[Amended 11-13-1990 by Ord. No. 1719; 4-14-1992 by Ord. No. 1794; 4-13-1993 by Ord. No. 1837; 7-8-1997 by Ord. No. 2042; 3-14-2000 by Ord. No. 2139]
It is the intent, purpose and scope of this article to ensure the preservation of public park lands, recreation facilities and conservation areas within the Municipality of Monroeville for the perpetual enjoyment of the residents of the Municipality of Monroeville, to regulate activities within these areas consistent with the enjoyment of unspoiled natural settings and park facilities and to prevent any nuisances to the residents of the Municipality of Monroeville in the use of such public park lands, recreation facilities and conservation areas or in the enjoyment of private property adjacent to such areas.
No person, except those authorized by the Municipality and conducting Municipal business, shall, in recreation, park or conservation areas:
Injure, deface, disturb, befoul or in any manner destroy or cause to be destroyed any part of any recreation, park or conservancy site owned by the Municipality or any building, sign structure, equipment, utility or other property found therein.
Remove, injure or destroy any tree, flower, shrub, plant or growing thing or any rock or other mineral.
Kill, trap, hunt, pursue or in any manner deliberately disturb or cause to be disturbed any wild bird or animal within the recreation, park and conservancy sites owned by the Municipality, except as permitted in § 274-4B.
Throw, discharge or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake or other body of water in or adjacent to any park or any tributary, stream, storm sewer or drain flowing into such waters any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which may result in the pollution of said waters; or dump, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage, refuse or trash anywhere within the park and conservancy sites owned by the Municipality, but rather make use of proper receptacles where these are provided, and where receptacles are not so provided, all such materials shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for their presence and properly disposed of elsewhere.
Hours of operation. Recreation, park and conservation areas shall be open daily to the public from official sunrise to official sunset, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, other than Municipal personnel conducting Municipal business therein, to occupy or be present in said park during any hours in which the park is not open to the public. Permits must be obtained for use after official sunset for specific activities. Any section or part of the recreation, park and conservation areas may be declared closed to the public at any time and for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regular or stated intervals. During such periods of time, it shall be unlawful to enter upon or occupy such areas or portions thereof contrary to posted regulations.
Group activity; possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages.[1] Whenever any Monroeville or other authorized group, association or organization desires to use recreation or park facilities for a particular purpose, such as picnics, parties or theatrical or entertainment performances, a representative of said group, association or organization shall first obtain a permit for such use in specially designated areas from the Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services or his/her designee. The Municipal Council may adopt an application form to be used by the Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services which may require an indemnity bond or other security to protect the Municipality from any liability of any kind or character and to protect Municipal property from damage. The Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services shall grant the permit if it appears that the group, association or organization will not interfere with the general use of the park by the individual members of the public and if the group, association or organization meets all other conditions contained in the application. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession, custody or control any alcoholic beverage, including beer, of any kind whatsoever, except as a member of a Monroeville or other authorized group, association or organization granted a permit for particular activities in specially designated areas as set forth in this section.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 278, Peace and Good Order, Art. IV, Alcoholic Beverages at Publicly Owned Facilities.
Use of facilities. Facilities and areas in Municipal recreation, park or conservancy sites shall be used only for the purposes designated or implicit in their character. Special activities, including flying model airplanes, games, picnics, the operation of all-terrain vehicles, motor scooters, motorcycles, minibikes, go-carts, snowmobiles, bicycles and similar vehicles, shall be permitted only at locations or trails specifically designated for such use and at times established.
Supervision of minor children. Parents shall be responsible for appropriate supervision for their minor children and financially responsible for the behavior and actions of their minor children.
Motor vehicles. Licensed motor vehicles shall be permitted only on designated roadways. The speed limit for such vehicles on such roadways shall be 15 miles per hour. All-terrain vehicles, motorcycles, minibikes, go-carts and snowmobiles shall not be permitted on roadways designated for licensed vehicular traffic unless licensed for travel on the public roads of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All vehicles shall be parked in areas or places so provided and designed. Parking in places contrary to posted regulations and times is prohibited, and such vehicles may be removed by the Municipality at the owners' expense. All parking is prohibited after regular closing time, except for a sponsored event or for an activity for which a permit was issued. It shall be unlawful to clean, wash, repair or do any work whatsoever on private vehicles within recreation, park and conservation areas except for emergency repairs.
Fees. The Municipal Council shall have the authority to issue a fee schedule for permits; the Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services shall set the amount of deposits and prescribe conditions under which deposits are collected or forfeited. Such revenue shall be used for recreation, park and conservation purposes within the general fund.[2]
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 194, Fees.
Permits. Permits are required whenever alcohol is used; amplified sound is used; for organized use of pavilions, playing fields, courts or courses; for the training and/or exhibition of animals; for use after official sunset for specific activities; or a single assemblage of 20 persons or more.
Fires and fireworks. Fires may not be built or allowed anywhere in recreation, park or conservation areas, except in stoves, fireplaces or designated areas provided for that purpose. Permits must be secured for any fireworks at any time and for fires to be maintained after closing time.
