In addition to the Boards and Commissions established by this Charter, the Council may from time to time establish, by ordinance, various other Boards, Commissions and Authorities to act in advisory capacity or to perform special functions. The members thereof shall be appointed by the Council unless otherwise specified in this Charter. Individual members of Council and the Mayor may make nominations for appointments to Boards, Commissions and Authorities.
All persons appointed to any board, commission or authority shall be residents of the Municipality and remain such during their term of office.
Persons appointed to serve on boards, commissions and authorities after the effective date of this Charter shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. Filling an unexpired term shall not be considered in calculating terms for this purpose.
No elected official shall serve on any board, commission or authority except in an ex officio nonvoting capacity, except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
No person shall serve concurrently on more than one municipal board, commission or authority except in an ex officio capacity or as otherwise provided in this Charter.
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, or general law,[1] the term of office for members of all boards, commissions and authorities shall not exceed four years.
Editor's Note: See the Charter References to General Law included as an attachment to this Charter.
A vacancy on any board, commission or authority shall be the subject of publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality at least 25 days prior to nomination for the filling of the vacancy.
Nominations shall be made at a business meeting. At the time of nomination, each nominating official shall publicly present to Council a resume of the nominee's qualifications, which shall include a summary of nominee's civic interests and contributions and special qualifications for the proposed appointment. Nominations shall be acted on at the next business meeting but not sooner than 25 days after the date of nomination.
Any resident of the Municipality may submit their name or the name of one or more other residents of the Municipality to the Manager for consideration by the Mayor and Council as a nominee to any one or more of the Boards, Commissions or Authorities of the Municipality.
The Planning Commission shall consist of seven residents of the Municipality. The term of each of the members of the Commission shall be for four years, or until his successor is appointed and qualified, except that the terms of the members shall be so fixed that no more than two shall be reappointed or replaced during any future calendar year.[2] Members of the Commission shall hold no other elective office of the Municipality. The Commission may make and alter rules and regulations for its own organization and procedure, consistent with the ordinances of the Municipality and general law.[3]
[Amended 7-13-1993 by Ord. No. 1842[4]]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 1872, adopted 12-14-1993, provided that it was "the desire of the Council of the Municipality that no more than one person from each ward sit as a member of the Planning Commission," as well as providing for the increase in members to seven.
Editor's Note: See the Charter References to General Law included as an attachment to this Charter.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was approved by the electors of the Municipality of Monroeville 11-3-1993.
The Manager shall appoint an administrative head from the administrative unit responsible for planning as an ex officio member of the Commission.
The Commission shall:
Advise the Municipal Council in matters relating to planning, zoning and development of the Municipality as required by ordinance.
Cooperate with the administrative appointee of the Manager.
Hold public hearings to receive proposals, and prior to acting on proposals as required by ordinance or general law.
Require proposals for land subdivisions or other uses of land having or likely to have environmental impact, to contain an environmental impact statement related to the proposed development, including but not limited to the effect of the proposed use on public facilities, drainage systems, traffic flow, public safety, schools, and recreation.
Require that the Comprehensive Plan in effect on the effective date of this Charter be retained and that the Comprehensive Plan be reviewed every 10 years or more frequently if recommended by the Planning Commission.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 101, Planning Department and Planning Commission.
[Amended 8-9-1994 by Ord. No. 1902[1]]
The Zoning Hearing Board shall consist of either three or five residents of the Municipality. The term of office for a three-member Board shall be three years and shall be so fixed that the term of office of one member shall expire each year. The terms of office of a five-member Board shall be five years and shall be so fixed that the term of office of one member of a five-member Board shall expire each year. Members of the Board shall hold no other elective office of the Municipality. All other provisions of the Municipalities Planning Code (Act 247 of 1968, as amended by Act 170 of 1988, Act 209 of 1990 and Act 131 of 1992)[2] as now or hereafter amended, reenacted or supplied, including but not limited to the conduct of hearings and the making of decisions, shall be applicable to the Zoning Hearing Board.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was approved by the electorate of the Municipality of Monroeville 11-8-1994.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
This Board shall be composed of seven members with three-year terms. The terms shall be so fixed that the term of office of three members shall expire once every three years and two members shall expire each of the other two years.
The Council shall appoint one of its members to serve on the Board. The Council member's term shall be terminated should the person appointed cease to be a Member of Council.
The Library Board shall:
Be responsible for the operation of the Municipal Library in accordance with the ordinances of the Municipality and general law.[2]
Editor's Note: See the Charter References to General Law included as an attachment to this Charter.
Report quarterly to Council as a whole at a public meeting regarding the budget and activities of the Library.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 80, Library.
The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board shall consist of 11 members qualified as follows: one member residing in each of the seven Wards; one member of the Municipal Council; one member of the Gateway Board of School Directors and a resident of Monroeville; two members who are public or private high school students appointed by the nine members aforesaid. Those members appointed from the Municipal Council and Gateway Board of School Directors, and the high school students, shall have their term as members of the Board terminate should they for any reason cease to be members of the bodies they represent. The Manager shall appoint an administrator involved in recreation and parks as an ex officio member of the Board.
The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board shall:
Advise Municipal Council in all matters relating to recreation and parks, and all other activities appropriately identified by Council.
Prepare with the administrative appointee of the Manager, and submit to Council, the proposed budget for recreations and parks.
Report quarterly to Council as a whole at a public meeting, regarding the budget and activities of recreation and parks.
Advise the administrative appointee of the Manager for recreation and parks with regard to the recreation programs and the allotment of funds for such programs.
Make policy recommendations directly to the Municipal Council concerning capital expenditures, staff and programming related to the recreational requirements of the community.
This Board shall be composed of seven members with three-year terms. The terms shall be so fixed that the term of office of three members shall expire once every three years and two members shall expire each of the other two years. The Manager shall appoint an administrator involved in human services as an ex officio member of the Board.
The Board shall:
Collect and assess data on social problems and needs of the Municipality.
Investigate sources of funding appropriate for assisting in the solution of social problems.
Utilize resources now existing, including increased cooperation among community groups.
Report quarterly to Council as a whole at a public meeting regarding community needs and resources.
Advise the administrative appointee of the Manager for human services with regard to community needs and the allotment of funds for such programs.
[Added 1-14-1997 by Ord. No. 2016;[2] amended 3-11-1997 by Ord. No. 2032[3]]
The Ethics Board shall be composed of three individuals who shall be appointed in the following manner:
One individual appointed by the Council of the Municipality of Monroeville;
One individual appointed by the Mayor of the Municipality of Monroeville; and
A third individual to be appointed by the Council representative and the Mayor representative.
All members of the Ethics Board shall sit for a term of two years. In the case of a vacancy on the Board, an appointment shall be made to said vacancy by that body who made the original appointment prior to the vacancy occurring.
The Board shall conduct investigations on all complaints in accordance with the "Ethics Code" of the Municipality of Monroeville, Ordinance No. 1697 or as otherwise established by amendment or other applicable law.[4]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 43, Ethics, Code of.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 43, Ethics, Code of.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was approved by the electorate of the Municipality of Monroeville 5-20-1997.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was approved by the electorate of the Municipality of Monroeville 5-20-1997.