[Adopted 12-13-1954 by Ord. No. 110 (Ch. 21, Part 2C of the 1990 Code)]
All sidewalks hereafter constructed or reconstructed in the Borough of New Hope shall be constructed or reconstructed in accordance with the following specifications:
Cement-concrete sidewalks.
Cement-concrete sidewalks shall consist of concrete mixed to the proportion by volume of one part cement, two parts sand, four parts aggregate, and an approved bed placed on a prepared foundation and constructed to the depth herein specified.
The aggregate for the bed shall consist of stone, gravel, slag or cinders of approved quality. The aggregate, except cinders, shall pass the one-and-one-half-inch screen and at least 85% shall be retained on a one-fourth-inch screen.
Construction methods.
Preparation of foundation. The foundation for the bed shall be formed at a depth of eight inches below and parallel with the finished surface of the sidewalk, unless otherwise directed by Borough Engineer. All soft and yielding or other unsuitable material shall be removed and replaced with suitable material, and the foundation shall be compacted thoroughly and finished to a smooth, firm surface.
Placing aggregate for bed. The approved aggregate shall be spread on the prepared foundation to form a compacted bed four inches in thickness, unless otherwise directed by the Borough Engineer. This material shall be compacted thoroughly. If cinders are used they shall be wetted as directed. Satisfactory outlets for draining the bed shall be provided.
Forms. Forms shall be of wood or metal, straight, free from warp, and of sufficient strength when staked to resist the pressure of the concrete without springing. If of wood, they shall be two-inch planks, surfaced on the inside and the top; or, if of metal, they shall be of approved section. Forms shall be of a depth equal to the depth of the concrete and shall be cleaned thoroughly and oiled each time they are used before concrete is placed against them. Forms that have become worn, bent or damaged shall not be used.
Sidewalks shall be constructed in separate slabs 30 feet in length, except for closures, or as otherwise directed by the Borough Engineer. These slabs shall be separated by transverse premolded expansion joints 1/4 inch in thickness for the full depth of the concrete. Transverse premolded expansion joints shall also be placed adjacent to existing structures where directed. The slabs between expansion joints shall be divided into blocks five feet in length by scoring transversely. Where the slabs are more than five feet in width they shall be scored longitudinally in the center. Transverse and longitudinal scoring shall extend for a depth of at least 1/3 the thickness of the concrete slab.
Premolded expansion joints 1/4 inch in thickness for the full depth of the concrete shall be placed longitudinally where the sidewalk slab is to be constructed in contact with curb.
Where existing structures such as light standards, poles, etc., are within the limits of the sidewalk area, the concrete around such structures shall be scored in a block eight inches wider than the maximum dimension of the structure at the sidewalk elevation. Prior to placing the concrete around such structures a premolded expansion joint 1/4 inch in thickness shall be placed around the structure for the full depth of the concrete in the sidewalk.
Placing concrete. The concrete shall be proportioned by volume and shall be mixed and placed in accordance with general practice. The concrete shall be placed four inches in thickness except at all driveway crossings, where the sidewalk shall consist of six inches of concrete reinforced with wire fabric meeting Pennsylvania Department of Highway specifications. The surface shall be given a granular finish by rubbing with a wood float, without the addition of cement to the surface, or as otherwise directed by the Borough Engineer. Unless otherwise directed, an edger having a one-fourth-inch radius shall be used for edging all joints. The concrete shall be protected and cured according to general practice. No concrete shall be laid when the temperature is expected to drop below 40° F., unless approved heating devices are provided.
Removal of forms. Side forms shall not be removed within 24 hours after the concrete has been placed. After removal of the forms minor honeycombed areas shall be filled with mortar composed of one part of cement and two parts of fine aggregate. Major honeycombed areas will be considered as defective work.
Backfilling. After the concrete has been cured for a period of not less than 72 hours the space adjacent to the sidewalk shall be backfilled with acceptable material in layers of not more than four inches in depth and shall be thoroughly compacted mechanically to the required elevation and cross section.
Vitrified brick sidewalks. Vitrified brick sidewalks shall be constructed on a base consisting of four inches of concrete on four inches of aggregate prepared as set forth for concrete sidewalks except for the final finish.
Flagstone sidewalks.
The flagstone and source thereof shall meet the approval of the Borough Engineer.
Flagstone sidewalks shall be constructed on a base consisting of four inches of concrete on four inches of aggregate prepared as set forth for concrete sidewalks except for the final finish.