State Department of Health.
Any expansions within the Village of Greene corporate limits will be conveyed to the Village of Greene Water Department upon acceptance and approval by the Village of Greene and the New York State Department of Health.
All distribution systems shall be financed at the expense of the benefiting property owners, complete with customarily installed valves, hydrants, etc.
The Water Department shall select one of the following methods or a variation or combination of methods that, in its judgment, most appropriately implements these regulations:
Extensions into subdivisions. When a real estate owner or developer desires and applies for a main extension into a subdivision, such applicant shall submit a subdivision map, approved by authorities, together with such other engineering information as the Department may request. Such main extension as the Department may approve shall meet specifications as prescribed by the Department and be constructed at the applicant's expense. The actual construction may be performed by the Department or by the owner or owner's agent at the option of the Department. Should construction be by the Department, the owner must deposit the estimated cost of construction prior to the work. Should construction be by the owner, a performance bond is required and the work shall conform to Department specifications and inspections prior to being accepted by the Department.
Developer to pay engineering costs. The developer will pay all engineering costs incurred by the Village for work done for this project.
Water District extensions. All Water District extensions that are located outside the Village will require a special ruling from the Board or the Water Department.
Extension at Department expense. The Department reserves the right to construct such mains and service improvements as it may judge beneficial to the system. Such construction or improvement shall not obviate any of the conditions of this article.
Any subdivision or main extension which cannot be functionally supplied with an existing plant and system will require special arrangements.