[Adopted 9-3-1902]
Right granted to Cumberland Valley Railroad to construct and maintain telegraph line. The right is hereby granted to the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company to construct and maintain a telegraph line for the operation of its railroad and the conduct of its business and for that purpose to erect poles, with crossarms and brackets, and to attach and string wires thereto on or along the east side of said Third Street, with a loop to its general office building by the alley on which the borough electric light plant is located to Second Street and thence by Grant Street to its freight station.
Pole requirements. All poles so erected within the borough limits shall be straight and neatly painted, and the same shall not be placed opposite any door, gate, passageway or alley, and the wires shall be strung and maintained at a height of not less than 18 feet above the grade line of the streets and alleys and shall be so strung and maintained as not to interfere with telephone, electric light or other telegraph wires already erected.
[Added 2-24-1904]
Right granted to Cumberland Valley Railroad Company to construct and maintain telephone line. The right is hereby granted to the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company to construct and maintain a telephone line and for that purpose to erect poles, with crossarms and brackets, and to attach and string wires thereto on and through the following streets and alleys of said borough:
Beginning on the right-of-way of said railroad company opposite Franklin Junction, thence through the alley leading from the telegraph office at Franklin Junction to Broad Street and crossing Broad Street to and through the alley leading from Broad Street to North Main Street at the residence of Frank Henderson, with the right to place any necessary poles on Broad Street at the point of crossing and on North Main Street at or near said alley at Henderson's, and to string wires across North Main Street.
Requirements for poles and wires. All poles so erected upon said streets or alleys shall be straight and neatly painted, and the same shall not be placed opposite any door, gate, passageway or alley, and the wires shall be strung and maintained at a height of not less than 18 feet above grade line of the streets and alleys and shall be so strung and maintained as not to interfere with telephone, electric light or telegraph wires already erected.
[Added 1-6-1906]
The right is hereby granted to the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company to erect and maintain a power plant on the east side of Kennedy Street in the Borough of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, nearly opposite a point between the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company roundhouse and blacksmith shop and to lay therefrom and maintain water, steam and air pipes across said Kennedy Street below the surface of the ground to the blacksmith shop, roundhouse, machine shop, office and other buildings of said railroad company for the purpose of conducting water, steam and air through and by means of said pipes to its property and works aforesaid; and also to cross Grant Street in said borough below the surface of the ground with such water and steam pipes as may be used in operation of said power plant; also to cross said Kennedy Street overhead with electric wires and erect and maintain such poles, crossarms, etc., as may be necessary to carry said wires from said power plant to the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company buildings aforesaid and property of said company and to transmit electric current by means thereof.