No building shall hereafter be used, erected,
altered, converted, enlarged, added to, moved or reduced wholly or
in part, nor shall any land be designed, used or physically altered
for any purpose or in any manner except in conformity with this chapter.
Where a lot is formed from part of a lot already occupied by a building,
any subdivision shall be effected in such a manner as not to impair
any of the requirements of this chapter with respect to the existing
building and all yard and other open space in connection therewith
and so that all resulting lots have adequate dimensions consistent
with the requirements of the zoning district in which they are located
and so that all lots have frontage on a street.
[Amended by Ord. No. 82-2; Ord. No. 84-10A;
Ord. No. 2002-11; Ord. No. 2002-23]
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
(3) Public playgrounds, conservation areas, parks and
public purpose uses.
(5) Public schools of elementary and/or high school grade,
not operated for profit. Private schools and day-care centers shall
be permitted only as conditional uses.
(6) Golf courses, only as conditional uses.
(7) Residential clusters in accordance with the provisions specified in §
400-58 of this chapter.
(8) Campgrounds in those areas of the Township so designated on the Zoning Map as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
400-56 for standards).
(9) Funeral homes in the R-2 District only as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
400-56 for standards).
Lodges and clubs in the R-2 District only as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
400-56 for standards).
Hospitals in the R-2 District only as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
400-56 for standards).
Nursing homes in the R-2 District only as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
400-56 for standards).
Cemeteries as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
400-56 for standards).
(14) Affordable housing units in the R-2 District with public sewage facilities only, subject to §
400-92, Affordable housing growth share.
[Added 7-6-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-07]
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(1) Private residential swimming pools (see §
400-38 for standards).
(2) Private residential toolsheds not to exceed 15 feet
in height.
(3) Tennis courts and other usual recreational facilities.
(4) Off-street parking and private garages.
(8) Home occupations as conditional uses only.
C. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2.5 stories except that churches shall not exceed 55 feet in height and except further as provided in §
400-57B of this chapter. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the maximum height for single-family and duplex buildings shall be limited in height only to 35 feet regardless of the number of stories, as provided in §
400-8, Definitions.
[Amended 5-15-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-08]
D. Area and yard requirements.
Area and Yard Requirements Chart
With Individual Sewage Facilities
With Public Sewage Facilities
R-1 Detached Dwellings and R-2
Churches and Schools
Detached Dwellings in R-2 Districts
Principal Building
Lot area (acre)
Lot frontage (feet)
Lot width (feet)
Lot depth (feet)
Side yard (each)
Front yard (feet)
Rear yard (feet)
Gross floor area (square feet)
Accessory Building
Distance to side line (feet)
Distance to rear line (feet)
Distance to other building (feet)
Building coverage of principal building
Building coverage of accessory building(s)
and/or structures (percent)
E. Minimum off-street parking. Each individual use shall
provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions.
Where a permitted use of land includes different specific parking
requirements, the total number of required parking spaces shall be
obtained by individually computing the parking requirements for each
different activity and adding the resulting numbers together. The
minimum size shall be nine feet by 18 feet and the minimum surface
shall be clam shells, washed gravel or better. The spaces may be stacked
and the garage may be one of the spaces.
[Amended 3-16-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
(1) Dwelling units shall each provide two spaces per dwelling unit when
enlarging or erecting a building.
(2) Churches shall provide one space per every five permanent seats.
(One seat shall be considered 22 inches in calculating the capacity
of pews or benches.)
(3) Schools shall provide one space per employee for grades kindergarten
through eighth grades, 2 1/2 spaces per employee for grades nine
through 12, and in all cases sufficient space for school bus loading
and unloading.
(4) Home occupations shall provide not less than one space per 100 square
feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof devoted to the home occupation,
but the Planning Board may, at its own discretion, require additional
spaces. The Planning Board may also prohibit piggy-back parking.
[Amended by Ord. No. 81-23; Ord. No. 82-2;
Ord. No. 82-9; Ord. No. 83-31; Ord. No. 83-34; Ord. No. 92-11; Ord.
No. 92-17; Ord. No. 94-9; Ord. No. 96-15; Ord. No. 96-26; Ord. No.
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
(2) Two-family dwelling units.
(3) Garden apartments (in R-3 only) (see §
400-60 for additional standards).
(4) Townhouses (see §
400-61 for additional standards).
(6) Affordable housing units in the R-3 District with public sewage facilities only, subject to §
400-92, Affordable housing growth share.
[Added 7-6-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-07]
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(1) Private residential swimming pools (see §
400-38 for standards).
(3) Tennis courts and other usual recreation facilities.
(4) Private residential toolsheds not to exceed 15 feet
in height.
(5) Off-street parking and private garages.
C. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2.5 stories except as provided in §
400-57B of this chapter. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the maximum height for single-family and duplex buildings shall be limited in height only to 35 feet regardless of the number of stories, as provided in §
400-8, Definitions.
[Amended 5-15-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-08]
D. Area and yard requirements.
(1) Detached dwelling units (see chart below).
(2) Two-family dwelling units (see chart below).
Detached Dwelling Units Chart
[Amended 8-2-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-18]
R-3 With Sewers
R-3 Without Sewers
Principal Building
Lot area (square feet)
Lot frontage (feet)
Lot width (feet)
Lot depth (feet)
Side yard (each) (feet)
6 and 10
6 and 10
Front yard (feet)
Rear yard (feet)
Gross floor area (per unit)
Accessory Building
Distance to side line (feet)
Distance to rear line (feet)
Distance to other building (feet)
Principal Building
Building coverage of principal building (percent)
Building coverage of accessory building(s) and/or
structure(s) (percent)
aException: In the case of corner lots, specifically defined as "lot, corner," no principal building shall be allowed to encroach on the designated site triangle. See § 400-8, definition of "lot, corner," for diagram.
bNo individual side
yard setback less than four feet.
Two-Family Dwelling Units Chart
R-3 With Sewers
R-3 Without Sewers
Principal Building
Lot area (square feet)
Lot frontage (feet)
Lot width (feet)
Lot depth (feet)
Side yard (each) (feet)
6 and 10
Front yard (feet)
Rear yard (feet)
Gross floor area (per unit)
Accessory Building
Distance to side line (feet)
Distance to rear line (feet)
Distance to other building (feet)
Building coverage of principal building (percent)
Building coverage of accessory building(s) and/or
structure(s) (percent)
aException: In the case of corner lots, specifically defined as "lot, corner," no principal building shall be allowed to encroach on the designated site triangle. See § 400-8, definition of "lot, corner," for diagram.
bNo individual side
yard setback less than four feet.
