Editor's Note: The title of this article was changed to "Conditional Uses, Overlay Zones and Planned Residential Developments" from "Conditional Uses; Planned Residential Developments" 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 20-10.
Essential services shall be governed by the following regulations:
Enclosed or permanent structures providing public utility services, including the following uses, electric substations, transformers, switches and auxiliary distribution equipment, water pumping and distribution stations and similar stations and equipment, located in any of the residential zoning districts shall be subject to the following regulations:
The location, design and operation of such facilities may not adversely affect the character of the surrounding residential neighborhood.
Adequate fences and other safety devices and precautions shall be provided and shall be buffered and landscaped in accordance with § 416-29 herein.
Open, unenclosed uses shall be limited to the erection, construction, alteration or maintenance, by public utilities or municipal, state or other governmental agencies, of underground or overhead electrical, gas, water transmission or distribution systems or collection, communication, supply or disposal systems. Such systems may include poles, wires, mains, conduits, drains, sewers, pipes, cables, alarms, signals, hydrants and other similar equipment and auxiliary supplies in connection therewith reasonably necessary for the delivery and supply of adequate services by such public utilities and governmental agencies. No buildings are permitted.
Articles XI and XII herein shall apply.
Planned residential developments shall be governed by the following regulations:
In planned residential developments, no building or structure shall be erected and no existing building or structure shall be reconstructed, moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land or building be designed, used or intended to be used for any purpose other than as follows:
Single-family detached dwelling.
Public and private educational facilities.
Churches and other places of worship.
Essential services.
Municipal buildings, parks, playgrounds, firehouses and other public uses and buildings.
In areas of the Planned Residential Development Zoning District which do not qualify as planned residential developments or do not elect to proceed as planned residential developments, all of the requirements and regulations of the R-1 Single-Family Residential Zoning District shall apply.
No tract or tracts, lot or lots or parcel or parcels shall be developed as a planned residential development unless it shall contain a minimum of three acres of adjoining and contiguous land and shall contain sufficient access to an approved and improved street. For purposes of this acreage calculation, internal streets, roads and rights-of-way shall not be deemed to divide acreage of a planned residential development.
Submissions for review.
An applicant for development in the Planned Residential Development Zoning District shall submit required plans and documents to the approving authority for review and approval as required by the Borough of River Edge Site Plan Review Ordinance.[1] The approving authority shall distribute the documents to the agencies required by law to review and/or approve the proposed development as well as any Borough agencies, authorities or committees which are concerned with the land use and growth management of the Borough.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 350, Site Plan Review.
In addition to the documents submitted for review and approval as required in the River Edge Site Plan Review Ordinance, the applicant shall also submit a housing plan presenting the type, sale and rental schedule for all dwelling units. Such a housing plan shall include but not be limited to the following information:
The number of units to be sold and/or rented.
Sale prices and rental schedules.
Proposed phasing and anticipated build out of sales.
Square footage and mix of all dwelling units.
Other information as required by the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment or Borough Housing Authority.
A planned residential development shall provide and maintain a buffer zone no less than five feet wide from all external lot lines of the planned residential development, except for that portion which fronts upon an existing street or roadway. Such buffer zone shall be kept in its natural state, where wooded; and when natural vegetation is sparse or nonexistent, the planned residential development may be required to provide a year-round visual screen of plantings as determined by the Planning Board.
All buildings and structures shall be set back no less than 15 feet from any external street right-of-way line within a planned residential development.
Area, yard and bulk requirements shall be in accordance with the Schedule of Area, Yard and Bulk Requirements for Planned Residential Developments included herein.
No building or structure shall have a height greater than two and one-half (2 1/2) stories or 35 feet in a planned residential development.
Attached dwellings shall not exceed four dwelling units in one building. Building line and elevations shall be staggered to eliminate straight wall effect. The maximum continuous length of any building shall not exceed 120 feet.
The minimum distance between any two buildings shall not be less than the average height above finished grade of the higher of two opposing walls, but shall in no case be less than 20 feet.
Each planned residential development shall contain a minimum of 15% of its total land area in planned residential open space.
