[Amended 5-3-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995; 6-17-1998 by L.L. No. 7-1998; 1-3-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001; 3-7-2001 by L.L. No. 6-2001]
Except where otherwise mandated by the provisions of this chapter or by the provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York (VTL), the monetary fines to be imposed for violations of the provisions of this chapter and of the below-referenced provisions of the VTL shall be in the following amounts:
[Amended 10-15-2003 by L.L. No. 5-2003; 4-21-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004; 10-6-2004 by L.L. No. 7-2004; 10-21-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009[1]; 6-19-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013[2]; 4-2-2014 by Res. No. 4/2014; 7-17-2024 by Res. No. 4-2024]
Description of Violation
Provision of Law
Expired street meter
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-10
Overtime street meter
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-10
Loading zone
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Prohibited parking – Lane 2 (LIRR station)
Ch. 206, Art. IV, § 206-57.3J(2)
Overtime parking on the street
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Expired inspection or other inspection violation (60 days or less)
VTL § 306(b)
Expired inspection or other inspection violation (more than 60 days)
VTL § 306(b)
Expired registration or other registration violation
VTL § 403, § 401-1(A)
No parking any time
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Double parking
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking in front of driveway
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking over 12 inches from curb
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking on sidewalk
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking in bus stop
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking near fire hydrant
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking of a commercial vehicle overnight
Ch. 206, Art. III
Left side of curb
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking out of space/street
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking over 10 minutes
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Parking in traffic lane
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
No parking 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Parking in crosswalk
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking on restricted street
Ch. 206, Art. IV, § 206-16A
No parking 6:00 p.m. Tuesday to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Parking in police-only zone
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
No stopping or standing here to corner
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Parking in taxis-only zone
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Unattended motor vehicle
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-13
Parking in fire zone
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking in employees-only
Ch. 206, Art. V, § 206-54
Blocking intersection
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Restricted parking 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Restricted parking 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Restricted parking 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Ch. 206, Art. IV
Parking in expired meter/lot
Ch. 206, Art. V
Backed in space/lot
Ch. 206, Art. V
Overtime parking/lot
Ch. 206, Art. V
Parking out of space/lot
Ch. 206, Art. V
Restricted parking/lot
Ch. 206, Art. V
Parking in handicapped space with no permit
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-13
Backed in space/street
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-12
Parking in fire lane/private lot
Ch. 206, Art. II, § 206-8
No stopping or standing in no stop/standing zone
Ch. 206, Art. IV
No front plate
VTL § 402, Subdivision 1
Parking on closed street
Ch. 206, Art. II, § 206-3
Parking, standing or stopping on snow-removal street
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-13.1
Obstructed plates
VTL § 402 (Subdivision 1(b))
Abandoned motor vehicle
VTL § 1224-7
Overtime parking/electric charging station
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-13E
Restricted parking/space reserved for use of electric charging station
Ch. 206, Art. III, § 206-13E
Editor's Note: This local law provided that these amendments would take effect 1-1-2010.
Editor’s Note: This local law provided that it would become effective upon filing with the office of the Secretary of State or on 8-1-2013, whichever was later.
The monetary fines set forth in Subsection A above which are $50 or less shall be increased by the amount of $5 for the first thirty-day period, or portion thereof, between the return date of the summons for the violation in the Justice Court, or any adjourned return date approved by the Court, and the date when the fine for the violation is actually paid; shall be further increased by the amount of $10 for the next subsequent thirty-day period, or portion thereof, during which the fine for the violation remains unpaid; and shall be further increased by $20 for each subsequent thirty-day period, or portion thereof, during which the fine for the violation reasons unpaid. However, the increase of fines authorized by this subsection shall not exceed $95 for any single violation.
The monetary fines set forth in Subsection A above which are greater than $50 shall be increased by the amount of $10 for the first thirty-day period, or portion thereof, between the return date of the summons for the violation in the Justice Court, or any adjourned return date approved by the Court, and the date when the fine for the violation is actually paid; and shall be further increased by the amount of $20 for the next subsequent thirty-day period, or portion thereof, during which the fine for the violation remains unpaid, and shall be further increased by the amount of $40 for each subsequent thirty-day period, or portion thereof, during which the fine for the violation remains unpaid. However, the increase of fines authorized by this subsection shall not exceed $190.
The monetary fines set forth in Subsection A above shall also be increased by any surcharges authorized or mandated to be applied to said amounts by applicable state law.
The Village Court shall be authorized to charge an administrative fee of $15 for any check provided to the Village in payment of a fine which is not able to be cashed due to insufficient funds.
The Justice and Acting Judge of the Village Court shall have the authority to reduce the monetary amounts of the fines set forth in Subsections A and B if it is found that there exists good cause or mitigating circumstances which would warrant such a reduction.
The Board of Trustees of the Village may hereinafter modify the schedule of monetary fines, late fees and other charges set forth in Subsections A and B above by resolution voted for at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board by at least three Trustees, except that the Board of Trustees may not adopt by resolution any modification of the schedule of monetary fines which would cause the amount of said fines to exceed any maximum amounts otherwise established by applicable state law.
In the event that no specific fine or penalty and no maximum and minimum fines or penalties for the violation of a provision of this chapter is otherwise set by this chapter or by the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, then the fine or penalty for said violation may be set by the Justices of the Village Court, provided that any person convicted of such a violation shall, for a first conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $100 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; for a second such violation, both of which were committed within a period cf 18 months, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than $200 or by imprisonment for not more than 45 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; upon conviction of a third or subsequent violation, all of which were committed within a period of 18 months, such person shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.