[Adopted 9-4-1979 by Ord. No. 395, approved 9-4-1979]
The portion of Nottle Avenue shown on the Official Map of the Borough of Pen Argyl, between Main Street and the boundary line separating the Borough of Pen Argyl from the Township of Plainfield, and which portion of Nottle Avenue is more particularly hereinafter described, is hereby opened, and the hereinafter-described portion of Nottle Avenue is ordained to be a portion of the street system of the Borough of Pen Argyl, Northampton County, Pennsylvania.
All that forty-foot-wide roadway having its center line described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the northerly curbline of Main Street, said point being located 568.33 feet, measured easterly along said northerly curbline of Main Street, from the intersection of the center line of Vine Street and the northerly curbline of Main Street; thence north 23° 03' 00", west 85.53 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 270 feet, a distance of 106.97 feet to a point of tangent; thence north 45° 45' 00" west 100 feet to the point of termination.