[Amended 2-8-1993 by Ord. No. 93-03; 3-26-2012 by Ord. No.
Except where otherwise indicated in this section,
the owner shall be responsible for providing lifeguards at all swimming
pools and wading pools in accordance with the following regulations:
A. Number. At least one certified lifeguard per 50 bathers
shall be on duty at the waterside at all times when the public bathing
place is open to use by bathers and shall not be assigned other tasks
that will divert his or her attention from the safety of the bathers.
When a swimming pool or wading pool is open to the public, the certified
lifeguard shall have an unobstructed view of the entire swimming pool
and wading pool from a certified lifeguards' assigned station. If
the certified lifeguard does not have an unobstructed view of both
the swimming pool and wading pool, an additional certified lifeguard
shall be on duty to guard only the wading pool.
B. Qualifications. Lifeguards shall be capable swimmers,
skilled in lifesaving methods and in methods of artificial resuscitation
as evidenced by their possession of a currently valid certificate
or other proof of proficiency from the American Red Cross, the Young
Men's Christian Association (YMCA) or other recognized training agency
the Community Development Department determines equivalent. By April
30, 1992, all lifeguards must show current certification of standard
first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and, by January
1, 1994, certification of lifeguard training through the American
Red Cross or other training the Community Development Department shall
determine equivalent.
C. Lifeguard stands. Lifeguard stands shall be provided
consistent with the provisions of the D.E.R. permit.
D. Exception. The requirement for providing a lifeguard
shall be at the discretion of the owner where the facility is an indoor
swimming pool with a maximum water depth not in excess of five feet,
available for adult use only, and monitored by a television camera
at all times if the facility is open. Where no lifeguard is provided,
such facility shall be posted at each point of access with signage
which clearly indicates no lifeguard is on duty and that individuals
who use the facility swim at their own risk.
The following emergency equipment shall be provided
by the owner:
A. A telephone at poolside, with a prominently displayed
list of emergency medical service response telephone numbers.
B. A supplied first aid kit, standard twenty-four-unit.
C. Blankets for emergency use.
D. A backboard with means to secure victim to board and
provide immobilization of head, neck and back.
E. Devices to aid victims in distress as follows:
(1) For pools with width less than 24 feet, rescue poles
one-half (1/2) the pool width or more.
(2) For pools with width 24 feet or more, rescue poles
12 feet or more in length.
(3) Any other reaching devices, which may include poles,
ropes and any reasonable means to extend a person's reach.
(4) Flotation devices, which may include ring buoys, life
jackets or any flotation device that can support an adult in water.
A rescue tube at each lifeguard station shall be required.