[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor as Sec. 2-13 of the 1982 Revised General Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Beaches — See Ch. 156.
Boating — See Ch. 170.
There shall be a Beach Supervisor appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, who shall serve for a term of up to one year, until the organization meeting of Borough Council in January of the following year.
The Beach Supervisor shall have the following responsibilities:
Maintenance of beaches during the summer season.
Enforcement of the beach fee program.
Enforcement of beach rules and regulations except those delegated to the Lifeguard Patrol.
Authority to employ such persons as are necessary to perform the functions described above, subject to the approval as to the number of such persons by Borough Council.
Authority to, from time to time, request the Captain and the lieutenants of the Lifeguard Patrol to assist in the supervision of beach maintenance employees and beach tag inspectors.
All employees hired by the Beach Supervisor shall be seasonal temporary employees.
There shall be a Lifeguard Patrol consisting of a Captain, together with such lieutenants and other officers and personnel as may be required.
There shall be a Lifeguard Captain appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, who shall serve as a seasonal officer for a term of up to one year, until the organization meeting of Borough Council in January of the following year.
The Captain shall have the following responsibilities:
The protection of all the beaches.
The development of a Beach Patrol Operations Manual.
Enforcement of all beach rules and regulations pertaining to bathing, boating, fishing, sunning and recreation.
Authority to employ such persons as are necessary to patrol and protect the beaches, subject to the approval as to the number of such persons by Borough Council.
All employees hired by the Lifeguard Captain shall be seasonal employees.
The Lifeguard Patrol Captain and the Lifeguard Patrol lieutenants shall, from time to time, upon request of the Beach Supervisor, assist the Beach Supervisor in the supervision of beach maintenance employees and beach tag inspectors.
There shall be a Beach Tag Supervisor appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, who shall serve as a seasonal officer for a term of up to one year, until the organization meeting of Borough Council in January of the following year.
The Beach Tag Supervisor shall have the following responsibilities:
Organization of the beach fee program.
Enforcement of the beach fee program.
Enforcement of the Borough's accounting practices for the program.
Authority to employ such persons as are necessary to sell beach tags and enforce the use of tags, subject to the approval as to the number of such persons by Borough Council.
All employees hired by the Beach Tag Supervisor shall be seasonal employees.