[Adopted 4-22-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
This article shall be known as the "Personnel Authorized Payroll Deductions."
As used in this article, the following terms shall mean:
Certain deductions as authorized by the Town's personnel for insurance premiums, annuities and other types of Town-approved deductions.
Those persons employed by the Town of Salina.
The purposes of this article are to enable the Town to make payroll deductions as requested by its personnel for insurance premiums, annuities and other types of deductions which the Town Board may hereafter and from time to time approve and to remit such deductions to the respective insurance company, agent, broker and/or other named administrator of any plan.
Authorized payroll deductions shall be made by the Town at no charge to its personnel.
Exceptions shall be as follows:
Persons retained or hired by the Town as independent contractors.
Persons retained or hired by the Town to provide professional services to the Town.