The developer shall establish and clearly mark on site the limits of street or highway right-of-way and easements, the center line and grades of the road pavement and the location and elevation of drainage and drainage structures in accordance with the approved plans. Such markers shall be maintained at the developer's expense until the construction of all required improvement within the right-of-way limits has been completed, inspected and approved by the Town Superintendent of Highways and designated Town Engineer.
The developer shall clear the entire area within the limits of:
The street or highway right-of-way, exclusive of trees or other features designated by the Town Planning Board to remain.
Stream channels and ditches.
Easement areas.
All roots, stumps and other objectionable material shall be grubbed, excavated and removed from the above areas.
The developer shall complete the shaping of the street or highway right-of-way, streams and ditches and easement areas to the line and grade as shown on the approved plan and as otherwise may be directed by the Town Superintendent of Highways and designated Town Engineer. All unsuitable or unstable materials shall be completely excavated and removed from the right-of-way, and all rock or boulders larger than six inches in diameter shall be excavated at least eight inches below the finished subgrade of road pavement, drainage or drainage structures, curbs and sidewalks.
Where fills are necessary to complete the required line and grade or to backfill trenches or other excavation, the materials incorporated in the work shall be acceptable to the Town Superintendent of Highways and designated Town Engineer and shall be placed in layers not exceeding eight inches in depth, each layer to be thoroughly compacted by rolling with three-wheel, sheepsfoot, pneumatic-tired or padded-wheel roller or by impact rammer or vibrator equipment in areas inaccessible to power rollers. All compaction shall continue until the fills are firm and unyielding. Special care shall be exercised in placing and compacting material immediately adjacent to pipes in order to avoid damage to the pipe and to prevent pipe misalignment.
The areas between the road shoulder edge or curbing and the right-of-way line must be graded and seeded in order to prevent erosion.
The rough grade of the road pavement, curb and sidewalk areas shall be completed to within one inch above or below finished subgrade as shown on the approved cross section of the right-of-way improvement.
Earth shoulders and flow line of ditches and gutters shall be maintained in satisfactory condition at the developer's expense at all times during the course of construction of the subdivision and until such time as the Town Board has accepted dedication of the right-of-way.
The width of the trench in which the pipe is placed shall be sufficient to permit thorough tamping of the backfill under the haunches and around the pipe. Where rock in either boulder or ledge formation is encountered, it shall be removed below grade and replaced with suitable materials in such a manner as to provide an earth cushion having a thickness under the pipe of not less than eight inches; and where there are excessively heavy fills over the top of the pipe, the Town Superintendent of Highways or designated Town Engineer may specify that a sand cushion up to 1/2 inch in thickness per foot of fill be placed over the top of the pipe. In no case shall the top of any drainage pipe be less than 18 inches below the finished grade of the pavement. Where soft, spongy or other unstable soil is encountered at the grade established, all such unstable soil under the pipe and for a width of one diameter on each side of the pipe shall be removed and replaced with run-of-bank gravel or other acceptable material. In all cases, the bed shall be thoroughly compacted and shall provide a firm foundation for the pipe.
Pipe shall be laid to a true line and grade on the prepared bed of the trench. Pipe laying shall begin at the downstream end and progress upstream.
Backfilling of trenches shall be done in accordance with the subsection on fills under § 76-12, Excavation, filling and rough grading.
Any additional drainage facilities not shown on the approved plan and which may be ordered by the Town Superintendent of Highways or designated Town Engineer shall be constructed by the developer at the developer's expense and in accordance with these specifications.
It is the intent of this specification that all areas within the right-of-way disturbed due to street or highway construction and placement of utilities shall be restored to conditions acceptable to the designated Town Engineer.
The removal of all equipment and parts, junk, rubbish, excess material, debris of all kind and trees damaged beyond repair shall be included in the restoration work.
All unpaved areas within street or highway rights-of-way and newly created or stripped earth slopes shall be seeded in accordance with Section 610-3.02 of current Standard Specifications of New York State Department of Transportation.
In order to control soil erosion, sodding shall be placed on areas designated by the Town Superintendent of Highways or designated Town Engineer in accordance with Section 612-3.01 of current Standard Specifications of New York State Department of Transportation.
Streets or highways shall be generally so designed that finished tangent grades will not be less than one and 1.0% nor more than 10.0%, except that the minimum finished tangent grade on a cul-de-sac shall be 2.0%, and the maximum grade on a cul-de-sac shall be 7.0%.
Every change in grade shall be affected with a vertical curve of sufficient length to ensure adequate stopping sight distance and to provide for smooth transition. These vertical curves shall be designed in accordance with the graph shown on Figures 5 and 6 of Appendix B of these specifications.[1]
Editor's Note: Figures 5 and 6 of Appendix B are included at the end of this chapter.