Except as herein set forth, all purchases shall be charged and claims presented to the township upon a purchase order, the form for which shall be specified by the Committee and supplied by the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee. The purchase order shall be recorded and the copies thereof disposed of as provided by law and by resolution of the Committee.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
When any department head shall certify to the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee that he will have the need to, from time to time, make various small purchases exceeding the amount of exemption specified in Subsection C of this section, but which will not be violative of any provision of law, from a single supplier, he may request the issuance of a blanket purchase order to that supplier in an amount not to exceed $500, which purchase order may then be treated as provided in Subsection A of this section.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
The Committee may by resolution provide for exceptions to the purchase order requirement herein imposed in the following circumstances:
Any singular purchase below an amount specified therein.
In the case of petty cash accounts established by resolution in such departments as may be authorized by resolution.
As may be authorized by law or resolution of the Committee.
Payments to a Board of Education or another level of government.
Purchase order purchases.
Upon the obtaining of a purchase order or a blanket purchase order by any department head, the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee shall immediately debit the budget account of the department affected and reduce the budget allocation thereof by the amount of said purchase order. So debiting said account shall constitute certification of availability of funds for said purchase order.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
Upon the receipt of the item or items, or the service or services, specified in said purchase order or blanket purchase order, as the case may be, the department head shall certify to the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee that the items or services were received and shall forward the voucher part of the purchase order to the Clerk for transmission to the Committee.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
No purchase orders shall be presented for payment unless the same shall contain a detailed itemized statement of how the bill or demand is made up and including a certification by the claimant that it is correct.
Non-purchase-order purchases. For those purchases authorized to be made without purchase orders by this chapter, the following procedures shall appertain:
Any person claiming payment from the township shall first submit a detailed statement of the item or demand necessitating the claim to the department head, specifying particularly how the bill or demand is made up and including a certification of the party claiming payment that it is correct.
No bill, claim or demand shall be considered for payment unless presented with a voucher and unless the voucher contains a certification of the department head that the goods have been received by or the services rendered to the township.
The Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee is hereby designated the certifying and approval officer, who shall certify that there is legal authority for payment of the claim and that funds are available for such payment.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
No claim shall be submitted, nor purchase made which would cause an appropriation to be overexpanded, without authorization from the Committee, as provided by law.
All vouchers duly presented pursuant to this chapter shall be made available for inspection by the Committee as far in advance of the next regular meeting thereof as is practicable so as to allow review thereof by the Committee in advance of said meeting. All such vouchers shall be presented by the Clerk to the Committee for consideration at the regular meeting of the Committee next following presentation, subject to the provisions of this section.
No claim received by the Clerk and Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee later than 12:00 p.m. on the Friday next preceding a regular meeting of the Committee shall be presented until the following regular meeting, unless the same shall be from a Board of Education or level of government or the withholding of payment would subject the township to the payment of interest.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
Claims presented as provided in this article shall be considered by the Committee, which shall approve payment of the same or reject the same.
In the event that a claim is rejected, the Committee shall specify the reason therefor and shall refer the same to the Clerk with such instructions as the Committee shall give at the time of disapproval.
In the event that a claim is approved, each member of the Committee approving the same shall indicate his approval by signature on the voucher.
A majority of the whole number of Committee members shall be necessary to approve a claim. In the event a majority shall not approve the same, the claim shall be deemed rejected.
The Clerk shall record all claims in the minutes of the township or in an appropriate claims register, indicating that the Committee has by formal action approved or disapproved each claim. All records pertaining to claims or bills shall be available for public inspection.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
All vouchers which have been approved for payment by the Committee shall be delivered by the Clerk to the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee, who shall forthwith prepare the necessary checks or drafts for the payment thereof. All such checks or drafts shall be signed by the Mayor or, in his absence, the Deputy Mayor, and by the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee. The Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee shall indicate on each voucher the check or draft number issued in payment thereof and the date of payment. The Clerk shall thereafter forward the checks or drafts to the claimants.
Payroll claims.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
At each regular meeting of the Committee, the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee shall submit a voucher as provided in § 4-10B(3) detailing the amount necessary to satisfy all payroll claims for the preceding month. Such voucher shall be approved as provided in this article and a check drawn to the payroll account as established in § 4-17 of this chapter.
In case of error or adjustment in the payroll, the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee shall correct the same as soon as practicable.
Petty cash accounts.
Petty cash accounts may be established by the Committee for any department requesting the same, by resolution, in an amount not to exceed in the aggregate $250 at any one time.
In the event that a petty cash fund is created for any department, the same may be funded by submission of a voucher as provided by § 4-10B of this article. Upon approval of the voucher as provided by this article, the funds shall be administered by the department head.
To the extent possible, payments from petty cash shall be itemized, and such itemized expenditures shall be submitted to the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee as required.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]
Upon exhaustion of the petty cash fund in any department, said fund may be replenished as provided herein.
All petty cash accounts funded herein shall be charged against the administrative account appropriation of the department for which said account is funded.
If at the end of any calendar year there remains in any petty cash account an unexpended balance, the same shall be returned to the Chief Municipal Finance Officer or designee.
[Amended 9-15-1992 by Ord. No. 92-10]