The final site plan shall be submitted to the Construction Official for forwarding to the Planning Board for final approval either combined with the submission of the preliminary site plan or within three years from the date of preliminary approval. The Construction Official shall immediately notify the Secretary of the Planning Board upon receipt of the final site plan.
Twelve copies of the application and accompanying plot plans, maps, engineering and architectural drawings and other documents as required by this chapter or any rules of the Planning Board shall be submitted to the Construction Official at least 14 days prior to the date of a monthly work session of the Planning Board. Unless the preliminary site plan is approved without changes, the final site plan shall incorporate all changes or modifications required by the Planning Board.
Performance and maintenance guaranties as required in Articles VIII and IX herein shall be submitted before approval of the final site plan. Appropriate deeds for road widening and drainage easements shall be submitted before the building permit is issued.
The Construction Official shall review for completeness the final site plan application as submitted and accept or reject the submission as a complete application for final site plan approval within 45 days of such submission. If the application is incomplete, the application shall be returned to the applicant, and the Construction Official shall state the reason for the rejection.
The Planning Board shall act to approve or disapprove the final site plan in accordance with the time limits set forth in § 350-7 of this chapter, following the date at which it has been certified that the application submitted is complete.
A public hearing shall not be required, except if any substantial amendments in the layout of improvements proposed by the applicant have been the subject of a previous hearing. In such case the plan shall again be subject to the procedure required for preliminary site plan applications.
If the Board approves the final site plan, a notation to that effect shall be made on the site plan and shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board and the Board Secretary.
Upon the final approval of the site plan, copies of the final site plan shall be filed by the Planning Board with the following officials:
Borough Clerk.
Borough Engineer.
Borough Planner.
Borough Attorney.
Construction Official.
Other municipal, county or state officials as directed by the Planning Board.
After the Planning Board approves a site plan at a public meeting of the Planning Board, such approval shall have the following effect:
All improvements illustrated and stated on the final site plan shall be installed in accordance with the plans.
Performance and maintenance bonds may be required and shall be released subject to approval by the Borough Engineer and the Borough Council.
All standard minimum design criteria required by this chapter shall be provided, whether or not they were specifically enumerated in the site plan approval, and whether or not the plan approved indicated the standard minimum design criteria specifically.
No changes shall be made with respect to any of the construction and implementation of all improvements shown on the site plan or required by ordinance, or required by the terms and conditions of any variance granted.
The site plan approval shall expire two years after the same was issued if no site plan construction was performed during said period.
Certificates of occupancy, permanent and temporary, shall be subject to the following:
No building or site developed after the effective date of this chapter shall be given a certificate of occupancy unless and until all improvements required by the site plan approval and this chapter and the terms and conditions of any variance granted with regard to all construction items have been completed or performance and maintenance guaranties filed in the manner required.
A temporary certificate of occupancy with a definite termination date may be issued by the Construction Official with a limit for site work up to 120 days in the winter months and 60 days in the summer months. A temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued only when the building complies with all applicable codes; and when access driveway and parking facilities are substantially completed, as determined by the Borough Engineer. Performance and maintenance guaranty requirements will still apply, as specified in Articles VIII and IX herein. The building may be used until the termination date set forth in such temporary certificate of occupancy unless such date is extended or permanent certificate of occupancy granted.
No building or site shall be used or occupied without a certificate of occupancy.
No building or site shall be used after the termination date of any temporary certificate of occupancy unless a permanent certificate of occupancy has been granted. Penalties for violation of this provision shall be as specified in § 350-50 herein.
The terms and conditions of any site plan approval granted and the requirements of this chapter shall be deemed conditions for the continued existence of any certificate of occupancy issued. Any unapproved change from the approved site plan shall be a violation of this chapter and a violation of the terms and conditions of the site plan approval. Such unauthorized change shall terminate the certificate of occupancy issued. Each day of violation shall be a separate violation of this chapter.
No person shall use any building or site for any use other than the use applied for in connection with a site plan application. Each site plan approval shall state the use or uses approved and, where more than one use is involved, the location and square-foot areas of each use specified.
Prior to the issuance of a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall file a certification by a licensed professional engineer or architect that all necessary work required under the site plan approval and all necessary construction shown on the approved site plan has been completed in accordance with the plan approved, including all conditions of the site plan approval, all minimum design criteria required by ordinance and all construction work shown on the plan approved.
If any such construction work was not so completed, or was changed, the certification shall so state, and indicate each and every change, and as to each of such changes, in such case, the applicant shall file as-built plans showing each and every change superimposed on a copy of the site plan approved so that the differences may be easily seen.
In the event that there are changes not previously approved by the Planning Board, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the work has been completed in accordance with a site plan resolution of the Planning Board. The Planning Board may amend its site plan approval to approve the change or may refuse to do so.