[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Montello 5-7-1984 as § 4-1-7 of the 1984 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Nuisances — See Ch. 232.
Trees and shrubs — See Ch. 304.
[Amended 11-7-2016]
No person owning property within the City of Montello shall permit to grow or pollinate upon his/her premises any weeds or grasses with cause or produce hay fever in human beings, exhale unpleasant or noxious odors, or conceal filthy deposits. In order to prevent such growth and pollination, it shall be the duty of every property owner to mow or cause to be mowed upon his/her premises all grasses or weeds exceeding seven inches in height.
No person shall rake, blow, or cause in any other way clippings from mowing, trimming, edging, or aerating of grass or weeds to accumulate in the street, gutter, or curb line of any street in the City of Montello.
[Amended 11-7-2016]
It shall be the duty of the Montello Police Department, and/or the Weed Commissioner to enforce this chapter. The City of Montello shall, in April of each year, publish notification of this ordinance in the Marquette County Tribune or other official newspaper of record for the City, for two consecutive weeks. If any person shall fail to comply herewith, the Montello Police Department and/or Weed Commissioner may cause the premises to be mowed and report the cost thereof in writing to the City Clerk - Treasurer. Such charge shall be spread on the tax roll as a special tax to be collected in the same manner as other taxes, unless such lands are exempt from taxation.
As an alternative to a remedy provided in Subsection A above, or in addition thereto, the City may impose a penalty for any violation of any provision of this section, provided that the person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay to the City of Montello not less than $25 nor more than $100 together with the prosecution of each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed during each day (24 hours) or portion thereof during which a violation occurs or continues.