Standards and criteria for making findings as to significant environmental effect shall be the standards and criteria of SEQRA and NYCRR 617.
In addition to the Type I actions listed in NYCRR 617.12, the following unlisted actions shall be deemed to be Type I actions in the Village of Head-of-the-Harbor:
The subdivision of land.
Any project or action which involves the physical alteration of land in any manner to affect natural drainageways or drainage patterns as indicated on the village drainage maps filed at the Village Office.
Any project or construction likely to generate more than 10 vehicle trips per hour or more than 25 vehicle trips in any eight-hour period.
Any project, construction, development or action to be directly located in or adjacent within 300 feet of tidal wetlands, freshwater wetlands, floodplains, designated scenic areas, farmlands, steep-slope areas, watershed areas, beach, bluff and dune areas, significant coastal fish and wildlife habitats or any areas designated by the Board of Trustees as critical environmental areas, all of which locations are indicated on the inventory of resources maps filed at the Village Office.
Any planned unit development.
Any special use permits.
Any expansions of roads or construction of new roads.
Any alteration of, addition to or demolition of any historic structure listed in the Inventory of Historic Structures of the Village of Head-of-the-Harbor or located in an historic district.
Any development, project or facility likely to have an impact upon any historic or prehistoric district, building, structure or site, as listed in the inventory filed at the Village Office.
Any development, project or permanent nonagricultural use of agricultural lands for which a permit is required.
Any construction in erodible soils (e.g., Carver), as indicated in the Suffolk County soil maps on file at the Village Office.
Any removal from site of sand, gravel or earth materials.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection M, including the removal from a site of more than 10% of its existing trees as a Type I action, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 12-16-2009 by L.L. No. 7-2009.
Actions which are found by the responsible agency to be Type II actions are deemed to be environmentally acceptable. For purposes of this Part 2, Type II actions are limited to those listed in NYCRR 617.13.