There is hereby established in the Town of Wilton a Building Department for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders applicable to the location, design, materials, construction, alteration, repair, equipment, maintenance, use, occupancy, removal and demolition of buildings and structures and their appurtenances located in the Town of Wilton. The words "building regulations" shall mean all such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders.
The Building Inspector and such deputies or administrative assistants as the Town Board may deem necessary shall be appointed by the Town Board at a compensation to be fixed by the Town Board.
State law. The Building Inspector shall have all the powers given to him under Article 18 of the Executive Law and § 138 of the Town Law and building regulations as are now existing or hereafter amended.
Notices, orders, permits and certificates. The Building Inspector shall issue all notices, orders, permits and certificates necessary or appropriate in order to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
Right of entry. The Building Inspector shall have the power to enter upon and examine any premises as may be necessary to assure compliance with this chapter and the laws, ordinances, regulations and orders enumerated herein.
Application of permits and certificates. Any building permit, certificate or other document issued by the Building Inspector may relate to one or more of the matters which may be subject to his jurisdiction.
Other employees. The Town Board may appoint or employ such other persons as it may deem necessary to assure enforcement of this chapter.
Inspection and reports. The architect or professional engineer whose seal and signature appear on the drawings for buildings or structures other than one- or two-family dwellings, or his designated representative, shall be responsible for making periodic visits to the construction site to familiarize himself with the progress and quality of the construction and to determine, in general, if the construction is proceeding in accord with the drawings, specifications and addenda thereto which have been reviewed by the Building Inspector. He shall file reports with the Building Inspector at regular intervals indicating the times of such visits, the status of the construction and of any defects or discrepancies between the actual construction and the approved drawings and specifications affecting structural, fire, health or safety which he may observe. He shall advise the Building Inspector when such discrepancies have been corrected.
Limitation on duties. The architect or engineer shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the construction. He shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the construction, nor shall he be responsible for the contractor's failure to carry out the construction in accord with the approved drawings and specifications.