[Adopted 9-14-1964 (Ch. 83, Art. I of the 1971 Code)[1]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also provided for the renumbering of former § 348-15 as § 348-15.1.
[Added 8-16-2016]
Whenever this article, and/or this chapter, refer to or use the terms "City park property" and/or "public park or playground under the control of the City of Middletown" and/or "City parks," the same shall be deemed to include the following:
Academy Avenue Park (46-58 Academy Avenue, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 40, Block 3, Lot 1).
Beattie Hill Park, 100-102 Prospect Avenue, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 36, Block 5, Lot 28).
Ben & Paula Amchir Park (2-12 Birch Drive, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 53, Block 5, Lot 1).
Bennett Hill Park (105-117 East Avenue, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 40, Block 8, Lot 1).
Fancher-Davidge Park (158-170 Lake Avenue, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 14, Block 1, Lot 1).
John F. Degnan Square (29-37 West Main Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 31, Block 10, Lot 17.2).
[Amended 9-21-2021]
Jerome W. Neil Park (118-120 Linden Avenue and 282-290 North Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 16, Block 7, Lot 12.1).
Jerry's Park (44-46 North Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 31, Block 8, Lot 7).
Katherine Chappell Memorial Park (57-63 Beacon Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 11, Block 6, Lot 77).
Maple Hill Park (California Avenue, West Main Street and Maple Avenue, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 28, Block 14, Lot 1).
116 North Street Park (116 North Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 25, Block 9, Lot 11).
Run For Downtown Park (R4DT Park) (9-15 North Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 31, Block 7, Lot 19.2).
Sproat Street Park (28-36 Sproat Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 17, Block 5, Lot 1).
Thrall Park (21-41 Grove Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 26, Block 4, Lot 1).
Wallace Park (76-82 North Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 31, Block 8, Lot 2).
Watts Memorial Park (5-15 Wisner Avenue and 100-142 Watkins Avenue, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 4, Block 3, Lot 10).
Erie Way Park (including the City's skatepark) (1-31 Union Street, shown on the Tax Map of the City of Middletown as Section 31, Block 12, Lot 12.122).
[Added 9-5-2017]
[Amended 5-10-1982; 3-13-1989; 5-3-1994; 8-16-2016; 9-5-2017]
The presence of any person, except on official government business, in any public park or playground under the control of the City of Middletown (other than the skatepark contained in Erie Way Park) between the hours of sunset and 6:00 a.m., is prohibited, except for activities and events scheduled by the Superintendent of Recreation or the City of Middletown Office of Economic and Community Development, in cooperation with the City of Middletown Business Improvement District, as may be described elsewhere in this chapter. The presence of any person, except on official government business, in the skatepark contained in Erie Way Park between the hours of sunset and 8:00 a.m., is prohibited, except for activities and events scheduled by the Superintendent of Recreation or the City of Middletown Office of Economic and Community Development, in cooperation with the City of Middletown Business Improvement District, as may be described elsewhere in this chapter.
Notwithstanding the foregoing Subsection A, any person is allowed to use the following parks between the hours of sunset and 6:00 a.m. as a walking path to proceed immediately to another destination such as a car, office, business or residence: John F. Degnan Square; 116 North Street Park; Jerry's Park; Run For Downtown Park (R4DT Park); Wallace Park; and Erie Way Park (but not the City's skatepark).
[Amended 9-21-2021]
[Amended 3-8-1999]
Any person violating any provisions of this article shall be guilty of an offense within the meaning of the Penal Law of the State of New York and shall be subject to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 and/or up to 15 days in jail, and each day on which such violation occurs or continues shall constitute a separate offense.