Any open space required in a planned residential development may include common recreation areas for residential uses and required buffer areas for computation purposes as well as other permitted open space functions as defined herein.
All property owners and tenants shall have the right to use the open space areas of the planned residential development.
All open space areas deeded to an open space organization, trust or private organization shall be owned and maintained as provided for in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43.
In any planned residential development, off-street parking and loading areas and facilities shall be in accordance with Article IX herein, and the Borough Site Plan Review Ordinance.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 350, Site Plan Review.
The right-of-way and pavement widths of all internal streets, roads and vehicle-traveled ways shall be determined based upon sound engineering and planning principles and specifications and standards in conformity with the estimated needs of the planned residential development and the anticipated traffic to be generated. They shall be adequate in size, location and design to accommodate the maximum traffic, parking and loading requirements as well as police and fire-fighting equipment.
All streets and roads, either dedicated public streets or privately owned and maintained, or any combination thereof, shall be subject to all Borough ordinances as well as Bergen County and State of New Jersey specifications governing and regulating construction of streets and roads.
If so specified by the Planning Board, a planned residential development shall provide a system of continuous paved walkways not less than 4.5 feet in width linking primary residential dwelling entrances to off-site roads.
All utility improvements, including storm drainage systems, sanitary sewage collection systems and disposal and water supply systems shall be in accordance with specifications and standards and procedures established by all Borough ordinances and county and state regulations and guidelines. All utility improvements shall be subject to review and approval by the Borough Engineer and the Borough Board of Health Inspector as well as appropriate county and state agencies. Electric, gas and telephone service shall be provided by the developer of any planned residential development in accordance with the appropriate public utilities providing such services. Said services shall be provided as part of an underground system.
Monuments, street names and other traffic control devices, shade trees, streetlights, sidewalks, curbs, fire hydrants and all aspects of the street construction as well as other improvements shall be subject to Borough ordinances and regulations and inspection and approval by the Borough Engineer.
Any planned residential development shall adhere to the design standards and guidelines established in the Borough Site Plan Review Ordinance[3] as well as all county, state and federal environmental criteria and guidelines.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 350, Site Plan Review.
The applicant for a planned residential development shall be required to submit a comprehensive development plan for the entire area so zoned and under the applicant's control. This plan shall be submitted in accordance with the Site Plan Review Ordinance,[4] Zoning Ordinance and other applicable Borough, county and state regulations. The comprehensive development plan shall be submitted as part of the preliminary site plan application.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 350, Site Plan Review.
Each planned residential development containing or proposed to contain 24 dwelling units or more shall be developed in stages as follows:
The first stage shall be limited to 33% of the total number of dwelling units authorized by the approving authority. The developer shall obtain all approvals for the first stage, including preliminary subdivision, final subdivision, preliminary site plan and final site plan approvals. The second stage of the development may be submitted two months after the date upon which final site plan approval shall have been approved. All subsequent stages shall likewise have a waiting period of no less than two months from the time of approval granted by the approving authority of the preceding stage.
The approving authority shall have the right to increase the waiting period indefinitely. Should the approving authority based upon the criteria listed in Subsection T(3)(a) through (d) determine that an increased waiting period shall be necessary, the authority shall deny the application for approval of that stage and make appropriate findings as to the reason for increased delay. The developer may request permission to proceed with the second or subsequent stages without submission of all plans and formal application. If such a request is made, the approving authority shall grant or deny the request within 45 days.
In the deliberation of the proposed sequence of stages, the approving authority shall be guided by the following criteria:
That adequate protection will be provided to ensure the proper disposition of each stage through the use of maintenance and performance guaranties, covenants and other formal agreements.
That each stage is substantially self-functioning with regard to parking and loading areas, utilities and infrastructure support systems, open space and similar development programs for the safe and proper functioning of the development.
That each stage shall be able to support occupants and all necessary operations and maintenance for the proper and timely completion of the development.
That each stage is properly related to every other stage of the development and to the adjacent land uses and the community.
A plat submitted for final approval shall be required to be in total compliance with the Borough Zoning Ordinance and to be in substantial compliance with the comprehensive development plan submitted as part of the preliminary plan granted by the approving authority. Any plat which is not in compliance with the comprehensive development plan submitted at preliminary approval for the entire site shall require an amendment to the preliminary approval, including new public hearings.