Animals. It shall be unlawful for owners of domesticated animals to permit same within recreation, park or conservation areas without being restrained by a leash not to exceed six feet in length and accompanied by an adult or minor capable of controlling said animal. If such animal should defecate upon a recreation, park or conservation area, the owner or guardian of said animal shall be responsible for the immediate cleanup and proper disposal of feces. Any injuries, expenses and/or damages caused by said animal which are not due to the contributory negligence of another person shall be the sole responsibility of the animal's owner. Permits may be obtained for the training and/or exhibition of animals in designated areas. It shall be unlawful to bring any dangerous animal into any recreation, park or conservation area.
Gambling. Gambling is prohibited in recreation, park and conservation lands.
Merchandising, advertising and signs. No person shall, in recreation, park or conservation areas:
Offer for sale any article or thing, nor station or place any stand, cart or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any such article or thing except under the authority of the Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services by application and permit.
Announce, advertise or call the public attention in any way to any article or service for sale or hire.
Post, paste, fasten, paint, write, draw, carve, tack or affix any placard, bill, notice, sign, advertisement or any inscription whatever upon any structure, tree, stone, fence, thing or enclosure within any recreation, park or conservation area or on any public land or highways or roads adjacent to any recreation, park or conservation area, except that the Department of Recreation, Parks and Human Services may place informational signs within such areas.
For the Community Park only features and facilities may be named for persons, organizations, or businesses upon application and approval by Municipal Council and approved identifying signage/inscription may be placed on or near the approved named feature or facility in accordance with standards designed and approved by the Municipality.
[Added 7-12-2005 by Ord. No. 2338; amended 5-10-2016 by Ord. No. 2647[1]]
Editor's Note: Section 2 of this ordinance provides as follows: "The Monroeville Foundation, Inc. is designated as the representative of the Municipality of Monroeville to market and accept applications for naming of features and facilities in the Community Park subject to final approval of Municipal Council, and as such, shall be permitted to collect 5% of the naming application fee in order to continue their mission of the betterment of the Municipality of Monroeville. " Also attached to this ordinance were the "Community Park Features and Facilities Naming Application Fees," which are on file in the Municipal offices.
Notwithstanding the restrictions set forth in Subsection D(1), (2) and (3) of this section, Municipal Council may place an appropriate plaque honoring any person or other entity who provides or sponsors a service or physical improvement benefiting the park and the citizens of Monroeville.
Aircraft. Except for emergency or other special circumstances authorized by the Municipal Council, it shall be unlawful to land a private or commercial airplane or helicopter on recreation park and conservation lands.
Personal conduct. It shall be unlawful for any person in any recreation, park or conservation area to:
Disturb the peace or use profane or obscene language.
Endanger the safety of any person by any conduct or act.
Commit any assault, battery or engage in fighting.
Possess any firearm, rifle, explosive device, bow, arrow, knife or any other offensive weapon.
Carry, possess or drink any alcoholic beverage, including beer, except as otherwise permitted under § 274-3B.
Carry, possess or use any drugs or controlled substances, excluding legally prescribed medications.
Violate any rule for the use of the park made or approved by the Department of Recreation, Parks and Human Services.
Prevent any person from using any park or any of its facilities or interfere with such use in compliance with this article and rules applicable to such use.
Act in any unlawful, disorderly or disruptive manner or against the best interests of the areas or other people.
Use amplified sound, including radios or musical instruments, without a permit.
Bring any glass container to be used for the consumption of any beverage or other product.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages.[2] The sale, purchase, attempt to purchase, possession and/or consumption of liquor or malt or brewed beverages shall be prohibited at the Bel Aire Municipal Pool facility. No pool party permit shall be issued that would include said sale, purchase, attempt to purchase, possession and/or consumption of liquor or malt or brewed beverages.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 278, Peace and Good Order, Art. IV, Alcoholic Beverages at Publicly Owned Facilities.
The Municipal Manager and agents designated by him/her, primarily the Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services, shall administer the provisions of this article, including the establishment and collection of fees, preparation of application forms, issuance and revocation of permits, promulgation of rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this article and all other decisions relative thereto. When acts or conduct of individuals or groups is determined to be in violation of this article or rules and regulations promulgated by the authority of this article or not to be in the best interests of the recreation, park and conservancy area; or when such acts or conduct endangers other people, private or public property; or when such acts are deemed to be disruptive to the surrounding neighborhood, the Municipal Police, Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services or his/her agent assigned to such area or program shall have the authority to cause such acts to be terminated, or to expel the perpetrators of such acts from the area, or to call the Municipal Police to arrest and detain such individual or individuals, or to file a complaint for the violation of this article with a Justice of the Peace.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article and convicted of same shall be liable to a fine of not less than $25, plus costs, nor more than $300. Where such violator has removed, destroyed, damaged, defaced or befouled the recreation, park and conservation area or the contents thereof, the cost of maintenance, repair or replacement shall be charged to such person or group in addition to any fine. Further use of recreation and park facilities may be denied to violators of this article in addition to the imposition of fines or costs.