Number of units
Fee Amount
| |
1 to 5
$130 per living unit
| |
6 to 50
$120 per living unit
| |
51 or more
$100 per living unit or a minimum of $6,000
Number of units
Fee Amount
| |
1 to 5
$40 per living unit
| |
6 to 50
$35 per living unit
| |
51 or more
$30 per living unit or a minimum of $1,750
(building footprint per floor)
(square feet)
| |
0 to 4,999
| |
5,000 to 9,999
| |
10,000 to 29,999
$0.06 per square foot
| |
30,000 to 99,999
$0.04 per square foot or a minimum of $1,800
| |
100,000 and over
$0.03 per square foot or a minimum of $4,000
(building footprint per floor)
(square feet)
Fee Amount
| |
0 to 4,999
| |
5,000 to 29,999
$0.25 per square foot or a minimum of $1,400
| |
30,000 and over
$0.10 per square foot or a minimum of $7,500
(building footprint per floor)
(square feet)
Review Fee
| |
0 to 4,999
| |
5,000 to 29,999
$0.08 per square foot
| |
30,000 and over
$0.04 per square foot or a minimum of $2,400
Summary of Mitigation Fees
| ||
Land Use
Mitigation Fees
| |
Residential (single-family)
$524 per unit
| |
Residential (apartments)
$330 per unit
| |
Residential (condominiums/townhouses)
$300 per unit
| |
Senior living
$197 per unit
| |
Assisted-living facilities
$110 per bedroom
| |
$343 per room
| |
$0.50 per square foot
| |
$0.78 per square foot
| |
$1.30 per square foot
| |
$0.86 per square foot
| |
Self-storage units
$0.14 per square foot