Whenever a water connection is provided for a property previously served by a well, the well shall be examined to determine whether it is polluted or will be a menace to health. Should such well be found to be polluted or a menace to health, it shall be abandoned and closed in a manner satisfactory to the Mayor and Council.
No well for household use shall be constructed on a property accessible to a public water main.
Whenever a sewer connection is provided for a property, all plumbing fixtures on the property shall be connected to the public sewer system and all cesspools, privies or other private means of sewage disposal on the property shall be abandoned and left in a sanitary condition and shall not be used thereafter for sewage disposal. All downspouts, ramps, surface and subsurface drains shall be disconnected satisfactorily to the Mayor and Council so that they shall not discharge into the public sewer.
No cesspool or privy shall be constructed on a property accessible to a public sewer. However, temporary privies for use on construction projects may be built subject to permission of the Mayor and Council.