[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Warwick as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Pensions — See Ch. 40.
[Adopted 12-11-1985 by Ord. No. 101]
Each Supervisor of Warwick Township elected or appointed to office on or after November 5, 1985, shall receive compensation for attending duly advertised general or special public meetings of the Board of Supervisors at the rate of $50 for each meeting attended by the Supervisor.
No Supervisor shall receive annual compensation under this article in excess of the annual statutory limit set by the General Assembly in Act 68 for supervisors of second class townships within the appropriate population category.
No Supervisor shall be compensated for attending any meetings of the Board of Supervisors in excess of 40 meetings per year. However, the absence of compensation shall not negate or in any way affect the Supervisor's duty or obligation to attend such uncompensated meetings.
Such compensation shall be paid in monthly installments.
The salary to be paid each Supervisor pursuant to this article is considered compensation for services rendered by the Supervisor for the duties imposed by law on supervisors of second class townships. Should a Supervisor perform services for the Township while acting as a Superintendent, Roadmaster or laborer, the Supervisor shall be entitled to such additional compensation as is determined by the Township Auditors. However, no Supervisor shall receive compensation as a Superintendent or Roadmaster for time he/she or she spends attending a meeting of the Board of Supervisors.