[Adopted 5-17-2004 by Ord. No. CXCIV]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
A person other than an officer of the Police Department designated by the Board of Supervisors of the Township to enforce this article.
The legal and/or beneficial owner of real property located within the Township.
Any individual, association, partnership, public or private corporation, whether for profit or not-for-profit, trust, estate, or other legally recognized entity. Whenever the term "person" is used in connection with any clause providing for the imposition of a fine or penalty or the ordering of the action to comply with the terms of this article, the term "person" shall include the members of an association, partnership or firm and the officers of any public or private corporation, whether for profit or not-for-profit.
The Northwest Regional Lancaster County Police Department.
For unoccupied or multiple unit properties, the person or persons who is/are the owner(s) of such property. For occupied single unit properties, all occupants of the property.
The Township of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
The responsible party for a property fronting upon or along any street within the Township is hereby required to remove or cause to be removed from all of the sidewalks in front of or alongside such property all snow and ice which has fallen or formed thereon within 24 hours after such snow and ice has ceased to fall or to be formed so that there shall be a clear walk along the entire length thereof at least three feet in width. In the event that snow and/or ice on a sidewalk has become so hard that it cannot be removed without the likelihood of damage to the sidewalk, the responsible party shall, within 24 hours after the snow or ice has ceased to fall or form, cause enough sand or other abrasive to be placed upon the sidewalk to make travel reasonably safe and shall, as soon thereafter as weather permits, cause to be cleared a path in said sidewalk of at least three feet in width.
Every responsible party shall remove and clear away, or cause to be removed and cleared away, any accumulation of snow and ice on a building or other structure which is liable to fall on any sidewalk, roadway or other public way. Such work shall be completed within a reasonable time, but not later than 24 hours after the cessation of any fall of snow, sleet or freezing rain.
Every responsible party shall remove and clear away, or cause to be removed and cleared away, any accumulation of snow or ice surrounding a fire hydrant located along the frontage of the property of the responsible party. Such work shall be completed within a reasonable time, but not later than 24 hours after the cessation of any fall of snow, sleet or freezing rain.
No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited any snow or ice on or immediately next to a fire hydrant or on any sidewalk, travel lanes of a street, or loading or unloading area of a public transportation system; except that the Township may mound snow and ice on public cartways incident to the clearing thereof or on curbs and persons may mound snow and ice on curbs incident to the clearing of sidewalks in business districts.
In any case where the responsible party shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this article within the time limit prescribed herein, the Township may proceed immediately to clear all snow and/or ice from the sidewalk, roof, or around the fire hydrant on the property for which such person is a responsible party and to collect the expenses of such removal, with an additional penalty of 10% of such costs, from the responsible party or to file a municipal lien against such property.
[Amended 2-19-2024 by Ord. No. 345-2024]
The Code Compliance Officer or any officer or employee of the Township designated for this purpose is hereby authorized to give notice, by personal service, by United States Mail or by posting the property, to the owner of any premises to remove snow and ice from the sidewalks or buildings as required by §§ 116-62 and 116-63 within 48 hours after the issuance of such notice. In case any person shall neglect, fail or refuse to comply with such notice, Township authorities may remove the snow and ice and recover costs and penalties as set forth in § 116-66 and/or may file proceedings in accordance with § 116-68. If the Code Compliance Officer or any officer or employee of the Township has given notice under this section in the winter season and the owner did not comply with the notice within the required 48 hours, the Township shall not be required to give additional notice to the owner before the Township proceeds in accordance with § 116-66 and/or § 116-68.
Any person who commits or permits any other person to commit a violation of any provision of this article shall be liable upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding to pay a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 for each offense, together with the costs of prosecution. Each day or portion thereof in which a violation exists shall be considered a separate violation of this article, and each section of this article which is violated shall be considered a separate violation.