(3) Garden apartments and townhouses.
The minimum tract size shall be 15 acres in
the R-3 District or 19,200 square feet in the R-4 District. A minimum
of 200 feet of frontage on one street shall be required. All plans
shall delineate the boundaries of the portion(s) of the tract devoted
to each use.
No development shall exceed six dwelling units
per acre in the R-3 District or 28 dwelling units in the R-4 District.
Minimum yard areas shall be measured horizontally in feet and shall be measured away from the front, side and rear of each building. The total minimum distance between buildings shall be the sum of the two abutting yard areas. [In R-4 Zone, refer to the requirements in §
400-15D(2) which supersedes this section.] The minimum yards shall be 40 feet for front yards, 25 feet for side yards and 40 feet for rear yards. No building, as measured radially from any corners, shall be closer to any other building corner than the combined distances of the yard requirements for each building. The combined distance of two yards shall exclude any driveway or vehicular access, such driveway or vehicular access width being in addition to the combined yard width. In addition, no building shall be located closer than 50 feet to the existing or proposed right-of-way line of any public street. [Except in the R-4 Zone which will be governed by the setback requirements contained in §
Building coverage shall not exceed 25% of the total tract area in the R-3 District or 45% of the total tract area in the R-4 District. [In R-4 Zone only, setback requirements shall be controlled exclusively by §
See §
400-59 for open space requirements for R-3 District. See §
C and
D for open space requirements for R-4 District.
E. Minimum off-street parking.
(1) Each dwelling unit, when enlarging or erecting a building,
shall provide two spaces per dwelling unit in the R-3 District on
lots with more than 50 feet of frontage; lots with 50 feet of frontage
or less shall provide one parking space per unit. One and one-half
parking spaces shall be required in the R-4 District. The spaces shall
be a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet with a minimum surface of clam
shells, washed gravel or better. The spaces may be stacked, and the
garage may be used as a parking space.
F. Permitted signs.
(1) Each development may have one sign along each street
which the tract in question abuts, provided there exists at least
200 feet of unbroken frontage. Such sign(s) shall not exceed 10 feet
in height, shall be set back from the street rights-of-way and driveways
at least 30 feet, shall be set back from any property line a minimum
of 50 feet, shall not exceed an area of 25 square feet and shall be
used only to display the development's name.
G. Townhouses. Townhouses may be constructed in the R-4
Zone according to the following provisions:
(1) A "townhouse" shall be defined as one dwelling unit
in a line of two connected dwelling units where each dwelling unit
is compatibly designed in relation to the other unit with a zero lot
line in the center of the lot.
[Amended by Ord. No. 82-2; Ord. No. 82-9;
Ord. No. 89-3; 8-15-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-15]
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
(1) R-6 and R-6/H Districts. Motels, hotels, and apartments (see §§
400-60 and
400-61 for additional standards, and public purpose uses).
(2) "Public utility use" as defined in §
400-8 of this chapter shall be considered a conditional use as defined under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 and §
400-56F of this chapter in the R-6 Multiple-Family Residential District and in the R-6/H Multiple-Family Residential and Hotel-Motel Resort Overlay District.
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(2) Tennis courts and other recreational facilities.
(3) Off-street parking and private garages.
(6) Stores and shops for the conduct of retail businesses,
personal service shops, including barbershops, beauty shops and the
like, professional offices, restaurants, bars and cocktail lounges,
banks, health, recreational and amusement facilities, theaters, bakery
shops, coin-operated vending machines, florist shops, exhibitions
and similar businesses, provided they are contained completely within
the confines of a hotel-motel principal building with no direct access
to the outside except for emergency exits, and provided, further,
that the gross floor area devoted to such uses does not total more
than 10% of the gross floor area of the entire principal building.
(7) Temporary seasonal beach uses such as beach umbrella
and beach supply sales, ice cream and food sales, lifeguard safety
sheds, storage sheds for beach chairs, floats, umbrellas, etc., and
beach umbrella, chair, raft and boogie board rentals.
C. Maximum building height.
(1) In the R-6 District, no building shall exceed 65 feet
in height (and six stories).
(2) In the R-6/H District, no building shall exceed 65
feet in height, except that hotel and motel buildings and apartment
buildings shall be no less than 65 feet in height but shall not exceed
150 feet in height, measured from the preconstruction grade. All buildings
in the R-6/H District shall be separated from either the beach, dune,
boardwalk or waterfront, whichever is further inland, by a distance
equal to two times the height of the structure.
[Amended 6-19-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-11; 3-19-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-06]
D. Area and yard requirements in the R-6 District and
the R-6/H District, unless otherwise noted.
(1) The minimum tract size shall be 25,600 square feet.
A minimum of 120 feet of frontage on one street shall be required.
(2) No development shall exceed 60 one-bedroom units or
40 two-bedroom units or 20 three-bedroom units per acre. Any combination
of one- , two- or three-bedroom units is permitted as long as
the density per acre permitted in the respective zones is not exceeded.
(3) The minimum setback requirements are as follows:
Side yard adjacent to lot line with residential
use: 25 feet.
(4) Building coverage shall not exceed 50%. However, the
combination of parking lot and building coverage is not to exceed
80% of the lot landward of the beach.
(5) In an effort to protect and conserve a view of the
ocean, no building east of Atlantic Avenue shall have a location,
orientation or dimension so as to obstruct the view of the ocean along
the lot line fronting the Atlantic Ocean beach, and no building east
of Atlantic Avenue shall take up more than 75% of the frontage of
the lot line fronting the Atlantic Ocean beach.
(6) A minimum of 5% of each lot landward of the beach
shall be landscaped and maintained as open space and every effort
being made to preserve natural dunes. Shrubs or fences shall, at or
near the outside perimeter of the lot, conform to all design standards
and requirements contained in this chapter.
(7) Each hotel or motel unit of accommodation shall contain
a minimum floor area of 250 square feet.
(8) Each hotel or motel unit of accommodation shall include
a minimum of two rooms, a bedroom, and a separate bathroom, which
affords privacy to a person within said room and which is equipped
with a toilet, a wash basin and bathtub or shower, all properly connected
to a water and sewage system.
