The applicant shall submit the following documents to the Construction Official of the Borough of River Edge in order to apply for site plan approval, together with such other documents as may thereafter be required by the Planning Board.
An application for preliminary site plan approval shall include the documents required in §§ 350-19, 350-20 and 350-21 herein.
An application for final site plan approval, if filed separately, shall include the documents previously submitted for preliminary site plan approval, fully modified to reflect the decisions and requirements of the Planning Board. The application for final site plan approval, whether separate or combined, shall include all additional documents and requirements as described in §§ 350-22 and 350-23.
All applications for site plan approval shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer or architect.
The applicant shall submit 12 copies of an application for site plan approval which shall include the information and data required below:
Site plans, which shall be drawn at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 50 feet, and not larger than one inch equals 10 feet. The scale used shall be shown on each page of the drawing.
Each lot and block number of the property as shown on the current tax assessment map of the Borough of River Edge.
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
The name, address and telephone number of any authorized representatives of applicant in connection with the application.
The name, address and telephone number of the current owner of the property if the applicant is not the owner. If the owner is a corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary shall be included.
A description of the current use(s) of the property.
Complete and full details of the proposed use(s) of the site.
A statement as to whether the owner or applicant owns contiguous property and, if so, the lot or lots and block numbers of such property.
A general description of buildings to be erected or altered, including dimensions of building and total number of square feet of gross floor area, by use, for each floor and the total.
Reference to any existing covenants, deed restrictions, easements or exceptions that are in effect or are intended to cover all or any of the site. A copy of such covenants, deed restrictions, easements or exceptions shall be submitted with the application. If there are no known covenants, deed restrictions, easements or exceptions affecting the site, a notation to that effect shall be indicated in the application.
Reference to soil permits, including a statement as to requirement or waiver. If a soil permit is required, a copy of the granting of the permit shall accompany the application.
Reference to demolition of existing on-site buildings or structures. If existing buildings or structures are to be demolished, the structures to be removed shall be so indicated on the site plan. The applicant shall provide a video of all sewer laterals on the property following demolition which shall be a condition of the issuance of any building permits.
[Amended 11-19-2007 by Ord. No. 1590; 12-17-2007 by Ord. No. 1595]
References to required variances necessary to use the site as proposed.
Reference to the zoning district in which the site is located.
The distance between the nearest part of the lot to the nearest residential zoning district.
The proposed maximum height of any structure or building proposed on the site as measured according to Borough ordinances.
The total number of square feet of building coverage of the lot, and the percentage of building coverage of the total lot area.
If the proposed use of the property requires a conditional use, a copy of the application shall accompany the site plan application.
Reference to the number of parking spaces required for the proposed use(s) by ordinance and the number of parking spaces proposed as part of the site plan.
The total number of square feet of planted areas shown on the plan and the percentage of the site devoted to planted areas. These calculations should be done with and without buffer areas.
Reference to Bergen County site plan approval. If county site plan approval is required, a copy of documents and communications so stating shall accompany the application.
Reference to abutting and contiguous streams. If the site abuts or is contiguous to a stream and such stream is to be altered or modified, all plans relating to such alteration or modification shall accompany the site plan. If such alteration or modification requires approval from the State of New Jersey, a copy of the application and approval shall accompany the site plan application.
Certification from the Tax Collector's office as to whether all real estate taxes on the property have been paid up-to-date.
Such other information and data as may be required by the Planning Board in order to determine that the details of the site plan are in accordance with Borough ordinances.
The application and site plan shall be dated, signed by the applicant, and the filing date shall be stamped on the application and site plan on the day that it is received by the Construction Official, together with the required site plans and site plan fee. Until all of these have been received, the submission shall not be considered to be complete.
Key map. A key map showing the location of the site with reference to the surrounding areas and existing street intersections within 1,500 feet of the boundaries of the proposed development site.
Zoning compliance. A table showing the zone in which the property is located, and the zoning requirements, identified by section, compared to the proposed plan for the following:
Required maximum height allowed by Chapter 416, Zoning — maximum height of proposed buildings and structures.
Required width of lot by Chapter 416, Zoning — width of lot of subject property.
Required frontage of lot by Chapter 416, Zoning — frontage of lot of subject property.
Required minimum lot area by Chapter 416, Zoning — area of lot of subject property.
Allowed maximum percentage of lot covered by building and improved areas by Chapter 416, Zoning — total percentage of lot covered by proposed buildings and improved areas of subject property.
Maximum coverage of lot by building in square feet by Chapter 416, Zoning — coverage of lot by proposed building in square feet on subject property.
Minimum front yard required by Chapter 416, Zoning — proposed front yard area on subject property.
Minimum width of any side yard in feet required by Chapter 416, Zoning — width of side yards proposed on subject property.
Planted areas, inclusive and exclusive of buffer areas, in percentage and square feet required by Chapter 416, Zoning — proposed total area of planted areas, inclusive and exclusive of buffer areas, in square feet and percentage on subject property.
Total buffer area in percentage and square feet as required by Chapter 416, Zoning — proposed total area of buffer area in square feet and percentage on subject property.
Minimum rear yard required by Chapter 416, Zoning — rear yard proposed on subject property.
Number of parking spaces required by Chapter 416, Zoning — number of parking spaces provided on subject property, and how calculated.
Revision notations. A complete and accurate description of any and all revisions of the site plan as required by the Planning Board or made by the applicant, including the following information:
The date of preparation of the original filed site plan.
