[Adopted 5-19-1987 by Ord. No. 907]
The Mayor and Borough Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an additional participant agreement (the "agreement") with the Bergen County Cooperative Library System Computer Consortium, Inc., a copy of which is on file in the office of the Borough Clerk and available for inspection and is incorporated by reference as if set forth at length, in connection with the construction and installation of the central system and the use thereof by the Borough of Emerson.
The Borough of Emerson does hereby elect to pay its obligation under the advance payment plan.
There shall be appropriated annually in the budget sufficient funds to pay the proportionate share to be paid by the Borough of Emerson of the operation, maintenance and debt service expenses incurred in regard to the central system in accordance with the interlocal services agreement and the additional participant agreement.
The appropriate officials of the Borough of Emerson shall take all steps necessary to enable the Emerson Public Library to effectively utilize the central system to provide better library service to the residents of the Borough of Emerson.