[Adopted 4-9-1918 by Ord. No. 98]
[Amended 1-26-1956 by Ord. No. 259; 5-17-1976 by Ord. No. 380, approved 5-17-1976]
No person shall place any building materials or other material used in building or for any other purpose upon any of the streets or alleys of the Borough for more than two hours without first obtaining a permit for the purpose from the Borough Secretary, for which permit the sum of $2.50 shall be paid to the Borough Secretary. Any person, firm or corporation may, instead of obtaining such permit and paying such fee, obtain an annual permit for a fee of $10, but such person, firm or corporation shall notify the Borough Secretary of the location of all work covered by this article prior to undertaking any such work.
[Amended 5-17-1976 by Ord. No. 380, approved 5-17-1976]
The Borough Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to each and every person applying for same under § 90-14, subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
Said permit shall not be issued for a longer period than six months, or shall be issued for a shorter period if, in the opinion of the Borough Secretary, the work for which the permit is granted can be accomplished in a shorter time.
No permit shall be construed as giving any person a right or privilege to block any pavement or footpath in the Borough.
All building or other materials shall be so placed on the streets, roads, lanes, alleys or avenues as to allow free passage of water in the gutters, and, furthermore, no building materials or other materials shall be placed within 10 feet of any fireplug or over the center line of the street, so that free passage of teams, automobiles and vehicles is assured.
No permit shall be construed as giving permission to any person to place materials in front of an adjoining property without said person's having first obtained the consent of the owner of said adjoining property to so place said materials.
The person to whom said permit is given shall promise to use all diligence in removing the materials from the streets, roads, avenues, alleys or lanes after the work is completed, and, upon notice from the Borough Secretary, shall remove same within five days from said notice.
The person or persons to whom said permit is granted or issued shall promise to be personally responsible for any loss or injury that may result through such building or other materials being placed on the streets of the Borough.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding before a District Magistrate, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300 and costs of prosecution, and in default of payment of such fine and costs, to imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 30 days.