(9) See §
400-59 for open space requirements to the extent they are applicable for R-6 and R-6/H Districts.
E. Minimum off-street parking.
[Amended 3-19-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-06]
(1) Residential dwelling units shall each provide at least
one parking space for the one-bedroom units and one and one-half spaces
for two- and three-bedroom units, subject to the New Jersey Residential
Site Improvement Standards.
(2) Hotel and motels shall provide at least one and one-tenth
spaces for each unit of accommodation.
F. Permitted signs.
(1) Each development may have one sign along each street
which the tract in question abuts, provide there exists at least 120
feet of unbroken frontage. Such sign(s) shall not exceed 10 feet in
height, shall be set back from the street right-of-way and driveways
at least 15 feet, shall be set back from any property line a minimum
of 15 feet, shall not exceed an area of 60 square feet and shall be
used only to display the development's name.
G. Condominium conversions. If any hotel or motel is converted to an apartment building whereby one or more units is privately owned as a condominium or cooperative form of ownership, unless such building, regardless of the form of ownership, continues to operate primarily as a hotel or motel, it shall be presumed to be a change in use from hotel or motel use to multiple-family residential use. If there is an elimination of common features of a hotel or motel, such as a front desk, lobby, maid service and other hotel/motel features, or if more than 15% of the units are available for short-term occupancy, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that the use has been changed from a hotel or motel to a municipal-family residential use, in which case, such conversion will not be permitted unless the structure in every regard conforms to those requirements set forth in this chapter applicable to multifamily residential construction as set forth in this section and in §
H. As a condition to site plan approval, the applicant
shall file a plan for emergency evacuation of the beach area, including
all temporary beach structures,with the Planning Board or Zoning Board
of Adjustment, as applicable.
[Amended by Ord. No. 82-2; Ord. No. 82-9;
Ord. No. 82-22; Ord. No. 84-11; Ord. No. 89-3; Ord. No. 97-25]
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
[Amended 8-18-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-17; 3-16-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
(4) Offices and office buildings.
(5) Restaurants without liquor licenses.
(6) Theaters, bowling alleys and other indoor recreational activities,
as a conditional use.
(7) Service stations, as a conditional use.
Stores and shops for the conduct of any lawful retail business.
Personal service shops (barbershops, dry-cleaning pickup service,
beauty parlors, etc.).
Automotive service center.
In the GB-1 Zone, all of the above uses shall be permitted;
in addition to those uses enumerated above, the following uses shall
also be permitted on the land and in the buildings in the GB-1 Zone:
Bars, taverns, nightclubs, and restaurants with liquor licenses.
Vehicular sales agencies.
[Amended 7-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-13]
(16) Class 5 cannabis retail stores, confined to the GB-1 Cannabis Overlay Zone, and subject to the requirements of §
400-111. This use shall not be permitted in the GB-2 Zone.
[Added 7-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-13; amended 11-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-20; 1-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2022-15]
(17) Class 6 cannabis delivery stores/services, confined to the GB-1 Cannabis Overlay Zone, and subject to the requirements of §
400-111. This use shall not be permitted in the GB-2 Zone.
[Added 7-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-13; amended 11-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-20; 1-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2022-15]
In addition to those uses permitted in the GB and GB-1 Zones,
the following uses shall also be permitted in the GB-2 Zone:
Offices and office buildings, with an attached dwelling unit.
Stores and shops for the conduct of any lawful retail business,
with an attached dwelling unit.
Personal service shops, with an attached dwelling unit.
Restaurants and establishments with liquor licenses, with an
attached dwelling unit.
Public electric vehicle charging stations.
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(4) Garages, storage buildings and toolsheds.
C. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height except as provided in §
400-57B of this chapter.
D. Area and yard requirements.
(1) Front yard depth: 25 feet.
(2) Rear yard depth: 25 feet.
(3) Side yard width: two side yards of six feet each.
(4) Attached dwelling unit in the GB-II District shall
A minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet.
A minimum lot width of 75 feet.
A minimum lot depth of 90 feet.
A minimum gross floor area for the dwelling
unit of 650 square feet. The square footage of the residence shall
not exceed the square footage of the business.
(5) The minimum lot size and bulk requirements for the
G-B Districts shall be the same as the required minimum lot size and
bulk requirements in the highest adjoining residential district. ("Highest"
meaning the largest minimum lot size of any adjoining residential
(6) A corner lot created by a subdivision in the GB, GB-I,
or GB-II District shall be twice the minimum lot size required for
the highest adjoining residential district; the minimum street frontage
on one street of the corner lot shall be the same as the minimum frontage
required for the highest adjoining residential district, and the minimum
street frontage on the remaining street shall be twice the minimum
frontage required for the highest adjoining residential district.
(7) A corner lot created prior to the passage of this
chapter shall comply with the minimum lot size of the highest adjoining
residential district; the minimum street frontage on each street shall
be the same as the minimum frontage required for the highest adjoining
residential district.
E. General requirements.
(1) Any principal building may contain more than one store,
provided that the total building coverage of the combined stores does
not exceed the maximum building coverage specified for the district
and, further, that each store occupies a minimum gross floor area
of 500 square feet, and each principal building contains a minimum
gross floor area of 650 square feet.
(2) At least the first 20 feet adjacent to any street
line and 10 feet adjacent to any lot line shall not be used for parking
and shall be planted and maintained in lawn area, ground cover, or
landscaped with evergreen shrubbery.
(3) Except for garden centers and stores for sale of vehicles
and boats, no merchandise, products, equipment or similar material
or objects shall be displayed or stored outside except that uses may
have an outside storage area for vehicles, provided such outside storage
area does not exceed 20% of the lot area and is located in the rear
yard only. Said area shall be enclosed entirely by a fence, wall,
plant material or combination thereof in order to provide a visual
barrier between the storage areas and any street, residential zoning
district or existing residential use.
(4) All buildings on one tract shall be compatibly designed
whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of
time. All building walls facing any street or residential district
line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
(5) All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading,
access aisles and driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably
landscaped with shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings
and maintained in good condition.
(6) A minimum buffer area of 20 feet in width shall be provided along any common property line with a residential district or residential use (see §
400-59B for additional standards).
(7) The attached dwelling unit shall be either on the
second floor of the business or to the rear of the business; provided,
further, that on a corner lot, the rear of the building shall be that
portion of the building furthermost away from Bayshore Road.
