The Town will maintain all water and sewer connections from the street main to the property line.
All pipes and appurtenances on private property shall be maintained by and at the expense of the property owner. The Town may do maintenance or repair work on private property, in which case the cost, including overhead expense, shall be paid by the property owner. Likewise, the cost of any work outside of the property line made necessary by the neglect or through the action of a property owner or tenant shall be charged to the property owner.
In the event of a complaint regarding a sewer stoppage, the Mayor will at once ascertain if the main-line sewer is clear, and if not, the stoppage will be relieved as quickly as possible.
If the main-line sewer is found to be clear, the complainant will be so informed, and he or she shall then, at his or her own expense, employ a master plumber to determine the location of the stoppage. If the plumber finds that the stoppage is located in the connection between the main and the property line, he or she shall then inform the Mayor. If upon investigation by the Town forces, the stoppage is found to be in connection under the Town jurisdiction, the condition will be corrected by the Town without cost to the owner of the premises.
However, if it is found that the stoppage is in the connection at the point of junction with the Town pipe or on private property, the plumber will be so informed and he or she shall relieve the stoppage at the complainant's expense. In addition, the plumber shall be billed for the expense incurred by the Town. This bill shall be paid promptly and failure to do so shall result in the taking of such legal action as is required.
It is to be understood that maintenance of the sewer from the building to and including the junction with the Town sewer connection outlet is entirely the owner's responsibility.
In the event of a complaint regarding a leak on a water building connection, the Town will at once determine if the leak is in the public way or at a meter set by the Town inside a building, in which case the leak will then be repaired. If it is found that the leak is not the Town responsibility, the owner will be so notified and it shall be his or her responsibility to have the leak repaired at once by a master plumber at the owner's expense.