[Adopted 3-8-2005 by Ord. No. 2-05; amended 12-28-2010 by Ord. No. 16-10]
The statutory fee schedule shall apply to routine requests under the Open Public Records Act. The fees of N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5 are hereby incorporated herein as such fee schedule presently exists or as such fees might appear in future modifications or amendments of the statute. At present time, fees under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5 for routine copies of municipal documents are:
Letter-size pages or smaller: $0.05 per page.
Legal-size page or larger: $0.07 per page.
If actual costs to produce the paper copy exceeds the rates of $0.05 and/or $0.07 , the actual costs of duplication will be charged.
Actual postage for any documents sent by mail.
Actual costs for the envelope for any documents sent by mail.
Photographs will be photocopied at the actual cost. If requests are made for supplicate photographs, the actual cost of making the photographs shall be charged.
Duplication of videotapes, computer discs, CD-ROMs and/or DVDs will be charged the actual costs to provide this record.
Any document that has to be retrieved from the off-site record archive facility will be charged the actual costs to retrieve this document.