There is hereby created and established within the Borough of
River Edge an organization known as Senior Citizens of River Edge
("SCORE"), which is established for the fellowship, recreation, sponsoring
and scheduling of educational and social programs for the senior citizen
population within the Borough of River Edge.
[Amended 5-18-2015 by Ord. No. 1834]
In order to join SCORE, eligibility shall consist only of River
Edge residents who are a minimum of 60 years of age. Residents of
Bergen County who are a minimum of 60 years of age may participate
in SCORE related activities upon the payment of an activity fee that
shall be annually fixed by SCORE.
[Amended 5-18-2015 by Ord. No. 1834]
Members of SCORE shall elect from its membership a President,
Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. A member must be a River
Edge resident to hold elected office. Only River Edge members in good
standing shall participate in the election of officers.
The membership shall adopt bylaws that establish a code of conduct,
rules and regulations for its meetings, operations and election of
officers. At the organization meeting, the membership shall adopt
bylaws. The bylaws shall not be inconsistent with the terms and provisions
of this chapter, which shall be subject to the approval of the Borough
Council. Copies of any duly adopted and approved bylaws shall be filed
with the Borough Clerk.
The Council shall appoint annually two members of the council
to serve as a liaison to SCORE. The liaison shall report regularly
to the Mayor and Council as a whole the activities and recommendations
of SCORE. The council liaisons shall not be a voting member of SCORE
unless they are a member of SCORE.
The Mayor and Council shall annually fix, determine and appropriate
a sum sufficient for expenses of SCORE.