A local government officer or employee serving
the Borough may request and obtain from the Borough Ethics Board an
advisory opinion as to whether any proposed activity or conduct would,
in its opinion, constitute a violation of the Borough Code of Ethics
or any financial disclosure requirements. Advisory opinions of the
Borough Ethics Board shall not be made public, except when the Ethics
Board by a vote of 2/3 of all of its members directs that the opinion
be made public. Public advisory opinions shall not disclose the name
of the local government officer or employee unless the Ethics Board
in directing that the opinion be made public so determines.
The Borough Ethics Board, upon receipt of a
signed written complaint by any person alleging that the conduct of
any local government officer or employee serving the Borough is in
conflict with the Borough Code of Ethics or financial disclosure requirements,
shall acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 30 days of receipt
and initiate an investigation concerning the facts and circumstances
set forth in the complaint. The Borough Ethics Board shall then pursue
such complaint in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.24.
All statements, complaints, requests or other
written materials filed pursuant to this chapter, and any rulings,
opinions, judgments, transcripts or other official papers prepared
pursuant to this chapter, shall be preserved for a period of at least
five years from the date of filing or preparation, as the case may