F. Minimum off-street parking. Each individual use shall
provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions.
Where a permitted use of land includes different specific uses with
different specific parking requirements, the total number of required
parking spaces shall be obtained by individually computing parking
requirements for each different use and adding the resulting numbers
[Amended 5-15-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-08]
(1) Retail and service activities, offices, banks, shopping
centers and indoor recreational activities not having substantial
seating shall provide parking at the ratio of five spaces per 1,000
square feet of gross floor area. "Gross floor area" shall be defined
as the area between the outside walls multiplied by the number of
floors. In no case shall any use provide less than five spaces.
(2) Restaurants, bars, taverns and indoor recreational
activities having substantial seating shall provide a minimum of one
space for every three seats, but in all cases a sufficient number
of spaces to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private
driveways, fire lanes and aisles.
(3) Garden centers shall provide parking at the ratio
of six spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area of building
plus 1/2 space per 1,000 square feet of outside storage, sale or display
area. In no case shall any garden center provide less than six spaces.
(4) Theaters shall provide one space for every three seats.
(5) Bowling alleys shall provide two spaces per bowling
(6) Attached dwelling units shall provide two spaces,
which will be in addition to any spaces required for any different
use(s) of the property.
(7) Medical office parking shall include one additional
parking space for each employee.
(9) In those areas of the GB-1 Zone in which the individual
parcels do not exceed 80 feet on Pacific Avenue, head-on and back-out
parking will be permitted. However, no head-on or back-out parking
will be permitted on Pacific Avenue itself.
G. Permitted signs.
(1) Each building may have two signs, either freestanding
or attached, not exceeding an area equivalent to 5% of the front facade
of the building, or 70 square feet, whichever is smaller. If freestanding,
the sign shall be set back from all street and property lines a distance
equivalent to one linear foot for each two square feet of sign area,
provided the required setback shall in no case be less than 10 feet.
Where an individual activity has direct access from the outside, a
sign not exceeding four square feet, identifying the name of the activity,
may be attached to the building at the entrance.
(2) Each shopping center may have one freestanding sign
along each arterial or collector road which the tract in question
abuts, provided there exists at least 250 feet of frontage. Such sign
shall not exceed a height of 35 feet, shall be set back from the street
rights-of-way and driveways at least 50 feet, shall be set back from
adjacent property line a minimum of 100 feet and shall not exceed
an area of 150 square feet. Where said sign is illuminated, said illumination
shall emanate from the interior of the sign. No exterior lighting
shall be permitted.
Where uses share a common walkway, each use
served by the walkway may have one additional sign which shall be
either attached flat against the building or be suspended in perpendicular
fashion from the roof over the common walkway. Suspended signs shall
be no closer than eight feet at their lowest point to the finished
grade level below them. No such sign shall exceed 10 square feet in
All signs in a shopping center shall conform
in character to all other signs in the complex and shall blend with
the overall architectural scheme of the shopping center.
[Amended by Ord. No. 82-2; Ord. No. 97-25]
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
[Amended 3-16-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
(1) Single-family detached dwelling units.
(2) The following uses shall be permitted, provided that they are part
of a residential structure or its accessory building:
Stores and shops for the conduct of any retail business.
Personal service shops (e.g., barbershops, dry-cleaning pickup
service, beauty parlors, etc.).
Offices and office buildings.
Restaurants without liquor licenses.
Indoor recreational activities, as a conditional use.
Service stations, as a conditional use.
Automotive service centers.
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(2) Private residential swimming pools (see §
400-38 for standards).
(6) Garages, storage buildings and toolsheds.
C. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height except as provided in §
400-57B of this chapter. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the maximum height for single-family and duplex buildings shall be limited in height only to 35 feet regardless of the number of stories, as provided in §
400-8, Definitions.
[Amended 5-15-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-08]
D. Area and yard requirements.
(1) Principal building minimum.
Side yard (each): 30 feet.
(2) Accessory building minimum.
Distance to side line: 15 feet.
Distance to rear line: 15 feet.
Distance to other building: 10 feet.
(3) Maximum building coverage.
Accessory building(s) and/or structures: 10%.
E. General requirements.
(1) Total business use area shall not exceed 3,600 square
feet of gross floor area.
(2) Any building may contain more than one but not more
than three business uses, provided that the total building coverage
of the combined residential and business uses does not exceed 30%
building coverage and, further, that each use occupies a minimum gross
floor area of 500 square feet, and each principal building contains
a minimum gross floor area of 900 square feet.
(3) At least the first 20 feet adjacent to any street
line and 10 feet adjacent to any lot line shall not be used for parking
and shall be planted and maintained in lawn area, ground cover, or
landscaped with evergreen shrubbery.
(4) Except for garden centers and stores for sale of vehicles
and boats, no merchandise, products, equipment or similar material
or objects shall be displayed or stored outside except that uses may
have an outside storage area for vehicles, provided such outside storage
area does not exceed 20% of the lot area and is located in the rear
yard only. Said area shall be enclosed entirely by a fence, wall,
plant material or combination thereof in order to provide a visual
barrier between the storage areas and any street, residential zoning
district or existing residential use.
(5) All buildings on one tract shall be compatibly designed
whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of
time. All building walls facing any street or residential district
line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
(6) All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading,
access aisles and driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably
landscaped with shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings
and maintained in good condition.
(7) A minimum buffer area of 20 feet in width shall be provided along any common property line with a residential district or residential use (see §
400-59B for additional standards).
F. Minimum off-street parking. Each individual use shall
provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions.
Where a permitted use of land includes different specific uses with
different specific parking requirements, the total number of required
parking spaces shall be obtained by individually computing parking
requirements for each different use and adding the resulting numbers
[Amended 5-15-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-08]
(1) Retail and service activities, offices, light industries
and day-care centers and indoor recreational activities not having
substantial seating shall provide parking at the ratio of five spaces
per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. "Gross floor area" shall
be defined as the area between the outside walls multiplied by the
number of floors. In no case shall any use provide less than five
(2) Restaurants and indoor recreational activities having
substantial seating shall provide a minimum of one space for every
three seats, but in all cases a sufficient number of spaces to prevent
any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways, fire
lanes and aisles.