[Added 9-8-2009 by Ord. No. 1659; amended 12-19-2011 by Ord. No. 1746; 3-16-2015 by Ord. No. 1817]
Procedure. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-l et seq., the Planning Board may grant conditional uses as herein permitted. Application for a conditional use site plan shall be made in accordance with procedures set forth in the Municipal Land Use Law and Chapter 350 of The Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of River Edge, and the Planning Board shall act on the application in accordance with said procedures. In reviewing an application for any conditional use as herein provided, the Planning Board may impose such conditions and safeguards as it deems appropriate with respect to, among other matters, the minimizing of traffic congestion by appropriate arrangements of entrances and exits to assure public safety. The requirements for conditional uses shall take precedence over any regulations for the zone in which said use is located and all other regulations are area and bulk standards, not conditional use standards.
Multifamily residential dwellings shall be a permitted conditional use in Block 1005, Lots 6.01 through 12, and Block 1302, Lots 1, 2 and 3, provided that the proposed use complies with the conditions set forth in Subsection C contained herein and upon issuance of an authorization therefor from the appropriate approving authority.
Multifamily residential dwellings shall be permitted as a conditional use in accordance with the following conditions:
Any multifamily dwelling proposed under this section shall include ten-percent senior-citizen occupancy, which means that occupancy of 10% of the units must be by families or individuals, one or more of whom is a minimum of 55 years of age. In addition to occupancy by at least one senior citizen, no individual younger than 19 years of age shall be permitted to permanently reside in any such unit.
A multifamily dwelling must have a minimum lot area of 80,000 square feet.
The maximum permitted density for a multifamily residential dwelling shall be one dwelling unit for each 1,175 square feet of property.
In addition to the conditional use requirements of this district, all proposals shall comply with the following area and bulk regulations and design standards:
Bulk regulations.
Minimum lot frontage along a county or municipal road: 250 feet.
Minimum front yard/county roads:
For buildings: 40 feet.
For canopies and/or porte-cocheres: 20 feet.
Minimum setbacks from side lot lines shall be 20 feet, and 60 feet maximum for both side yards.
Maximum building coverage: 33% of total site area.
Maximum total impervious coverage: 80% of total site area.
Building requirements.
Maximum building length along a county road: not to exceed 80% of frontage width.
Extensions into the required setbacks from buildings to streets and external lines shall be permitted only as follows:
By eaves with an overhang of not more than two feet.
By rainwater leaders, windowsills, chimneys and other such fixtures.
By bay windows not more than 12 feet wide and for a depth not to exceed two feet.
Maximum building height:
Fronting on a county road: four stories and no more than 45 feet above grade at the front foundation line. In addition, a decorative parapet or other architectural elements can be used, provided that they do not exceed an additional five feet above the roofline and do not occupy more than 20% of the total width of the facade.
Inside development: no more than an average of 65 feet above grade along the rear foundation line as measured at the rear facade of the building. In addition, a decorative parapet or other architectural elements can be used provided they do not exceed an additional five feet above the roofline.
Building facades. The front and side facades of the building shall be designed to meet the following requirements:
Each facade should be designed to have a delineated floor line between street level and upper floors. This delineation can be in the form of a masonry belt course, a concrete lintel or a cornice line.
Each facade facing must have elements of vertical articulation comprised of columns, piers, recessed windows or entry designs, overhangs, ornamental projection of the molding, different exterior materials or wall colors, or recessed portions of the main surface of the wall itself.
The vertical articulations shall be a maximum of 30 feet apart and a minimum of one foot in depth.
The top of the structure, within the first 50 feet of the site shall be capped by a cornice or sloping roof element.
Common open space implementation requirements.
A minimum of 20% of the development shall be active or passive common open space.
Buffer areas, wetlands and easements shall be eligible for inclusion in the open space calculation required by this section.
Active open space may be improved with facilities, buildings and structures for indoor and outdoor recreational activities consistent with the residential character of the development and the lifestyle needs of the residents therein.
