[The following Table of Fees is an editorial compilation of fees legislated in the various chapters of the Code of the Borough of Emsworth. When any such fee is amended, added or abolished by ordinance or resolution of Borough Council, this Table of Fees may be updated without further legislative action. In the event that this Table of Fees and the specific section(s) of the Code (as cited below) conflict, the specific section(s) of the Code should be deemed to reflect the accurate fee amount.]
Location in Code
Chapter 25, Officers and Employees
§ 25-5
Late fee for written tax statement
Each day or part of day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, for the first 6 days overdue
Each day after such 6th day
Maximum fee with respect to single statement
Chapter 54, Adult Uses
§ 54-6
Sexually oriented business permit
Chapter 63, Alarms
§ 63-2C
Alarm device permit
§ 63-6A
Alarm installation permit
§ 63-6D
Alarm supplier license
Chapter 65, Alcoholic Beverages
§ 65-4
Application fee
Chapter 68, Amusement Devices
Amusement device license
If installed after July 1
Chapter 95, Claims, Municipal
Various attorney fees and charges
See Ch. 95, Art. I
Chapter 100, Construction Codes, Uniform
§ 100-6
Administration and enforcement
As set from time to time by resolution
Chapter 123, Fees
§ 123-1
Borough services:
Marmo Community Park permit:
Municipal no-lien letter
Copy of Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
Returned check
§ 123-2
Tax Collector services:
Tax certification
Returned check
§ 123-3
Hearings before Zoning Hearing Board:
Chapter 135, Floodplain Management
§ 135-14
Building permit application
Estimated cost of proposed construction as determined by Building Permit Officer
Chapter 144, Insurance
Fire insurance escrow certificate
Chapter 157, Nuisances
Storage permit
Chapter 169, Peddling and Soliciting
§ 169-3A
Peddling and soliciting permit:
Per day
Per week
Per year
Chapter 186, Sewers
§§ 186-1, 186-3 and 186-5
Connection permit
§ 186-16
Connection charges:
Connecting a single-family dwelling:
10 fixtures or less (each)
Each fixture in excess of 10
Connecting a duplex:
Each family, 8 fixtures or less (each)
Each fixture in excess of 8
Connecting multiple-family dwellings:
3 to 10 units, 6 fixtures or less (each)
Each fixture in excess of 6
10 to 25 units, 6 fixtures or less (each)
Each fixture in excess of 6
26 units or more, 6 fixtures or less (each)
Each fixture in excess of 6
Connecting commercial buildings:
Each building containing 6 fixtures or less
Each fixture in excess of 6
Connecting amusement and recreation buildings:
Each unit containing 6 fixtures or less
Each fixture in excess of 6
Connecting churches or church buildings:
Each unit containing 10 fixtures or less
Each fixture in excess of 10
Connecting schools and school buildings:
Each building containing 8 rooms or less and 10 fixtures or less
Each fixture in excess of 10
§ 186-19
Administrative charge for billing collection service
Evidence of compliance (with dye test, etc.)
Flat quarterly usage fee
Each 1,000 gallons of water used for charges assessed by Allegheny County Sanitary Authority
Flat quarterly usage fee
Each 1,000 gallons of water used for charges assessed by the Borough
Chapter 198, Solid Waste
§ 198-6F
Late payment charge (for delinquent payment of collection fees)
Chapter 203, Stormwater Management
§ 203-33
Appeal filing fee
Chapter 207, Streets and Sidewalks
§ 207-8B
Removal and replacement of sidewalk (deposit)
$2 per lineal foot of pavement disturbed
Street opening permit (minimum)
$60, which includes the first 50 square feet of opening
Street opening deposit (minimum)
Chapter 229, Vehicles and Traffic
§ 229-23
Special hauling permit
Special hauling permit renewal
Chapter 245, Zoning
Zoning permit
Occupancy permit