(3) Garden centers shall provide parking at the ratio
of six spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area of building
plus 1/2 space per 1,000 square feet of outside storage, sale or display
area. In no case shall any garden center provide less than six spaces.
(4) Single-family dwellings shall comply with the provisions of §
(5) Medical office parking shall include one additional
parking space for each employee.
[Amended by Ord. No. 82-2; Ord. No. 2001-22]
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
[Amended 3-16-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10; 7-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-13; 11-15-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-20]
(1) Offices and office buildings.
(2) Industrial plans of a type which carry on processes within completely
enclosed buildings, including the manufacture, assembly or treatment
of products.
(3) Wholesale distribution centers and warehouses.
(4) Industrial parks on tracts of land at least 25 acres in area comprised
of any combination of the uses listed hereinabove.
(5) Public utility uses as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
400-56 for additional standards).
(6) Construction equipment and/or material storage yard.
(7) Methadone clinics, as a conditional use, only in the I-1 Industrial-Special Purpose Zone, Block 410.01, Lots 36, 37, and 37.01 (see §
400-56 for additional standards).
(8) Public electric vehicle charging stations.
(9) Class 5 cannabis retail licenses, as conditional uses subject to the conditions outlined within §
Class 6 cannabis delivery licenses, as conditional uses subject to the conditions outlined within §
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(4) Garages, storage buildings and toolsheds.
(5) Temporary construction trailers and one sign not exceeding
100 square feet, advertising the prime contractor, subcontractor(s),
architect, financing institution and similar data for the period of
construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or
one year, whichever is less, provided said trailer(s) and sign are
on the site where construction is taking place and are set back at
least 15 feet from all street and lot lines.
(6) Employee cafeterias as part of a principal building
or as the entire use of an accessory building, provided the cafeteria
is intended for service to the employees of the principal use designated
on the site plan as approved by the Board.
C. Uses prohibited. The following activities and uses
are specifically prohibited:
(1) Pyroxylin plastic, manufacture or storage; explosives,
either manufacture or storage, including fireworks; match manufacture
or storage.
(2) Acetylene gas, ammonia or chlorine bleaching powder
manufacture; acid or chemical manufacture.
(3) Animal black, bone black or lamp black manufacture
or treatment; fertilizer or potash refining or manufacture.
(4) Disinfectant, insecticide or poison manufacture.
(5) Glue, size or gelatine manufacture of any process,
including the refining, processing, manufacture or recovering of products
from fish, animal refuse or offal.
(6) Grease, lard, fat or tallow rendering or refining;
dye or soap manufacture; the storage, cleaning, curing or tanning
of raw hides or skins.
(7) Stockyards, wool pulling or scouring, commercial slaughtering
of animals, except poultry; reduction, incineration, storage or dumping
of slaughterhouse refuse, rancid fats, garbage, dead animals or offal.
(8) Energy-related facilities.
The storage of crude oil, refined petroleum
hydrocarbon products and/or derivatives for any purpose, except:
Limited quantities may be stored when the contents
are directly connected to an oil- or gas-fired boiler on the same
Refined petroleum hydrocarbon products, oils
and gases may be stored in such volumes for the supply of those products
for consumer consumption within Cape May County.
The construction of overland and underground
pipelines for the purpose of transporting crude oil, refined petroleum
hydrocarbon products and/or derivatives, except:
Pipeline construction by local utilities for
the express purpose of supplying natural gas to consumers in the Township
shall be permitted.
Petroleum hydrocarbon refineries.
Natural gas processing plants.
(9) Coke ovens; cement, gypsum, plaster of paris, or wood
pulp manufacture.
Any other trade, industry or use that is noxious
or offensive by reason of the emission of toxic or corrosive fumes,
gas, smoke, odors, obnoxious dust or vapors, offensive noise or vibrations,
glare, flashes, or objectional effluent which may adversely affect
or impair the normal use of peaceful enjoyment of any property, structure
or dwelling located in any residential or business district.
Any permanent or transient residential dwelling
units, single-family, two-family, and multifamily.
D. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed 45 feet and three stories except as provided in §
400-57B of this chapter.
E. Area and yard requirements.
Principal and Accessory Building
Individual Uses
Industrial Park
Lot area
1 acre
25 acres
Lot frontage
150 feet lot width
150 feet lot depth
200 feet
Side yard (each) (lot not abutting a residential
25 feet
Front yard
50 feet
Rear yard
25 feet
Total building coverage
F. General requirements.
(1) At least the first 50 feet adjacent to any street
line and 25 feet adjacent to any lot line shall not be used for parking
and shall be planted and maintained in lawn area, ground cover, or
landscaped with evergreen shrubbery.
(2) No merchandise, products, waste, equipment or similar
material or objects shall be displayed or stored outside unless screened.
(3) All buildings shall be compatibly designed whether
constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of time. All
building walls facing any street or residential district line shall
be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
(4) All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading,
access aisles and driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably
landscaped with shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings
and maintained in good condition.
(5) A minimum buffer area 100 feet in width shall be provided along any common property line with a residential district or RB District (see §
G. Minimum off-street loading.
(1) Each building shall provide for off-street loading
and unloading with adequate ingress and egress from streets and with
adequate space for maneuvering and shall provide such area at the
side or rear of the building. There shall be no loading or unloading
from the street.
H. Minimum off-street parking.
(1) One space for every 1,000 square feet or fraction
thereof of floor area used for inside storage and warehousing plus
one space for every 400 square feet or fraction thereof of floor area
used for manufacturing or research and testing plus one space for
every 200 square feet or fraction thereof of floor area used for offices.
(2) In addition, one space for every vehicle owned and/or
operated by the use operating from that site shall be provided.
I. Signs.
(1) Office buildings, industrial and manufacturing plants,
wholesale distribution centers and warehouses shall be permitted one
sign not larger than the equivalent of 5% of the area of the front
wall of the building or 100 square feet, whichever is smaller. If
attached, the sign shall be attached flat against the building and
shall not be higher than the roofline; if freestanding, the sign shall
not exceed 10 feet in height and shall be set back from all street
rights-of-way and lot lines at least 25 feet.
(2) Each industrial park may have one freestanding sign
along each road which the tract in question abuts. If there exists
at least 250 feet of unbroken frontage, such sign shall not exceed
a height of 20 feet, shall be set back from the street rights-of-way
and driveways at least 50 feet, shall be set back from any adjacent
property line a minimum of 100 feet, shall not exceed an area of 100
square feet, and shall be used only to display the development's name.