All active open space shall be connected to residential areas with walkways or other reasonable means of access.
Passive open space shall be that portion of the property which is unimproved and is for the use or enjoyment of the occupants of the residence.
Off-street parking.
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit in accordance with New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards, and may include garages, parking decks under residential buildings and surface parking lots. The Planning Board shall approve the location of proposed off-street parking spaces in accordance with Chapter 350 of the Borough Code.
Parking shall not be permitted in the front yard.
Circulation. All public streets, internal roadways and private driveways shall be in accordance with the rules of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards.
The approving authority shall have the power to require buffer zones of at least six feet of landscaping. Buffer zone requirements contained in § 416-59B of the Borough Code, except as they govern width, are hereby made applicable. The approving authority shall also be guided by § 350-32 of the Borough Code with regard to landscaping design criteria.
Retaining walls shall be permitted in the buffer area provided they are tiered in height every six feet and landscaping is provided between the tiers.
Excluded and excepted from the buffer requirements are municipal easements.
Development subject to applicable Borough ordinances. Any development in the zone district shall be subject to all applicable ordinances of the Borough of River Edge. Where there is any conflict between the provisions of this section and the provisions of the Site Plan Ordinance and/or the Land Subdivision Ordinance,[1] the provisions of this section shall prevail.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 350, Site Plan Review, and Ch. 366, Subdivision of Land.
Signs. One sign shall be permitted at the site entrance identifying the development. The sign may have a maximum of two faces, neither face shall exceed 25 square feet.
Low- and moderate-income housing requirement. A development complying with this ordinance shall be required to assist the municipality in addressing affordable housing obligations in accordance with the following standards.
Any development pursuant to this ordinance shall provide a presumptive ten-percent set-aside of affordable units on site or equal to the number of such units as may be determinable under COAH regulations for inclusionary development at the time of approval by the approving authority. These units shall be used to satisfy the set-aside requirements of Subsection C(1) of this ordinance.
[Added 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 20-10]
The purpose of the AH-1 New Bridge Road Affordable Housing Overlay Zone is to create a realistic opportunity for the construction of low- and moderate-income housing in a suitable location of the Borough of River Edge, and address a portion of the Borough's fair share affordable housing obligation in accordance with the Fair Housing Act (FHA), applicable Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) regulations, Settlement Agreement entered into between the Borough and Fair Share Housing Center on June 24, 2019, the Borough's Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and any applicable order of the Court, including a Judgement of Compliance and Repose Order. Developers shall have the option of developing in accordance with the underlying zone standards.
In addition, it is the intent and purpose of the AH-1 Zone to achieve the following:
Minimize impacts to the local school district by encouraging a greater proportion of studio and one-bedroom dwelling units, except as required for the bedroom distribution of affordable housing units in accordance with the applicable affordable housing regulations.
Promote quality site and building design that recognizes the AH-1 Overlay Zone as a gateway to the community and is harmonious with the New Bridge Landing Historical Site located across New Bridge Road.
Principal uses. The following principal uses shall be permitted in the AH-1 Overlay Zone:
Inclusionary multifamily development.
Mixed-use development consisting of principal uses permitted in the C-1 Zone located on the ground level and inclusionary multifamily development only above the first floor.
C-1 Zone principal permitted uses in accordance with Attachment 416b, Zoning District Use Regulations.
Accessory uses. The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the AH-1 Overlay Zone:
Private indoor recreation and community rooms and facilities to be used exclusively by the residents of the development.
Private indoor recreation.
Leasing/management office exclusively for the residential component of the development.
Roof-mounted solar panels and equipment. Ground-mounted solar panels shall be prohibited.
Green roofs.
Rooftop amenities to be used exclusively by the residents of the development.
Electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment.
Fences and walls.
Trash and recycling facilities.
Accessory uses customarily incidental to multifamily development.
Accessary uses customarily incidental to uses permitted in the C-1 Zone when such uses are proposed.
Affordable housing requirements.
All development constructed in accordance with the AH-1 Zone standards shall be required to provide a minimum affordable housing set-aside of 20%, regardless of whether units are for sale or for rent. When calculating the required number of affordable units, any computation resulting in a fraction of a unit shall be rounded upwards to the next whole number.
