[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Mount Joy as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Police — See Ch. 39.
Salaries and compensation — See Ch. 43.
Editor’s Note: Former Art. I, Police Pension Fund, adopted 5-19-2003 by Ord. No. CLXXXVIII, was repealed 9-15-2003 by Ord. No. CXCII. Section 3 of said ordinance also provided that the Board of Supervisors is authorized to transfer all assets and records of the Mount Joy Township Police Pension Fund to the Pension Fund of the Northwest Regional Lancaster County Police Commission.
[Adopted 6-20-2005 by Ord. No. CCVI;[1] amended in its entirety 11-16-2020 by Ord. No. 325-2020]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. II, Nonuniformed Employees Retirement Plan, adopted 12-22-1994 by Ord. No. CXXXVIII, as amended.
Mount Joy Township (the Township), having established a nonuniform pension plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System (the System), hereby elects to amend its Nonuniform Pension Plan administered by the System in accordance with Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law, 53 P.S. § 881.101 et seq. (Retirement Law), and does hereby agree to be bound by all the requirements and provisions of the Retirement Law and the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act, 53 P.S. § 895.101 et seq., and to assume all obligations, financial and otherwise, placed upon member municipalities.
As part of this article, the Township agrees that the System shall administer and provide the benefits set forth in the amended Nonuniform Pension Plan document entered into between the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board and the Township effective as of the date specified in the adoption agreement (the contract).
The Township acknowledges that by passage and adoption of this article, the Township officially accepts the contract and the financial obligations resulting from the administration of the contract.
Payment for any obligation established by the adoption of this article and the contract shall be made by the Township in accordance with the Retirement Law and the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act. The Township hereby assumes all liability for any unfundedness created due to the benefit structure set forth in the contract.
The Township intends this article to be the complete authorization of the contract, as amended, and it shall become effective as of the date specified in the adoption agreement, which is the effective date of the contract, as amended.
A duly certified copy of this article and an executed contract shall be filed with the System.