[Adopted 2-19-2008 by Ord. No. 1497]
There is hereby created the office of Municipal Administrator.
The Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the governing body. If the mayor fails to nominate within 30 days after the office of Municipal Administrator is created or after the office becomes vacant or the council fails to confirm any nomination made by the Mayor, then after the expiration of 30 days, the Council shall appoint the Municipal Administrator, a majority vote having at least three affirmative votes being required for such purpose. The Mayor shall have no vote thereon except in the case of a tie.
The Municipal Administrator shall be a resident of the Borough. If the Municipal Administrator is not a resident of Palisades Park at the time of appointment, the Municipal Administrator shall become a resident of Palisades Park within 90 days thereafter and will remain so during his/her tenure.
The term of office of the Municipal Administrator shall be at the pleasure of the governing body.
The Municipal Administrator may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the full governing body. The resolution of the removal shall become effective three months after its adoption by the governing body. The governing body may provide that the resolution shall have immediate effect, provided, however, that the governing body shall cause to be paid to the Administrator any unpaid balance of his salary and his salary for the next three calendar months following the adoption of the resolution.
The Municipal Administrator shall be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative abilities and qualifications, with special regard to education, training and experience in government affairs and shall be a graduate of a duly accredited college or university.
The Municipal Administrator shall receive such compensation as the ordinance creating such office shall provide and as from time to time may otherwise be directed by the governing body by ordinance. The Municipal Administrator's compensation shall not be reduced during the term of office except by a two-thirds vote of the full governing body. The initial salary for the Municipal Administrator shall be $97,000 annually.
The Municipal Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough. The Administrator's actions shall be subject to the policy and directives of the Mayor and/or resolutions of the Council. He/she shall be responsible for carrying out policies established by the Mayor and Council, for the enforcement and execution of all ordinances of the Borough and all state laws and regulations subject to enforcement by Borough action and, in general, for the proper administration of all affairs of the Borough within the jurisdiction of the governing body.
For the purpose of carrying out his/her responsibilities under this chapter and within the limitations permitted by authorized staff and appropriations, the Municipal Administrator shall:
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments and offices of the Borough government subject to the provisions of statute and other Borough ordinances, except the Municipal Administrator shall have no influence in the day-to-day operation of the Police Department so long as there is a Chief of Police for the Borough of Palisades Park.
Recommend for appointment all department heads to the Mayor and Council.
Establish and maintain sound working policies including scheduling of vacation holiday and sick leave; maintain appropriate records of such reports and to enforce the personnel policy of the Borough and any contractual obligations with employees entered into by the Borough and, if requested by the Mayor, shall attend any meetings of the Borough Council without the right to vote but with the obligation to take part in the discussions if requested by the Mayor or any members of the Council.
Prepare annually and recommend to the Mayor and Council an operating and capital budget together with such explanatory comment or statement as may be deemed desirable and/or necessary. The operating budget shall be in such form as is required by law and shall, in addition, contain detailed analysis of the various items of expenditure and revenue.
Maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and cost of Borough services.
Work together with the chief financial officer to approve and recommend to the Council the payment of all bills and vouchers subject to law.
Make such study of governmental and administrative operation of and needs of the Borough government and prepare and recommend to the Council for adoption such plans, programs and measures as the Administrator may deem necessary or expedient to meet present and foreseeable needs.
Keep the Council advised of the financial condition of the Borough and make such reports to the Council as requested by it at least once a year and make an annual report on the administration of the Borough government to the Mayor and Council.
Prepare, in conjunction with the Borough Clerk and the Mayor, a preliminary agenda of Borough business for review and consideration by the governing body at its meetings.
Devise and administer a system of referral and follow-up by operating departments of requests for information regarding municipal services from members of the public subject to the authority of the Borough Clerk.
Administer programs in various other areas of internal housekeeping such as insurance, assignment of space in the municipal building, furniture, facilities and inventories of municipal property, real and personal.
Perform such other duties as may be required of the Municipal Administrator by ordinance or resolution of the Council.
Provide a liaison between the Mayor and Council and the various municipal boards, agencies and departments of the Borough and its professional advisors.
Inform and keep the Mayor and Council on all matters assigned to him/her or otherwise within his/her jurisdiction.
Be responsible for the coordination of intra-departmental operations and manage the day-to-day operation of the Borough Hall by coordinating and supervising the activities of the Borough employees.
Study continually present and future budgets, purchasing procedures, administrative procedures and personnel organization and policies and make such recommendations to the Mayor and Council relating thereto as he/she shall deem necessary.
Be responsible for continually improving communications between the various Borough personnel, departments, agencies, boards and the Mayor and Council.
See that all the terms and conditions imposed in favor of the Borough or its inhabitants in any statute or contract are faithfully kept and performed and, upon knowledge of any violation, call the same to the attention of the Borough Council.
Shall act as the chief labor negotiator for the purpose of collective bargaining with all employees, but all settlements and agreements are subject to approval by the Borough Council.
Review continually and make recommendations to the Insurance Committee of the Borough Council for the Borough's insurance program.
Act as liaison between the Borough and the various county, state and federal agencies with respect to all applications for funds and/or services and/or grants needed or required by the Borough.
Review daily complaints concerning the functions and obligations of the Borough as made by any of its residents, and keep a permanent record of all complaints and the disposition made.
Make any recommendations which he/she may believe will increase the efficiency of the operation of the Borough.
Prepare and present to the Mayor and Council a semiannual report of the Borough affairs, which shall include a report from each department head.
Investigate, at any time, the affairs of any department or office of the Borough and report any and all findings to the Mayor and Council.
Review, recommend, and evaluate the impact of proposed federal and state legislation and the effect of new and existing legislation.
Recommend and supervise the nature, location, cost and extent of public improvements and coordinate the execution of same.