All signs erected under this section shall conform
to the requirements of Chapter 85, Building Construction, adopting
the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code. All signs, as defined,
shall require a permit for the erection and maintenance of the same,
unless otherwise stated.
A. A sign not expressly permitted is prohibited.
B. Sign area. The square-foot area of a sign shall be computed as defined in "sign, gross surface area" in Article
II of this chapter.
C. Sign location. No sign shall be located in such a
position that it will cause a hazard by obstructing visibility. No
sign shall interfere with minimum site distance required by PennDOT
standards from access drives to a street. No sign, other than official
traffic signs and off-premises directional signs, shall hang over
or be erected within the right-of-way of any street.
D. Maintenance and inspection. All signs shall be constructed of a durable material and maintained in good condition. All signs, other than those constructed of decay-resistant wood, shall bear a protective treatment to guard against rust or decay. Signs using removable paper or other materials and general signs bearing protective coatings such as paint shall be maintained in such condition as to eliminate loose or frayed material protruding or hanging or falling from the structure. Any sign found to be in an unsafe or poorly maintained condition upon inspection shall be declared to be a public nuisance and the Zoning Officer shall give notice to the owner in writing, in accordance with §
220-108B of this chapter, to repair or remove the sign within 10 days. Upon failure of the owner to comply, the Municipality shall remove the sign at the owner's expense.
E. Illumination.
(1) Illumination, when authorized by this chapter, shall
be directed upon the sign face and not towards adjoining properties
or streets.
(2) Flashing or oscillating signs shall not be permitted.
(3) Lighting shall be stationary and constant in intensity
and color at all times.
(4) The intensity of any source of illumination of any
sign, whether indirect or internal, shall be controlled so as to not
exceed a maximum of 1.0 footcandle at the property line.
(5) External light bulb fixtures shall project no colors.
(6) Lighting emitted by signage shall be subject to lighting
standards otherwise applicable to the property.
F. Permit required. Each application for a sign permit
shall be accompanied by a drawing to scale showing the design which
is being proposed, the size, character and color of letter, lines
and symbols, method of illumination, the exact location of the sign
in relation to the building and property and construction details.
The application shall be accompanied by the permit fee, as designated
in the appropriate municipal ordinance.
G. Permit expiration. Any permit issued by the Zoning
Officer for erection, alteration, replacement or relocation of any
sign shall expire automatically within six months of the date of issuance
if work authorized by the permit has not been initiated and diligently
H. Existing nonconforming signs. Every sign or other
advertising structure lawfully in existence on the effective date
of this chapter may not be replaced, altered or relocated, unless
it is made to comply with this section. A change in wording of the
sign message does not constitute replacement, alteration or relocation
and, as such, shall be permitted.
I. There is no setback requirement for signs whose area
does not exceed two square feet, except that no private sign is permitted
in any street right-of-way.
J. All setbacks specified within this chapter shall apply
to the entirety of the sign, including elements that overhang or extend
from the supporting structure.
K. No sign shall bear any part moved by natural or mechanical
means which flash, revolve, rotate, swing, undulate, or convey the
impression of such movements through digital or analog means.
L. No part of any sign shall provide for movement, the
impression of movement, or animation, nor shall any sign emit noise.
M. No sign or structure shall be erected at any location
where, by reason of the position, shape or color of the sign or structure,
it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with any
authorized traffic sign, signal or device or restricting sight distance.
N. A sign shall bear no more than two faces.
O. Obscene signs are prohibited. No sign shall utilize
sexually explicit or suggestive language or graphics nor any illustration
of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" as
defined in this chapter and/or which bears language deemed obscene
by Chapter 15 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, Public Indecency.
P. Penants, balloons, and similar signage shall not be
permitted as temporary signs.
Q. RGB, (red, blue, green) automatic changeable copy
signs, or similar signs bearing the capability to project a range
of colors, shall be prohibited.
