[Adopted 5-26-1975 as Sec. 2-9 of the 1975 Code]
There shall be a Tax Assessor of the Borough who shall:
Have, perform and discharge all the functions, powers and duties prescribed by law for a municipal assessor.
Make assessments for benefits for local improvement and for that purpose have and exercise the powers and duties of a Board of Assessment for local improvement as provided by law.
Maintain adequate assessment records of each separate parcel of real property assessed or exempted.
Maintain a current Tax Map of the Borough as a public record and cause to be recorded thereon all changes in ownership or character of the real property assessed, employing for that purpose the facilities of other departments as provided by the Code.
Report to the Council as to equalization proceedings and other matters involving the County Tax Board and make recommendations as to action to be taken in that regard.
On and after July 1, 1971, no person may be an Assessor unless he holds a Tax Assessor certificate. This requirement shall not apply to anyone who has served in office continuously from July 1, 1967. A person reelected to office, after receiving a Tax Assessor certificate, and thereafter serving in office for four consecutive years, and a person who received a Tax Assessor certificate on or before June 30, 1969, while actually in office, and having prior to June 30, 1969, served in office for four consecutive years, shall be entitled to tenure pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.31.