All affordable units to be produced pursuant to this section shall comply with Chapter 50, Affordable Housing Regulations, of the Borough Code, as may be amended and supplemented, the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (UHAC) (N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq.) or any successor regulation, the Borough's Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, as may be amended from time to time, and any applicable order of the Court, including a Judgment of Compliance and Repose Order. These requirements include, but are not limited to the following:
Low/moderate income split: A maximum of 50% of the affordable units shall be moderate-income units and a minimum of 50% of the affordable units shall be low-income units. At least 13% of all restricted rental units shall be very-low-income units, which shall be counted as part of the required number of low-income units within the development.
Bedroom distribution: The following bedroom mix shall apply to affordable units:
The combined number of efficiency and one-bedroom units shall be no greater than 20% of the total low- and moderate-income units;
At least 30% of all low- and moderate-income units shall be two-bedroom units;
At least 20% of all low- and moderate-income units shall be three-bedroom units; and
The remaining units may be allocated among two- and three-bedroom units at the discretion of the developer.
Deed restriction period: All affordable units shall be deed restricted for a period of at least 30 years from the date of the initial occupancy of each affordable unit (the "deed-restriction period"). The affordability controls shall expire only after they are properly released by the Borough and/or the Borough's administrative agent at the Borough's sole option in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.11 for rental units or N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.5 regulating for-sale units.
Administrative agent: All affordable units shall be administered by a qualified administrative agent paid for by the developer, which may or may not be the Borough's administrative agent.
Other affordable housing unit requirements: Developers shall also comply with all of the other requirements of Chapter 50, Affordable Housing Regulations, of the Borough code including, but not limited to, provisions for (1) affirmative marketing requirements; (2) candidate qualification and screening requirements; (3) integrating the affordable units amongst the market-rate units; and (4) unit phasing requirements. In any case where more than one principal building is developed, the affordable units shall be dispersed between all of the buildings on site. The exact locations and dimensions for each affordable unit shall be specified at the time of site plan application.
Area and bulk requirements. The area and bulk requirements for development built in accordance with the AH-1 Overlay Zone standards are set forth below. All other development shall comply with the underlying zone's area and bulk regulations, which shall remain in full force and effect.
Minimum tract area: two acres.
Maximum density: 20 units per acre.
Minimum dwelling unit size: 700 square feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 30 feet.
Front yard setbacks shall be measured from any road widening easements
Minimum side yard setback (each): 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet.
NOTE: In the AH-1 Overlay Zone, for purposes of calculating the rear yard setback, including corner lots, the rear lot line shall be determined as the lot line opposite and parallel to New Bridge Road, which is also directly adjacent to the N.J. Transit rail corridor. All other lot lines not directly fronting a public right-of-way shall be considered side lot lines.
Maximum building coverage: 40%.
Maximum improved lot coverage: 85%.
Maximum building height: four stories/45 feet.
Appurtenances attached to the principal building including, but not limited to, antennas, chimneys, bulkheads, mechanical equipment, penthouses (not for human occupancy) and similar type features shall not exceed 12 feet in height and shall not occupy more than 15% of the total roof area. Pergolas for rooftop amenity spaces shall not exceed 10 feet in height. All roof mounted appurtenances shall have a minimum ten-foot setback from the parapet. Flat roofs shall have parapets of not less than 42 inches and not more than 48 inches or as may otherwise be required.
Landscape buffers:
Minimum side landscape buffer: 15 feet.
Minimum rear landscape buffer: 10 feet.
Landscape buffers shall minimally consist of a six-foot-high solid fence or wall, year-round screening consisting of a mix of evergreen and deciduous shrubs, and ornamental and/or shade trees planted at regular intervals not to exceed 50 feet on center. Landscape buffers may be interrupted where driveway access is provided between Lots 4 and 5, pedestrian access is provided along the northerly boundary of Lot 3 and for any proposed or required easements.
Design requirements.
When developed as a mixed-use project, residential units shall only be permitted above the ground floor, except that ground floor areas used for access to such uses shall be permitted.
