No building permit shall be issued for the construction or alteration of any building or structure or for the replacement of any building or structure or portion thereof destroyed by fire, natural catastrophe or act of God unless the applicant has first obtained and submitted to the Town a building permit from Sussex County or proof that a building permit is not necessary from that agency.
No building permit shall be issued for the construction or alteration of any building or structure within the area east of the State of Delaware building line as established by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control unless the applicant has first obtained and submitted to the Town a permit from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.
No building permit shall be issued for the construction, alteration or change of use of a building or structure subject to the regulations of the State Fire Code until the applicant has first obtained and submitted to the Town a permit from the State Fire Marshal.
[Amended 3-21-2003 by Ord. No. 369]
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued to relocate any building or structure or portion thereof from one site within the corporate limits of the Town to another site within the corporate limits of the Town unless a home inspection report by a qualified and licensed home inspection agency is provided to the Town that said building or structure or portion thereof complies with the Town Building Code and the State Fire Code.
[Amended 3-21-2003 by Ord. No. 369]
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued to locate any building or other structure or portion thereof within the corporate limits of the Town from a location outside the corporate limits unless a home inspection report by a qualified and licensed home inspection agency is provided to the Town that said building or structure or portion thereof complies with the Town Building Code and the State Fire Code.