[Amended 8-24-1979 by Ord. No.259; 5-11-1982 by Ord. No. 302]
The Traffic Control Map, consisting of three (3) sheets prepared by Charles H. Quandel Associates, Inc., dated August 9, 1979, as revised by PennEast Corporation in April 1982, is hereby adopted and established as the Official Traffic Control Map of the City of Pottsville, with the symbols and legend showing the traffic control and restricted parking areas hereby established within the City, including one-way streets, snow emergency routes, school crossings, stop intersections, yield intersections, speed limits and zones for parking meters, no parking anytime, restricted parking, loading and unloading only, bus loading only, one-hour parking only, safety zones and places of prohibited, restricted and required turns.[1]
Editor's Note: The Traffic control Maps, as amended, are on file in the City offices.
Amendments to the Traffic Control Maps shall be made by ordinance.
This section shall not restrict the authority of the Mayor to establish any traffic regulations for a temporary period, not exceeding ninety (90) days, in conformity with § 210-8.
At least every ninety (90) days the Chief of Police shall submit to the Council specific recommendations for additions, changes or deletions to the Traffic Control Maps.
Subsection A hereof shall not restrict the power of the Council to amend the Traffic Control Maps by ordinance at any time without prior recommendation or study by the Chief of Police.
The Traffic Control Maps shall be prepared and maintained by the City Engineer. At least one (1) set of such maps as currently amended shall be kept on file in the office of the City Engineer and the office of the Chief of Police. The City Engineer may combine information for two (2) or more Traffic Control Maps upon a single map. All Traffic Control Maps shall be public records, but the keeping of these maps shall not be a requisite condition for the prosecution of any violation of this Traffic Code.
The Chief of Police shall maintain a permanent file or record setting forth all recommendations to the Council for amendments to the Traffic Control Maps.