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Residential Site Improvement Standards for multifamily uses and § 350-25 of the Borough Code for nonresidential uses.
Parking shall be prohibited in the front yard(s), except when retail or service uses permitted in the C-1 Zone are incorporated in the development.
Surface parking outside of the principal building footprint shall have year-round screening with landscaping of minimally three feet in height where visible from the public right-of-way.
Parking areas within the principal building footprint shall have screening and architectural treatment consistent with the front building facade on all sides.
Loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with § 350-26 of the Borough Code.
Building design.
Buildings with expansive blank walls are prohibited.
Side and rear building elevations shall receive architectural treatments comparable to front building facades.
Each facade shall be designed to have a delineated floor line between the street level and upper floors.
Each building facade facing a public right-of-way shall have elements of vertical articulation no greater than 50 feet apart minimally one foot deep. Such features may project a maximum of 18 inches into any required yard setback having a width not to exceed 10 feet.
Balconies above the first floor are encouraged and may extend a maximum of four feet into any required yard setback.
Flat roof area not occupied by appurtenances or amenity space shall be constructed as a "cool roof”" with solar reflectivity of 50% or greater as certified by the Cool Roof Rating Council.
Fire escapes are prohibited on front building facades, except where required by the Borough Fire Official.
Primary building entrances for multifamily and commercial uses, when applicable, shall be oriented facing a public right-of-way. Rear entrances may also be provided.
Awnings and canopies are encouraged at the ground floor level.
Trash and recycling.
Trash and recycling shall be stored in a designated location within the principal building or enclosed accessory structure. Dumpster enclosures shall be prohibited in front yards and shall be screened with minimally six-foot-high solid fencing and/or walls with materials and colors that are consistent with the principal building.
All roof-mounted equipment such as HVAC, air conditioning and ventilation units shall be screened from public view.
Any ground-mounted equipment shall be enclosed with fencing and/or landscaping to provide year-round screening. All equipment shall be prohibited in the front yard except as may be required by a utility.
Landscaping and streetscape.
Foundation plantings and landscape beds shall be installed around the principal building.
Shade trees shall be installed at regular intervals in the front yard with a maximum spacing of 50 feet on center to function as "street trees."
A landscape plan shall be provided including a mix of ornamental, shade and/or evergreen trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses, perennials and annuals.
Native and deer-resistant plant species are encouraged where appropriate.
Streetscape improvements including paving, lighting and tree installation shall be provided in accordance with Borough standards at the discretion of the Borough Engineer.
Site lighting shall be provided in accordance with § 350-28 and all other applicable sections of the Borough Code.
Lighting shall include shielding to minimize glare from surrounding residential uses and public rights-of-way.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Article X, Signs and Signage, of Chapter 416, Zoning.
The existing drainage easement on Lot 3 shall be maintained.
Development shall adhere to any existing or required road widening easements.
A minimum ten-foot-wide public access easement shall be provided along the entire side lot line shared between Block 1303 Lots 1 and 3 providing access to the adjacent Bergen-County-owned property.
[Added 3-24-2024 by Ord. No. 24-4]
To permit one Class 5 cannabis retail establishment to operate within the Borough of River Edge, through the mechanism known as overlay zoning.
To establish appropriate controls for cannabis establishments so as to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the Borough of River Edge while promoting the growth of the commercial tax base by expanding into new and emerging markets.
Effect on underlying zoning.
As an overlay zone, the Cannabis Overlay Zone (COZ) does not replace the existing or "underlying" zone designation.
Any person or entity that wishes to use or develop upon a property within the COZ shall have the option to use or develop the property in accordance with the regulations of either the COZ or the underlying zone.
Unless specifically stated to the contrary in this subsection, all "bulk" requirements for the underlying zone shall remain in effect.
Cannabis Zoning Overlay Map. As identified in the Cannabis Overlay Zone Map, which is attached hereto and made part of this Ordinance as an exhibit,[1] identifies the overlay zone along Route 4 East.