Without 250 feet of frontage, the sign shall not exceed a height of
10 feet, shall be set back from arterial street at least 10 feet,
shall not exceed an area of 45 square feet, and shall be used only
to display the development's name.
[Amended by Ord. No. 82-2; Ord. No. 84-11; 8-15-2005 by Ord. No.
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(2) Tennis courts and other usual recreational facilities.
(3) Off-street parking and private garages.
(6) Stores and shops for the conduct of retail businesses;
personal service shops, including barbershops, beauty shops and the
like; professional offices; restaurants; bars and cocktail lounges;
bank; health, recreational, and amusement facilities; theaters; bakery
shops; coin-operated vending machines; florist shops; exhibitions;
and similar businesses, provided they are contained completely within
the confines of a principal building with no direct access to the
outside except for emergency exits and provided, further, that the
gross floor area devoted to such uses does not total more than 10%
of the gross floor area of the entire principal building.
C. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed
two and one-half stories and 35 feet in height.
D. Area and yard requirements.
(1) The minimum tract size shall be 25,600 square feet,
and the width and depth of each lot shall be at least 160 feet with
a maximum of 15 units per acre where public sewer is utilized. Where
public sewer is not available, the minimum lot size shall be five
acres, with a maximum of three units per acre.
(2) No building shall be located closer than 15 feet to
any side or rear lot line. No building shall be closer than 25 feet
to any street line.
(3) Each unit of accommodation shall contain a minimum
floor area of 250 square feet.
(4) Each unit of accommodation shall include a minimum
of two rooms, a bedroom and a separate bathroom which affords privacy
to a person within said room and which is equipped with a toilet,
a wash basin and a bathtub or shower, all properly connected to a
water and sewage system.
E. Minimum off-street parking.
(1) One and one-tenth spaces shall be provided for each
unit of accommodation.
F. Permitted signs.
(1) Each building may have one sign, either freestanding
or attached, not exceeding an area equivalent to 5% of the front facade
of the building or 70 square feet, whichever is smaller. If freestanding,
the sign shall be set back from all street and property lines a distance
not less than 10 feet. Where an individual activity has direct access
from the outside, a sign not exceeding four square feet, identifying
the name of the activity, may be attached to the building at the entrance.
G. Condominium conversions. If any hotel or motel is converted to an apartment building whereby one or more units is privately owned as a condominium or cooperative form of ownership, unless such building, regardless of the form of ownership, continues to operate primarily as a hotel or motel, it shall be presumed to be a change in use from hotel or motel use to multiple-family residential use. If there is an elimination of common features of a hotel or motel, such as a front desk, lobby, maid service or other hotel/motel features, or if more than 15% of the units are available for short-term occupancy, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that the use has been changed from a hotel or motel to a multifamily residential use, in which case, such conversion will not be permitted unless the structure in every regard conforms to those requirements set forth in this chapter applicable to multifamily residential construction as set forth in this section and in §
[Amended by Ord. No. 81-23; 82-2; 2000-2;
8-18-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-9]
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
(1) Rental, servicing, repair, sales, launching, and storage
of boats and boating equipment.
(3) Fish and seafood processing and packing.
(4) Wholesale distribution of fresh or processed fish
and seafood.
(6) Boatels, motels and apartment buildings, provided off-site sewerage disposal services are provided, a marina either exists or is constructed as part of said apartment building and said apartment building conforms to §
400-60 of this chapter, except that such uses shall not be permitted in the MD-2 District.
(7) Detached dwelling units in the MD-1 District only.
(8) No more than 50% of the land area of an existing marina
shall become an apartment building, inclusive of accessory buildings
and parking lots, and the remainder shall be used for marine development.
On all newly constructed apartment buildings, no more than 50% of
the waterfront shall be allocated for apartment use. The remainder
of the waterfront shall be used for marine development. Any such apartment
building shall contain, at a minimum, 40 new boat slips in the marina
(9) Class 5 cannabis retail licenses, as conditional uses subject to the conditions outlined within §
400-56. This use shall only be permitted in the MD-2 Zone.
[Added 11-15-2021 by Ord.
No. 2021-20]
Class 6 cannabis delivery licenses, as conditional uses subject to the conditions outlined within §
400-56. This use shall only be permitted in the MD-2 Zone.
[Added 11-15-2021 by Ord.
No. 2021-20]
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(1) Retail sales of goods otherwise rented, wholesaled,
processed, packed on-site, or pertinent to marine-related use.
(2) Off-street loading and parking.
(3) Garages, storage buildings and toolsheds.
(4) Fences, piers, walls and bulkheads, provided that, where bulkheads are to be constructed, the approval of the Township Engineer shall be obtained (see §
C. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed 65 feet in height except as provided in §
400-57B of this chapter. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the maximum height for detached dwelling units shall be limited in height only to 35 feet regardless of the number of stories, as provided in §
400-8, Definitions.
[Amended 5-15-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-08]
D. Area and yard requirements.
(1) The minimum lot size shall be three acres, and the
frontage, width and depth of each lot shall be at least 200 feet.
(2) No building shall be located closer than 10 feet from
any side line, and no building shall be located closer than 40 feet
from any street line except that in no case shall a building be located
closer than 80 feet from the center line of any state or county road.
(3) No parking shall be within four feet of any street
lot line.
(4) All buildings, including accessory buildings, shall
not cover more than 40% of the lot area.
(6) Detached dwelling units chart:
Principal building minimums:
Lot area: 7,500 square feet.
Side yards: six feet and 10 feet.
Accessory building minimums:
Distance to side line: four feet.
Distance to rear line: four feet.
Distance to other building: six feet.
Principal building maximums:
Building coverage of principal building: 40%.
Accessory building(s) maximums:
Building coverage of accessory building(s) and/or
structure(s): 10%.
E. General requirements.
(1) All buildings shall be compatibly designed whether
constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of time. All
building walls facing any street or residential district line shall
be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
(2) All areas not utilized for building, parking, loading,
access aisles and driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably
landscaped and maintained in good condition.
F. Minimum off-street loading.
(1) Each building shall provide for off-street loading
and unloading with adequate ingress and egress from streets and with
adequate space for maneuvering. Each space shall be at least 15 feet
by 40 feet, and a minimum of one space shall be provided for each
building. Additional spaces may be necessary and required dependent
upon the specific activity. There shall be no loading or unloading
from the street.
