[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen (now Select Board) of the Town of Nantucket 7-1-2011; amended 5-1-2024, eff. 5-9-2024. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.[1]]
Traffic — See Ch. 375.
Editor's Note: The Select Board approved the codification of its regulations, as revised, 4-13-2022.
As used in these regulations, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A bicycle with three or more wheels which is designed to transport passengers on seats attached to the vehicle, which is operated by one person, which is powered solely by human power or by an electric pedal-assist motor with a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour, and which is used for transporting passengers for hire.
No person shall engage in the business of transporting persons for hire in a vehicle without first having obtained a license from the Nantucket Select Board (hereinafter "Board") authorizing him/her to engage in such business. The Select Board shall set the number of pedicab owner licenses available in any calendar year at will.
Pedicabs must be registered to a residential address in the Town of Nantucket.
The applicant must have already had the pedicab inspected by the Nantucket Police Department in advance of receiving a license each year and submit to the Board a form completed by the Police Department upon filing an application.
No pedicab license shall be issued by the Board until the applicant has presented proof of the vehicle's insurance, that the insurance policy covers no more than four passengers, including the driver, riding in the vehicle, and the applicant provides a certificate of vehicle insurance naming the Town as an additional insured.
An applicant shall set forth under oath all information that the Board may require, including, but not limited to:
The full name, address and phone number of the owner;
The name and address of all legal and registered owners of the pedicab;
A description of the pedicab, including trade name, if any, serial number, and body style; and
The physical address of pedicab storage.
When a pedicab owner changes his/her address or the place at which a pedicab owned by him/her is kept, the owner shall notify the Board within three days of such change.
All pedicabs shall have the business name and the business telephone number posted on rear of the cab in letters no less than three inches high and 1/2 inch wide. All lettering must be in the form of painted or self-adhesive contrasting lettering. (Magnetic or other removable signs are not permitted.)
Hours of operation shall not exceed the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. daily. Hours of operation for applicants less than 18 years of age will not extend past 10:00 p.m. daily.
Pedicab licenses shall be valid only during the calendar year for which they are issued.
A license issued for any pedicab is not transferable.
No placards, banners, or advertisements of any description will be permitted upon the outside of any pedicab without the approval of the Board.
All pedicab operators shall maintain a neat and clean pedicab while on duty.
The pedicab license fee shall be set from time to time by the Select Board.
The Nantucket Police Department, under the supervision of the Chief of Police, is hereby designated as the enforcement agency for these regulations and shall notify the Board of any violation thereof. Pedicab owners/operators shall comply with all regulations. Any violation of the Board's regulations or any state or local laws or bylaws may result in a suspension or revocation of the license.
Pedicab owners shall notify the Board when operators leave the company.
Owners/Operators shall be allowed to charge a fare for pedicab service; nothing in this section will prohibit operators from accepting voluntary payments or tips from passengers. The fare structure must be clearly displayed on all pedicabs.
No smoking is allowed in pedicabs at any time.
The operating company will provide a shift supervisor during the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and proof of radio contact upon request for juvenile-manned shifts.
Pedicab operator licenses are issued by the Nantucket Police Department and applications shall be filed with the Police Department, 4 Fairgrounds Road, Nantucket.
The applicant must be 18 years of age or older, or 16 years of age with written parental/guardian permission.
The applicant must have a valid state driver's license and/or internationally approved driver's license, and present a copy to the Board upon filing an application.
A certificate of physical fitness issued by a practicing physician shall be mandatory to accompany all new applications for a pedicab operator's license.
Pedicab operator's licenses shall be valid only during the calendar year for which issued.
When a pedicab operator changes his/her address, the operator shall notify the Board within three days of such change.
A neat and clean appearance is expected of all pedicab operators while on duty.
The pedicab operator fee shall be set from time to time by the Select Board.
Pedicab operators shall not, when otherwise available for hire, refuse to transport anyone requesting a ride except under the following circumstances:
The transportation requested is such that the operator may not legally accept such passenger.
The proposed passenger is disorderly, engaged in the commission of any crime, or is otherwise unfit to be transported as a passenger.
It shall be unlawful for any person:
To operate a pedicab while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances other than medication prescribed by a physician. No operator shall operate a pedicab within four hours of having consumed any alcoholic beverage.
To operate a pedicab in any manner that impedes or blocks the normal or reasonable movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic unless such operation is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.
To operate, or cause to be operated, any pedicab upon or along any route unless the Select Board first approves such route. The Board shall approve a map designating a Pedicab Service Area which shall apply to this requirement. The Board may alter the map as it deems necessary.[1]
Editor's Note: The Pedicab Service Area Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
To operate or cause to be operated at night a pedicab without using headlights and taillights.
There shall be no more than four passengers, including the operator, in a pedicab at any one time. Passengers being transported shall remain seated throughout the ride.
The Board may suspend or revoke any pedicab license or operator's license for failure to comply with these regulations, state law or local bylaw. The Board shall provide notice and an opportunity for a hearing to licensees prior to taking any such action. The Board may suspend or revoke any pedicab license or operator's license immediately at the Board's discretion for public safety reasons.