The Municipality shall have the following administrative departments, and such other administrative departments as established by ordinance, which shall be operated under the supervision of the Manager:
Department of Administration.
Department of Community Development.
Department of Fire, Building and Zoning Code Enforcement.
Department of Public Safety.
Department of Engineering.
Department of Public Works.
Department of Recreation, Parks and Human Services.
As provided in § C-36B(2) of the Home Rule Charter, the Manager, with the consent of the Council, shall appoint all department heads, each of whom shall be known as the "Director" of his/her department. Department heads shall be chosen solely on the basis of executive, administrative and technical qualifications appropriate to the functions and duties of their respective departments and shall be subject to removal at the discretion of the Manager, as provided in § C-36B(1) of the Home Rule Charter, provided that the Manager shall serve as the director of any department until the appointment of a separate director shall be made.
Under the direction of the Manager, each department head or director shall:
Direct employees in the performance of all duties and responsibilities required of the department and its subordinate agencies as provided by law by this code, by any other ordinance of the Municipality or by administrative policy and procedures directions, and such other duties as may be required by the Manager, and which are not in conflict with the law, the Home Rule Charter or any other provision of this chapter or any other ordinance of the Municipality.
Be immediately responsible to the Manager for the effective administration of his/her department and all activities and the functions assigned thereto.
Subject to the approval of the Manager, prescribe the internal organization of his/her department and its constituent and subordinate agencies and the duties of subordinate officers and employees of the department and develop a detailed manual of department procedures for discharged departmental functions.
Assign functions, powers and duties to subordinate officers and employees within his/her department and modify those assignments, subject to the authority of the Manager as set out in § 6-5 of Article II of this chapter.
Be responsible for the work of his/her department and supervise and direct the work of the employees of his/her department, measure the performance of the employees in accordance with approved procedures and report regularly to the Manager.
Furnish to any department or agency of the Municipality any service, labor, material and equipment that may be needed to perform a Municipal function or service.
Prepare and submit to the Manager whatever reports the Manager may require, including periodic reports relating to departmental activities.
Serve as staff officer to any committee, commission or board that is assigned to his/her department by the Manager.
Coordinate the activities and work of his/her department with pertinent regional and area-wide programs, and if any program shall cease to be conducted on a regional or area-wide basis and shall be assigned by the Manager or the Council to his department, superintend the incorporation of that program into his department.
Provide the maximum level, quantity and quality of service within the limitations of the budget.
Be responsible for manpower planning within his/her department.
Plan and execute appropriate training for departmental personnel.
Recommend to the Manager policies and procedures designed to improve the quality of Municipal functions and services.
Establish, maintain and preserve a system of filing and indexing records and reports in sufficient detail in order to furnish all information necessary for proper control of departmental activities and to form a basis for the periodic reports to the Manager.