(2) There shall be at least one trash and garbage pickup
location provided by each building, which shall be separated from
the parking spaces by either a location within the building or in
a pickup location outside the building, which shall be a steel-like,
totally enclosed container located in a manner to be obscured from
view from parking areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or
zoning districts by a fence, wall, planting or combination of the
three. If located within the building, the doorway may serve both
the loading and trash/garbage functions, and if located outside the
building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general loading
area(s), provided the container in no way interferes with or restricts
loading and unloading functions.
G. Minimum off-street parking.
(1) Adequate parking shall be provided.
(2) For each dwelling unit contained in an apartment building,
there shall be at least two parking spaces provided.
(3) Restaurants, bars and taverns shall provide a minimum
of one space for every three seats, but in all cases a sufficient
number of spaces to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way,
all private driveways, fire lanes and aisles.
(5) The parking space requirement for marinas shall be
0.6 parking space per boat slip.
[Added 6-6-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-11]
H. Permitted signs.
(1) Each enterprise may have one sign, either freestanding
or attached, not larger than the equivalent of 5% of the area of the
front wall or the principal building or 100 square feet, whichever
is smaller, if attached, or not greater than 100 square feet, if freestanding.
If attached, the sign shall be flat against the building and shall
not be higher than the roofline; if freestanding, the sign shall not
exceed 10 feet in height and shall be set back from all street rights-of-way
and lot lines at least 10 feet.
I. Minimum setback. All buildings constructed in this
zone shall have a minimum front yard setback of 200 feet, and if the
lot fronts on Ocean Highway, there shall be a minimum of a two-hundred-foot
setback from Ocean Highway.
[Amended by Ord. No. 82-2; Ord. No. 84-11]
A. Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings.
(1) Sale, rental, servicing, repair, launching, and storage
of boats and boating equipment.
(2) Commercial fishing, dockage and repair facilities.
(3) Fish and seafood processing and packing.
(4) Wholesale distribution of fresh or processed fish
and seafood.
(6) Saloons and restaurants (no fast foods).
(7) Marine construction yards.
(8) Retail sales of goods otherwise rented, wholesaled,
processed, packed on-site, or pertinent to marine-related use.
B. Accessory uses permitted.
(2) Garages, storage buildings and toolsheds.
(3) Fences, walls, piers, and bulkheads, provided that, where bulkheads are to be constructed, the approval of the Township Engineer shall be obtained (see §
C. Maximum building height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height except as provided in §
400-57B of this chapter.
D. Area and yard requirements.
(1) The minimum lot size shall be 50 feet by 90 feet.
(2) No building shall be located closer than six feet
from any street line or property line.
(3) Where public sewer is utilized, the minimum tract
size for a boatel, hotel, or motel shall be 25,600 square feet, with
a maximum of 20 units per acre. The minimum width and depth of each
lot shall be at least 160 feet. The minimum lot size for a boatel,
hotel, or motel shall be five acres, with a maximum of three units
per acre, where public sewer is not utilized.
(4) Each unit of accommodation shall contain a minimum
floor area of 250 square feet.
(5) Each unit of accommodation shall include a minimum
of two rooms, a bedroom and a separate bathroom which affords privacy
to a person within said room and which is equipped with a toilet,
a wash basin, and a bathtub or shower, all properly connected to a
water and sewage system.
E. General requirements.
(1) All buildings shall be compatibly designed whether
constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of time. All
building walls facing any street or residential district line shall
be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
(2) All area not utilized for building, parking, loading,
access aisles and driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably
landscaped and maintained in good condition.
F. Minimum off-street parking.
[Amended 6-6-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-11]
(1) Adequate parking shall be provided.
(2) The parking space requirement for marinas shall be
0.6 space per boat slip.
G. Permitted signs.
(1) Each enterprise may have one attached sign, not larger
than 34 square feet (no freestanding signs or higher than roofline
[Added by Ord. No. 92-12]
A. Purpose. The purpose and intent of this section is
to adopt minimum standards for the control of airport and aeronautical
hazards, and standards for land use adjacent to airports, in order
to comply with N.J.A.C. 16:62.
B. Definitions. As used in this section, the following
terms have the meanings indicated:
Any area of land, adjacent to a public use airport, to be
utilized as a combined single-family residence and aircraft storage
Any area of land or water, or both, designed and set aside
for the landing and taking-off of fixed wing aircraft, utilized or
to be utilized by the general public for such purposes, publicly or
privately owned, and licensed by the Commissioner as a public use
airport or landing strip, or an area which has been determined by
the Commissioner to be likely to be so licensed within one year of
the determination.
Any use of land or water, or both, which may
create a dangerous condition for persons or property in or about an
airport or aircraft during landing or taking-off at an airport; or
Any structure or tree which obstructs the airspace
required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking-off at an
Any area of land or water, or both, upon which an airport
hazard might be created or established if not prevented as provided
by this chapter.
The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation.
The construction, reconstruction, creation or establishment
of any structure or planting of a tree.
The Director of the Division of Aeronautics.
Any corporation, company, association, society, firm, partnership,
joint-stock company, individual, the state and all political subdivisions
of the state or any agencies or instrumentalities thereof.
Any object constructed or installed by man, including, but
not limited to, buildings, towers, smokestacks, chimneys, and overhead
transmission lines.
An object of natural growth.
C. No person shall build, rebuild, create or cause to
be built, rebuilt or created any object or structure, or plant, or
cause to be planted or permit to grow, any tree or vegetation which
will interfere with, diminish, change or obstruct the airspace or
landing and takeoff area available for the landing and takeoff of
aircraft at public use airports.
D. Nothing in this section shall require the removal
or lowering of or other change or alteration of any structure or tree
not conforming to the rules when this section was adopted, nor shall
there be an interference with the continuance of any nonconforming
E. No variance or other relief from the standards promulgated
by this section may be granted to any person except upon the condition
that a permit be issued by the Commissioner allowing the variance
or relief.
F. Airport hazard areas are delineated by the establishment
of subzones of standard size around and off the ends of runways and
airports open to the public.
(1) An airport hazard area shall be established for each
runway at an airport.
(2) Each airport hazard area shall consist of a runway
subzone, two runway end subzones, and two clear zones.
