The following rules and regulations and schedule of rates shall apply in all cases where consumption of water is metered.
[Amended 8-9-1976; 8-13-1979]
Usage of water shall be metered for the following: manufacturing industries; bakeries; baitfish tanks; car-washing establishments; coal yards; dry-cleaning establishments; garages which do car washing; commercial greenhouses; hotels; ice machines; laundries; lawn sprinklers, pipe systems (see § 466-9); all residences; and water-cooled refrigerators. In addition to the foregoing, the Commissioner of Public Works shall have the authority to require the use of a water meter on any premises when he deems it advisable.
[Amended 12-28-1987]
All expenses of water meters, their settings, connections, repairing, all water rents and all other lawful charges for City water supplied through a water meter shall become a lien upon the real estate where such water is supplied. All water meters one inch or less shall be maintained and repaired by the Water Department of the City of Middletown. A one-time charge to the builder, plumbing contractor or property owner will be made according to the following schedule:
One-inch water meter and connections: $100.
Three-fourths-inch water meter and connections: $75.
One-half-inch water meter and connections: $75.
The following rules concerning payments for metered water service shall apply in all cues where water meters have been installed.
Bills for metered water shall be rendered three times each year for four-month periods beginning July 1, 1979. Collections for metered water shall be made during the months of December, April and August and will be chargeable against the premises where the water is used. All bills are payable when presented, and if not paid within 30 days thereafter, a five-percent penalty will be added; if not paid within 60 days an additional 5% will be added. Thereafter the water will be shut off, and a permit to turn it back on will not be issued until all water rents, penalties and other charges have been fully paid. In the event water service has been turned off by the Water Department for any reason, it shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property involved to secure the services of a licensed plumber to turn the water on again and to make a report in writing to the Water Department that the water has been so turned on.
[Amended 9-26-1955; 2-26-1979]
If requested in writing by the owner, bills will be rendered to the agent or tenant, but any delinquency in payments or any charges made under these rules shall become a lien upon the real property where the water is used, payable by the owner of the property.
Partial payments will be credited against the account of the property until all arrears and penalties have been fully paid. The Water Department will not accept payments for current water rents until all arrears have been paid.
All bills for metered water will be rendered on or about each June 1, September 1, December 1 and March 1 hereafter. When the consumption of water shall be in excess of 100,000 cubic feet per month, or when large users require billings over monthly periods, bills shall be so rendered at the discretion of the Water Department. In such cases the rates listed elsewhere in this chapter shall apply, and credit shall be given, if applicable, for the total quantity of water supplied during the regular three-month period at the time of issuance of the last monthly bill falling within each regular scheduled quarterly period.
[Amended 2-28-1966; 12-26-1967; 2-22-1971; 2-26-1973; 4-14-1975; 3-22-1976; 8-13-1979; 3-31-1981; 6-8-1981; 12-14-1981; 2-28-1983; 12-11-1989; 10-5-2010; 12-7-2010]
The rates shall be set annually during the budget process and approved by the Common Council.