[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Paulsboro 1-13-1914 by Ord. No. 22. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It will not be lawful for any person or persons to obstruct any street or highway of the Borough of Paulsboro in moving any buildings without first obtaining a permit from the Borough Clerk as hereinafter provided.
Editor's Note: For information pertaining to state permits, see Ch. 18, Building Code, § 18-16.
Any person or persons, before moving any building on any street or highway in the Borough of Paulsboro, shall make application, stating the time for which they desire a permit and naming the street or streets on which the building is to be moved, to the Borough Clerk, for such permit, and shall file a bond in the sum of $200, with at least one surety, being a freeholder of the said Borough, indemnifying the said Borough in case suit should be brought by any person for any damage they might sustain by said building obstructing any of the streets or highways of the Borough of Paulsboro. Upon such application being made and the conditions complied with as aforesaid, the Borough Clerk shall issue the permit upon the payment to said Clerk by the applicant of the sum of $1; provided, however, that every building or buildings to be moved in the said Borough as aforesaid shall be moved at least 10 feet per day, and in no ease shall building be left standing in front of any fireplug for more than two hours at any time.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 18, Building Code, § 18-25.
The Borough Clerk shall keep a book for issuing all permits, and each permit shall be numbered, dated, contain the name of the person to whom issued and the number of days for which said permit is granted. All money collected for such permits shall be paid over to the Borough Treasurer.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 18, Building Code, § 18-19B(4).
Any person or persons moving a building on any street or highway without first obtaining a permit and complying with the conditions as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay the sum of $10 for each and every day the said street or streets may be obstructed. Any person or persons who in moving any building shall obstruct the street or highway for a longer period than that named in the permit shall forfeit and pay the sum of $3 per day.
[Added 11-14-1916 by Ord. No. 35]
It shall be unlawful to move or place any building or parts thereof on the streets or public highways of the Borough of Paulsboro which shall be of such a width as not to allow at all times a free passageway along the side thereof on said street or highway of a width of 10 feet.
[Added 11-14-1916 by Ord. No. 35; amended 10-9-2023 by Ord. No. 12.23]
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay the sum not exceeding $100 for each such offense per day or any fraction thereof that said building or part thereof may remain on said prohibited portion of the street or highway.