(3) The runway subzone shall consist of a rectangle having
the same center line and physical length of the runway, and having
a width of 2,350 feet. The runway subzone is further graphically depicted
in Figure 5.
(4) The runway end subzones shall consist of trapezoids
located at either end of the runway subzone along the flight approach
and departure path.
Each runway end subzone shall extend 3,000 feet
from the end of the runway subzone, as measured along the extended
center line of the runway.
The base of the runway end subzone shall be
defined by the end of the runway subzone and shall have a width of
2,350 feet. The width of the runway end subzone shall narrow as the
distance from the end of the runway subzone increases. Its final width
shall be 850 feet.
The runway end subzones are further graphically
depicted in Figure 6.
(5) The clear zones shall consist of trapezoids located
within the runway end subzone along the flight approach and departure
Each clear zone shall extend 1,000 feet from
the end of the runway subzone, as measured along the extended center
line of the runway.
The base of the clear zone shall be collocated
with the end of the runway subzone and shall have a width of 250 feet.
The width of the clear zone shall increase as the distance from the
end of the runway safety zone increases. Its final width shall be
450 feet.
The methodology used to delineate the clear
zone of an airport hazard area is illustrated in Figure 7.
G. Minimum obstruction standards are vertical standards
measured in respect to elevations whose datum is the horizontal plane
established by runway elevations, and not elevation above the natural
grade of the land. This provision is graphically depicted in Figure
(1) The vertical standards within the runway subzone of
an airport hazard area are determined first by establishing the elevations
at the runway center lines at the ends of the runway subzone of the
airport hazard area. From those elevations at the runway subzone ends,
a line is run 90º outward from each side of the runway center
line for a distance of 125 feet. Within the area defined by these
four points, no development is allowed above the natural grade of
the soil except for runway and flight safety equipment.
The vertical standards within the remainder
of the runway subzone of an airport hazard area are determined by
establishing planes from the edges of the longitudinal zero foot development
restriction line established in N.J.A.C. 16:62-3.2(b)1.ii, which slope
upward and outward at a rate of seven feet horizontally to one foot
vertically. This upward plane ceases when it reaches the outer longitudinal
borders of the runway subzone of any airport hazard area at the elevation
of 150 feet above its starting point at the longitudinal zero foot
development line.
The methodology used to establish the vertical
standards within the runway subzone of an airport hazard area is further
graphically depicted in Figure 9.
(2) The vertical standards within the runway end subzone
of an airport hazard area are determined by first establishing a plane
with a rising slope of one foot upward to 20 feet outward from the
end of the runway subzone to the outermost end of the runway end subzone.
This plane is bisected by the extended runway center line and is 250
feet in total width at its innermost dimension and widens uniformly
along its three-thousand-foot length so as to have a total width of
850 feet at its outermost dimension where it intersects with the outermost
portion of the runway end subzone at the elevation of 150 feet above
its starting point at the zero foot development line.
The vertical standards within the remainder of the runway end subzone of an airport hazard area are determined by establishing sloping planes from the outermost longitudinal edges of the plane established in Subsection
G(2) above. These planes rise upward at a rate of one foot upward to seven feet outward from the plane established in Subsection
G(2) above to where they meet the outermost longitudinal boundaries of the runway end subzone at the elevation of 150 feet.
The methodology used to establish the vertical
standards with the runway end subzone of an airport hazard area is
further graphically depicted in Figure 10.
H. Permitted land uses within airport hazard zone.
(1) Residential single-family dwelling units which are
situated on a lot at least three acres in size and not located in
a clear zone, and shall be further restricted to include all or part
of the following lots, as plotted on the Airport Hazard Area Map:
Block 410.01
24.02, 24.03
26.02, 26.03
29.01, 29.02, 29.03, 29.04
Block 433
14.01, 14.02
Block 500.01
Residential zoning is permitted in the clear
zone as long as all dwellings are physically located outside of the
clear zone.
(2) Airpark. (Minimum lot size of at least three acres
which are not located in a clear zone.) Airpark shall be a permitted
use in Block 410.01. Lots 36 and 37 only.
(7) Industrial. (Not located in a clear zone.) Industrial
use shall be a permitted use in all or part of the following blocks
and lots, as plotted on the Airport Hazard Area Map:
Block 500.01
2, 3, 4, 5
Block 410.01
30.01, 30.02, 31, 32, 33
34.01, 34.02
35, 36, 37
68, 69
Block 409
(8) GB, GB-1 General Business (not located in a clear zone). GB, GB-1,
General Business, shall be a permitted use in all or part of the following
blocks and lots, as plotted on the Airport Hazard Area Map:
[Added 5-21-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-13]
Block 410.01
37, 37.01
(9) Outdoor flea markets (not located in a clear zone). Outdoor flea
markets shall be a permitted use in all or part of the following blocks
and lots:
[Added 5-21-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-13]
Block 410.01
37, 37.01
I. Specifically prohibited land uses within airport hazard
(1) Residential (dwelling units) not situated on a lot
of at least three acres in size.
(2) Planned unit developments and multifamily dwellings.
(5) Aboveground bulk tank storage of compressed flammable
or compressed toxic gases and liquids.
(6) Within the runway end subzones only, the aboveground
bulk tank storage of flammable or toxic gases and liquids.
(7) Uses that may attract massing birds, including landfills.
(8) Above grade major utility transmission lines and/or
J. Prohibited land uses are specifically prohibited without
the written approval of the Commissioner.
K. A permit for the creation or expansion of a prohibited
land use or vertical height development within an airport hazard zone
may be issued by the Commissioner upon the review of a formal application.
(1) A developer of a project requiring creation or establishment
of a prohibited land use or vertical height development shall first
apply for developmental approval from the Zoning Board. If the Zoning
Board approves of the development, that approval shall be conditioned
on the developer applying for and receiving a permit from the Commissioner
in accordance with N.J.A.C. 16:62-6. Construction, development, or
creation of any prohibited land use shall not commence until a permit
has been issued by the Commissioner.
(2) An application for a permit will only be considered
by the Department if accompanied by a letter from the Zoning Board
requesting the permit.
(3) Permit applications shall be submitted according to
the requirements listed in N.J.A.C. 16:62-6.3.
L. Existing land uses not in conformance with the New
Jersey Air Safety and Hazardous Zoning Act of 1983 may be permitted to continue upon the lot or in the structure so occupied in compliance with §
400-33, Nonconforming lots, structures and uses.