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant or its seeds, except those containing resin extracted from the plant, which are cultivated and, when applicable, manufactured in accordance with P.L. 2016, c. 16 for use in cannabis products as set forth in this act, but shall not include the weight of any other ingredient combined with cannabis to prepare topical or oral administrations, food, drink, or other product. "Cannabis" does not include: medical cannabis dispensed to registered qualifying patients pursuant to the "Jake Honig Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act," P.L. 2009, c. 307 (N.J.S.A. 24:6I-1 et al.) and P.L. 2015, c. 158 (N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.22 et al.); marijuana as defined in N.J.S.A. 2C:35-2 and applied to any offense set forth in chapters 35, 35A, and 36 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, or P.L. 2001, c. 114 (N.J.S.A. 2C:35B-1 et seq.), or marijuana as defined in section 2 of P.L. 1970, c. 226 (N.J.S.A. 24:21-2) and applied to any offense set forth in the "New Jersey Controlled Dangerous Substances Act," P.L. 1970, c. 226 (N.J.S.A. 24:21-1 et al.); or hemp or a hemp product cultivated, handled, processed, transported, or sold pursuant to the "New Jersey Hemp Farming Act," P.L. 2019, c. 238 (N.J.S.A. 4:28-6 et al.).
Any licensed person or entity that grows, cultivates, or produces cannabis in this state, and sells, and may transport, this cannabis to other cannabis cultivators, or usable cannabis to cannabis manufacturers, cannabis wholesalers, or cannabis retailers, but not to consumers.
Any licensed person or entity that provides courier services for consumer purchases of cannabis items and related supplies fulfilled by a cannabis retailer in order to make deliveries of the cannabis items and related supplies to that consumer, and which services include the ability of a consumer to purchase the cannabis items directly through the cannabis delivery service, which after presenting the purchase order to the cannabis retailer for fulfillment, is delivered to that consumer.
Any licensed person or entity that transports cannabis in bulk intrastate from one licensed cannabis cultivator to another licensed cannabis cultivator, or transports cannabis items in bulk intrastate from any one class of licensed cannabis establishment to another class of licensed cannabis establishment, and may engage in the temporary storage of cannabis or cannabis items as necessary to carry out transportation activities.
A cannabis cultivator, a cannabis manufacturer, a cannabis wholesaler, or a cannabis retailer.
Any usable cannabis, cannabis product, cannabis extract, and any other cannabis resin. "Cannabis Item" does not include: Any form of medical cannabis dispensed to registered qualifying patients pursuant to the "Jake Honig Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Act," P.L. 2009, c. 307 (N.J.S.A. 24:6i-1 et seq.) and P.L. 2015, c. 158 (N.J.S.A. 18a:40-12.22 et seq.); or hemp or hemp product cultivated, handled processed, transported, or sold pursuant to the "New Jersey Hemp Farming Act," P.L. 2019, c. 238 (N.J.S.A. 4:28-6 et seq.).
The leaf of the plant Cannabis sativa L. within the plant family cannabaceae.
Any licensed person or entity that processes cannabis items in this state by purchasing or otherwise obtaining usable cannabis, manufacturing, preparing, and packaging cannabis items, and selling, and optionally transporting, these items to other cannabis manufacturers, cannabis wholesalers, or cannabis retailers, but not to consumers.
The drying, processing, compounding, or conversion of usable cannabis into cannabis products or cannabis resins. "Manufacture" with respect to cannabis does not include packaging or labeling.
The overlay zone whereby the approved classes of cannabis establishments are permitted to operate.
The official Borough map establishing the Cannabis Overlay Zone.
Any equipment, products, or materials of any kind which are used, intended for use, or designed for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, composting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, vaporizing, or containing cannabis, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing a cannabis item into the human body. "Cannabis Paraphernalia" does not include drug paraphernalia as defined in N.J.S. 2C:36-1 and which is used or intended for use to commit a violation of Chapter 35 or 362 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes.
A product containing usable cannabis, cannabis extract, or any other cannabis resin and other ingredients intended for human consumption or use, including product intended to be applied to the skin or hair, edible cannabis products, ointments, and tinctures. "Cannabis Product" does not include 1) usable cannabis by itself; 2) cannabis extract by itself; or 3) any other cannabis resin by itself.
