[Adopted 1-3-1925 STM by Arts. 3 through 6; amended 4-8-1980 ATM by Art. 113, approved 3-6-1981]
[Amended 4-4-2011 ATM by Art. 67; approved 7-26-2011; 6-25-2020 ATM by Art. 70, approved 10-27-2020]
There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of nine members; all of whom shall be appointed by the Select Board at its first meeting, or some subsequent meeting, after the Annual Town Meeting in the year 1925, A.D., three for terms of one year, three for terms of two years and three for terms of three years, and, annually after the year 1925 A.D., the Select Board shall appoint at its first meeting, or some subsequent meeting, after the Annual Town Meeting, three members of such Finance Committee for terms of three years, and no member of the Finance Committee shall be an officer or employee of the Town or County or any other municipal entity. The Select Board shall fill any vacancy which may occur in the Finance Committee for the remainder of the term.
[Amended 4-3-1984 ATM by Art. 24, approved 8-24-1984]
The Finance Committee shall meet at such times and places in the Town of Nantucket during each year as shall be deemed necessary by it for the purpose of hearing any business which may properly be brought before it by the voters. Notice of such meeting shall be advertised in a medium of general circulation on Nantucket.
[Amended 6-25-2020 ATM by Art. 70, approved 10-27-2020]
The Finance Committee shall not be paid for its services but may incur such reasonable expense in the performance of its duties as the Select Board shall approve.
[Amended 4-3-1984 ATM by Art. 24, approved 8-24-1984]
The duties of the Finance Committee shall be to:
Thoroughly investigate all articles on the warrant of Annual and Special Town Meetings and to have its decision of recommendations or disapproval printed, after the article so investigated, on said warrant and said recommendations to appear in some medium of general circulation in Nantucket prior to the date of the Town Meeting at which such recommendations shall come before the Town.
[Amended 4-10-1989 ATM by Art. 82, approved 7-24-1989]
Investigate the expenditures of any moneys by the Town officials and notify the Select Board in writing as to whether or not, in its opinion, the expenditure is or was justified.
[Amended 6-25-2020 ATM by Art. 70, approved 10-27-2020]
Operate as the Capital Program Committee of the Town of Nantucket and have all rights and duties of such Committee at any time such Capital Program Committee fails or neglects to act. The Finance Committee recommendations on Town Meeting articles shall be sufficient for fulfilling the reporting requirements of §§ 11-9 and 11-11.
[Added 4-10-1989 ATM by Art. 82, approved 7-24-1989]
[Added 4-10-1989 ATM by Art. 82, approved 7-24-1989]
The Finance Committee is authorized to approve requests for extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures of Town departments, boards or commissions operating with an enterprise fund accounting system within the meaning of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. These expenditures are to be effectuated by transfers from the Town's reserve fund, provided that any such department, board or commission benefiting from such a transfer is to reimburse the amount so transferred to the Town's general fund in the next fiscal year.