[Adopted 11-28-1905 by Ord. No. 29 (Ch. 21, Part 2A of the 1990 Code)]
[Amended 6-13-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-08]
When any sidewalk in front of any property within the limits of the Borough shall be in such a condition in the judgment of the Borough Council as to require repaving and recurbing, or both, to be safe and convenient for public travel, the owner of such property shall be given written notice of the fact and shall be required to repave or recurb, or both, or make such repairs to the sidewalks within 20 days after the service of written notice upon him to do so. In the event of his failure to do the work required within the time prescribed hereby the Borough may proceed to do the said work and recover the costs thereof with a penalty of not less than $100 and not more than $1,000 added thereto as provided by law.