[Adopted 4-15-1980 by Ch. VII, Art. 6, of the 1980 Code of Ordinances]
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 421]
Deposit of dirt or debris. In order to keep Township roads open, free, unclogged and safely passable and ditches properly drained, from and after the effective date of this article, it shall be unlawful for anyone to cause a nuisance of any kind on roads, including rights-of-way, or ditches or suffer, allow, permit, maintain or deposit in any ditch or on any road in said Township any dirt, ground, mud, gravel, sand, stones and debris; and the same is hereby prohibited.
Sump pumps and roof drains.
Sump pump discharge lines shall not be permitted to discharge into the public stormwater or sanitary sewer system or a public road right-of-way or allow flow into the public road right-of-way or adjacent properties.
Private and commercial structure roof drains shall not be permitted to penetrate any curbing to discharge into the public road right-of-way, discharge into the public stormwater system, or allow flow into the public road right-of-way or adjacent properties.
Above and/or below ground structures. Any above and/or below ground structures shall not be permitted to be located on public roads or within the road rights-of-way, including, but not limited to dog fences, sprinkler systems and landscape appurtenances.
[Amended 11-4-1991 by Ord. No. 208]
In case any person or persons shall violate this article, the Supervisors shall have the power to remove any dirt, ground, mud, gravel, sand, stones and debris and all other nuisances from roads and ditches, after written notice so to do to the person or persons who have caused or are responsible for the same, delivered to his or their last known address, and, in his or their default, to collect the cost of such removal, together with a penalty as provided in § 1-13 of Chapter 1, General Provisions, for the use of the Township from the person or persons so causing the same, by summary proceedings.
Additionally, in case any person or persons shall violate this article, the Supervisors shall have power in the name of the Township of Doylestown to institute proceedings against him or them in courts of equity for injunctive or other equitable relief.