[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen (now Select Board) 8-15-2007]
As used in these regulations, the following words shall have
the following meanings, unless a different meaning is clearly apparent
from the language or context:
A natural gas pipeline company, petroleum or petroleum products
pipeline company, public utility company, cable television company,
and municipal utility company or department that supplies gas, electricity,
telephone, communication or cable television services or private water
companies within the Town.
Such description shall include the name of the Town street,
way, or route number where appropriate, the name of the streets at
the nearest intersection to the excavation, the number of the buildings
closest to the excavation or any other description, including landmarks,
utility pole numbers or other information which will accurately define
the location of the excavation.
A condition in which the safety of the public is in imminent
danger, such as a threat to life or health or where immediate correction
is required to maintain or restore essential public utility service.
An operation for the purpose of movement or removal of earth,
rock or the materials in the ground, including, but not limited to,
digging, blasting, augering, backfilling, test boring, drilling, pile
driving, grading, plowing in, hammering, pulling in, jacking in, trenching,
tunneling and demolition of structures, excluding excavation by tools
manipulated only by human power for gardening purposes and use of
blasting for quarrying purposes.
Any entity including, but not limited to, a person, partnership,
joint venture, trust, corporation, association, public utility, company
or state or local government body which performs excavation operations.
To delineate the general scope of the excavation or boring
on the paved surface of the ground using white paint, or stakes or
other suitable white markings on nonpaved surfaces. No premarking
shall be acceptable if such marks can reasonably interfere with traffic
or pedestrian control or are misleading to the general public. Premarking
shall not be required of any continuous excavation that is over 500
feet in length.
The duly appointed head of the Public Works Department of
the Town of Nantucket, Massachusetts.
A zone designated on the surface by the use of standard color-coded
markings which contains the width of the facilities plus not more
than 18 inches on each side.
The duly elected members of the Select Board for the Town
of Nantucket, Massachusetts.
Red: electric power lines, cables, conduit or light cables.
Yellow: gas, oil, street petroleum, or other gaseous materials.
Orange: communications cables or conduit, alarm or signal lines.
Blue: water, irrigation and slurry lines.
Green: sewer and drain lines.
White: premark of proposed excavation.
A permit required by the Town of Nantucket for the opening
or cutting of any street, road, sidewalk or bicycle path of the Town
and County of Nantucket.
The underground plant damage prevention system as defined
in MGL c. 164, § 76D.
Cuts in bicycle paths are to be avoided. Boring beneath the bicycle path surface is to be used for the installation of all utilities whenever possible. If not possible, as may be determined by the DPW Director, or designee, the opening shall be corrected in the manner described in §
The DPW Director or designee may reject defective or inferior
materials, defective or poor workmanship and may suspend work until
such time as the excavator shall correct the situation in question,
the corrective work being subject to approval by the DPW Director
or designee.
Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to prevent such
excavations as may be necessary for the preservation of life or property;
or for the location of disruption in conduit or pipe; or for making
repairs, provided that the person making such excavation shall apply
to the Town for such a permit on the first working day after such
work is commenced. Before any excavation work is started, the person
or utility excavating must contact all agencies as identified herein.
If any provisions or any portion thereof contained in these
regulations is held to be unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable,
the remainder of the regulations or portions thereof shall be deemed
severable, and shall not be affected and shall remain in full force
and effect.
This regulation shall take effect September 1, 2007.