Any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains usable cannabis from cannabis cultivators and cannabis items from cannabis manufacturers or cannabis wholesalers, and sells these to consumers from a retail store, and may use a cannabis delivery service or a certified cannabis handler for the off-premises delivery of cannabis items and related supplies to consumers. A cannabis retailer shall also accept consumer purchases to be fulfilled from its retail store that are presented by a cannabis delivery service which will be delivered by the cannabis delivery service to that consumer.
Any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains, stores, sells or otherwise transfers, and may transport, cannabis items for the purpose of resale or other transfer to either another cannabis wholesaler or to a cannabis retailer, but not to consumers.
The dried leaves and flowers of the female plant Cannabis sativa L., and does not include seedlings, seeds, stems, stalks, or roots of the plant.
Cannabis Overlay Zone; conditional use.
The conditions set forth in Subsection 2 below apply to all cannabis establishments located in the Cannabis Overlay Zone (COZ). All other permitted uses located within the COZ shall follow the underlying zoning regulations.
Those cannabis establishments possessing a Class 5 adult use cannabis retail state license issued pursuant to Section 31b of the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act (P.L. 2021, c. 16), may operate with the COZ as established in the Cannabis Overlay Map. All cannabis licenses not specifically permitted to operate in the COZ are strictly prohibited from operating anywhere else in the Borough.
The operator of the Class 5 adult use cannabis retail establishment shall have first obtained a resolution of local support issued by the governing body;
A cannabis establishment shall be subject to licensing requirements established in Chapter 268;
All cannabis establishments shall undergo site plan review by the Borough's Land Use Board unless the property has received prior approval by the Borough's Land Use Board approving the same cannabis establishment license to operate at the proposed location;
The cannabis establishment shall have frontage on Route 4 East;
The cannabis establishment shall provide a security plan to be reviewed and approved by the Borough's Chief of Police;
For purposes of determining required parking, cannabis establishments shall have a parking requirement of one parking spaces per 250 square feet of net retail area plus one parking space for each employee;
Cannabis establishments operating in the COZ shall be permitted to conduct business during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday;
A cannabis establishment shall not be located within 1,000 feet of a pre-existing public or private preschools, grade school and high school. Early learning centers, day care centers, residential care homes, colleges, and vocational/trade centers shall not be classified as a school for purposes of this section. The distance shall be measured as follows:
Distances shall be measured in a straight line from the center of the entrance of the cannabis establishment to the closest point of the school's property line.
If the entrance of the cannabis establishment is set back from the sidewalk by a walkway or doorway, the measurement is taken from the center of the line where the walkway/doorway meets the sidewalk or curb.
For a cannabis establishment in a multi-story building, the building entrance at street level is to be used to guide the measurement.
Emergency/fire exits, maintenance access, and doors to gain access to nonpublic areas are not used in the measurement.
All activities associated with the cannabis establishment shall occur within the building. All cannabis shall be stored within a secure area not accessible to the public. There shall be no cannabis displayed in the retail floor area.
The cannabis establishment shall provide odor mitigation infrastructure that will eliminate odor, smoke, gas, or toxic materials so as not to be detected off-site;
Drive-through access shall be prohibited;
No cannabis paraphernalia shall be displayed or kept at the cannabis establishment so as to be visible from outside the premises;
No cannabis product shall be consumed on the premises of any cannabis establishment;
A cannabis establishment shall not be located in a residential home, apartment, townhouse, or condominium;
If located in a multitenant or mixed-use building, the cannabis establishment shall have a separate entrance where no part of the cannabis establishment shall be directly accessible from any common area within the building;
In addition to the signage requirements established for commercial uses in the underlying zone, cannabis establishments shall also be subject to the following signage requirements:
No sign shall be placed on the roof of a building nor placed on its wall so as to exceed the height of the roof of the building;
No internally illuminated signs shall be permitted;
No freestanding signs shall be permitted;
No more than two building-mounted signs per cannabis establishment are permitted on the site;
The cannabis establishment signage may not include a cannabis leaf or other image of cannabis paraphernalia or cannabis product and may not contain images that market to an underage demographic.
Except as modified herein, cannabis establishments shall follow the underlying zoning regulations.