The date of each subsequent revision of the plan or any page thereof, with a summary of all the changes made in connection with each revision. Such summary shall also indicate whether the revision or revisions made change the information in the zoning compliance requirements in Subsection B.
Lot layout. A complete and accurate description and illustrations of the proposed lot layout, including but not limited to the following information:
The location, direction and dimensions of existing and proposed property lines, building setback lines, setback lines, buildings, structures, parking areas, aisles, driveways, fire lanes, planted areas and buffer areas.
All existing and proposed streets or roads within or abutting the proposed site with the right-of-way widths clearly indicated, together with a statement indicating whether any additional road width is offered for dedication for road purposes.
The location, size and type of all existing and proposed right-of-way easements and other encumbrances which may affect the site, and the location and graphic illustration of any lands to be dedicated to the municipality, county or state.
The location of any other underground utility and the easements to accommodate such utility requirements shall be presented and illustrated on the site plan.
Topography. A complete and accurate description and presentation of the existing and proposed site topography, including the following information:
Existing and proposed contours, referred to in United States Coast and Geodetic Survey data or the New Jersey Geodetic Control Survey Datum, with a contour interval of one foot for slopes of 3% or less, an interval of two feet for slopes of more than 3% but less than 10% and an interval of five feet for slopes of 10% or more. Existing contours are to be indicated by dashed lines, and proposed contours are to be indicated by solid lines.
Existing and proposed contours, as described in Subsection E(1), for a distance of 30 feet around the perimeter of the subject property.
Drainage and utilities. A complete and accurate description and presentation of the storm drainage and public utility plans of the site, including but not limited to the following:
Calculation of the sanitary flow for each point of connection to the municipal sewerage system, including discharge rates and velocities.
Runoff calculations for stormwater discharged to the municipal storm sewerage system, drainage ditch or stream shall be submitted along with the rate and velocity at the point of discharge and the reservoir and routing calculations.
The location, distance from nearest manhole, size, slope, inverts and nature of all stormwater facilities, including construction details of manholes, catch basins, inlets, storage areas, Dutch drains, dry wells, recharge basins or any other method of stormwater control approved by the Municipal Engineer. If recharge basins or dry well, etc., are utilized, percolation tests of the site are to be performed by the applicant and certification of the test is to accompany the site plan along with the results and locations of the test and any other information essential to the test such as depth to bedrock, soil characteristics, etc.
The location, size and type of utilities within adjacent streets, including water mains, sewer, electric power lines, streetlighting, fire hydrants, gas lines, valves and water meters, catch basins, conduits, etc.
The boundaries of all areas that flood on or within 50 feet of the site during or after a fifty-year design storm.
Landscaping. A comprehensive and accurate landscape plan, prepared by a landscape architect, architect or professional engineer presenting and illustrating all planted areas and buffer areas, including but not limited to the following:
The name of the preparer of the plan, his address, telephone number and license number. The scale of the plan shall be indicated as well as the name of the applicant and authorized agent.
The position of any proposed building, driveway, parking areas, planted area and planted buffer area so that an evaluation can be made for a proper layout of the site consistent with the criteria set forth.
Existing and proposed topography at two-foot contour intervals.
The location, dimensions and configuration of all required planted areas and all required buffer areas, and the location, size and species of plants and trees and ground covers to be installed.
The location of any existing trees or groups of trees on the lot that are in excess of six inches in diameter, one foot above the base and the species or type of tree. A statement of what trees, if any, are proposed to be removed, or will have to be removed by reason of changes of grade, or for any other reason, in order to construct the proposed project.
The total number of square feet of any planted area and the total number of square feet of any required buffer area.
The width of each planted buffer area.
The number of square feet on the lot and the percentage of square feet devoted to required planted areas and required buffer areas.
A certification (seal and signature) by the preparer of the plan that the dimensions of the area of the lot, the planted areas and the planted buffer area, if required, are correct.
Lighting. A comprehensive and accurate lighting plan, including the proposed location, direction of illumination, power and times of proposed outdoor lighting in conformance with applicable standards of the Borough, including type of standards to be employed, radius of light and intensity in footcandles.
Floor plans and elevations, including but not limited to the following:
Floor plans and elevation drawings with overall dimensions.
Description of exterior building materials.
Cross sections and specifications. A comprehensive and accurate description and illustration shall be submitted and shall contain cross sections of the following proposed construction on and off the site, together with dimensions and specifications for such work:
Paving of parking areas and aisles.
Any and all sanitary sewer work.
Storm drains, catch basins, detention basins and any and all other drainage facilities.
Retaining walls and fences.
Street specifications for street paving, or a statement that specifications maintained by the Borough Engineer are to be followed.
A soil erosion and sediment control plan prepared by a licensed New Jersey professional engineer in accordance with specifications of the Bergen County Soil Conservation District shall be submitted for sites where over 5,000 square feet of ground will be disturbed. The Planning Board shall not give unconditional approval to the site plan until receipt of Soil Conservation District certification. Any fees or expense involved in the review by the District shall be the applicant's responsibility. Upon receipt of a report from the Bergen County Soil Conservation District, the Planning Board shall require incorporation of soil erosion and sediment control measures as it deems appropriate as a condition of approval of the site plan.
The developer shall submit, prior to final approval of the site plan by the Planning Board, the cost estimates, construction time schedules and performance and maintenance bonds for any improvements, both on-site and off-site, as required under Articles VII, VIII and IX herein.