R. Automatic changeable copy signs shall not bear advertising
of an establishment, an activity, a product, a service or entertainment,
which is sold, produced, manufactured, available or furnished at a
site other than on the premises on which the sign is located.
S. Within 90 days of a business's closing, the sign copy
of the associated obsolete sign or signs shall be removed or obscured
in a manner commensurate with general construction standards outlined
Exempt signs. The following types of signs are
exempted from permit requirements and square footage maximums, but
must be in conformance with all other requirements of this article:
A. Messages placed on the inside of a building, except
that no such sign identifying the business and affixed to the inside
of the window can be larger than 50 square feet.
B. Real estate signs not exceeding 12 square feet in
area and advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises on
which the sign is located; one real estate sign per road frontage,
up to a maximum of two such signs on any one lot at a time.
C. A sign not exceeding 1 1/2 square feet in area,
used only to display the name(s) of the individuals, family, organization
or institution occupying the premises.
D. Traffic signs or other municipal signs, danger signs,
railroad crossing signs, legal notices and trespassing signs.
E. Official notices posted by public officers or employees
in the performance of the officer's or employee's duties.
F. Directional signs for hospitals, medical clinics,
ambulances, essential services, libraries and churches, up to four
square feet, with no more than three erected at different locations
at any one time throughout the Municipality, each to be less than
10 feet in height. Same may not be located within the public right-of-way.
G. Signs placed on or affixed to vehicles and/or trailers
where the sign is incidental to the primary use of the vehicle or
trailer. However, this is not in any way intended to permit signs
placed on or affixed to vehicles and/or trailers that are parked on
a public right-of-way, public property or private property so as to
be visible from a public right-of-way where the apparent purpose is
to advertise a product or direct people to a business or activity
located on the same or nearby property.
H. Directional signs designating parking area entrances
and exits, limited to one sign for each entrance and/or exit, not
exceeding four square feet in gross surface area and containing no
advertising matter. Parking lot directional signs shall not project
higher than five feet.
I. American and State of Pennsylvania flags, vertically
supported on a single pole and no larger than 100 square feet.
J. Signs for home occupation, where permitted, shall
not exceed two square feet in area on one side in any district.
L. Holiday decorations temporarily displayed on traditionally
accepted patriotic or religious holidays.
The following are authorized for stand-alone
parcels within the Mixed-Use District.
A. One wall sign per lot not more than 12 square feet
in area. The projection of the wall sign shall not exceed two feet
measured from the face of the main wall of the building to which it
is attached, and it may not project beyond the ends or top of the
wall to which it is attached.
B. One freestanding sign per lot indicating the business
names of occupants of that building may be located in the front yard
area. Same shall not exceed eight square feet per face, nor be mounted
higher than four feet off the ground, measured to the top of the sign.
Lots bearing more than 100 feet of lineal frontage on any street shall
be entitled to a sign not to exceed 24 square feet, notwithstanding
the allotments authorized for parcels bearing frontage on State Route
22, 66, 286, 380 or 366.
C. The freestanding sign shall not be located closer
than 15 feet to any side lot line.
D. The freestanding sign shall be located no closer to
the front lot line than 10 feet and shall not be located in an area
where the sign will block or reduce visibility of traffic entering
or exiting the site or adjacent properties.
E. Buildings located on corner lots may divide total
square feet of wall signage permitted between two wall signs, one
facing each street.
F. Nonilluminated signs displayed strictly to identify
parking area entrances or exits are permitted on the property, provided
that the area of any one side of any such sign shall not exceed two
square feet. If such signs are ground-mounted, the Zoning Officer
shall determine if the mounting height will cause a sight obstruction.
G. The illumination of all authorized signs shall be
external and shall not produce more than one footcandle of light at
any point on the property.
