[Adopted 10-3-1989 as Ch. 160, Art. V, of the 1989 Code]
After the passage of this article, it is determined that the Borough of Trafford shall proceed under the authority vested in said Borough by Act No. 773 of December 30, 1959, as amended by Act No. 425 of August 7, 1961,[1] of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and in accordance with the legal procedure therein set forth, and against the properties, persons or corporations against which or whom there exists delinquent sanitary sewage rentals, all of which shall result toward the shutting off and terminating of the water service to said properties, persons or corporations by the Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint Water Authority or any other company or authority furnishing water service and supply to said properties, persons or corporations.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 2261.
It is further provided by this article that the Borough of Trafford shall give written notice by United States Mail of an intention to shut off or terminate said water supply to the person or persons liable for the payment of sanitary sewage rentals or charges at least ten-day prior to the shutting off or terminating of said water supply, and in addition thereto, said Borough of Trafford shall cause to be posted a written notice of said intention at a main entrance of the premises against which the delinquent sanitary sewage rentals exist.
It is further provided that at the termination of said ten-day period, said Borough of Trafford shall authorize, request and require the water authority or company furnishing said water service to said property, person or corporation to shut off and terminate said water service until such time as all such overdue rentals, rates and charges, together with any penalties and interest thereon, shall be paid.