H. Lots bearing frontage on State Route 22, 66, 286, 380 or 366 shall be entitled to and subject to the allotments and standards applied to freestanding signs in §
220-88.1, Business District, stand-alone parcels, within the required front yard paralleling said streets. Wall signs affixed to wall surfaces directly facing said streets shall be entitled to and subject to the allotments and standards applied to wall signs in §
220-88.1, Business District, stand-alone parcels.
I. Manual changeable copy signs are permitted as an accessory
to wall or freestanding signs and shall not exceed 50% of the total
The following are authorized for stand-alone
parcels within the Business District.
A. One wall sign for each business enterprise in a building
that occupies space in the immediate interior of the front first floor
wall of the building shall be authorized.
The size of the wall sign for any single enterprise
may have an area equivalent to 1 1/2 square feet of sign area
for each lineal foot of width of a building or part of a building
occupied by such enterprise, but the cumulative square footage of
all such signs combined shall not exceed a maximum area greater than
10% of the wall's face to which they are affixed.
For the purposes of this section, width shall
be measured along the building face nearest parallel to the street
line. The sign must be affixed to the wall from which measurement
is taken. In the case of a corner lot, either frontage may be used
in determining width, but the frontage selected shall be considered
the front wall of the building for the purposes of determining maximum
area of the signs. This maximum area may be divided between two signs,
one facing each street.
The projection of the wall sign shall not exceed
two feet measured from the face of the main bearing wall of the building
and it may not project beyond the ends or top of the wall to which
it is attached. The wall sign must be attached to that portion of
the building occupied by the business enterprise advertised on same.
Wall signs may be internally or externally illuminated,
provided the internal or external illumination does not exceed one
footcandle of illumination at the face of the sign.
All wall signage posted on walls directly facing
and fronting on Old William Penn Highway shall conform to the Mixed-Use
District standards of this section.
B. One freestanding sign shall be permitted on the premises
of each lot bearing a principal building and establishment(s) and
fronting on a public street in the B District which is not otherwise
located within a shopping center or office park, subject to the following:
The sign area shall be calculated at 0.25 square
foot of sign area for each linear foot of lot frontage up to a maximum
of 50 square feet per face.
If the lot has frontage on more than one street, the total amount of signage calculated above may be divided into two signs and placed on two property lines with street frontage. A sign placed on a street frontage other than Routes 22, 66, 286, 366 and 380 shall comply with the requirements of §
Maximum sign height is 25 feet above the ground.
The sign shall be located no closer than eight
feet to the front lot line.
The sign shall be located at least 15 feet from
all side and rear lot signs
A manual changeable copy sign is permitted as
an accessory to and as part of the freestanding sign, wherein said
sign may not exceed 50% of the total gross surface area of the freestanding
sign to which it is an accessory. The square footage of all signage
on the structure shall not exceed that authorized for the freestanding
sign itself.
An automatic changeable copy sign is permitted as an accessory to and as part of the freestanding sign, wherein said sign may not exceed 25% of the total gross surface area of the freestanding sign to which it is an accessory. The sign shall operate within those standards required under §
220-87B(4), including the timing, character, lighting and color of digital text.
Billboards shall be authorized as a conditional
use on parcels within the B Business District with the following specifications:
A. The parcel shall bear at least 500 of continuous frontage
along State Route 22, 66, 286, 380, or 366. The aforesaid 500 feet
shall be interpreted to mean that which is borne along any one such
street stated, as opposed to a cumulative amount where frontage on
multiple such streets exists.
B. The billboard shall be limited to 65 square feet.
C. The billboard shall be set back a minimum of 500 feet
from any property line which directly abuts a parcel zoned as R-R,
R-1, R-2, or R-3.
D. The billboard shall be set back at least 100 feet from any side or rear property line, or any street other than those cited in §
220-88.2A, notwithstanding stricter provisions regarding residentially zoned properties.
E. The billboard shall be set back at least 20 feet from
any street.
F. No changeable copy signs are permitted in association
with a billboard.
G. No flashing or colored lighting are permitted in association
with any billboard.