Under the supervision of the Mayor as chief executive, there shall be a Department of Public Works, the head of which shall be the Director of Public Works. Within the Department there shall be the following Divisions:
Division of Municipal Maintenance and Services.
Division of Engineering.
Division of Recreation.
Departmental powers and duties generally. The Department of Public Works shall provide for the proper and efficient conduct of all public works' functions of the municipal government and shall provide technical and engineering advice and assistance to other Township departments and agencies as needed. Subject to the Charter, general law and ordinance, it shall administer and control the following functions and the construction, operation and maintenance of public works, improvements, sanitation, facilities and services relating thereto:
Storm sewers and drains.
Streets, bridges, roads and sidewalks.
Rivers, streams, waterfronts and flood damage control and reduction.
Traffic engineering and streetlighting.
Public buildings.
Parks, greens, trees and recreational facilities.
Sanitation, including solid waste collection and disposal.
Sanitary sewer facilities and water supply facilities.
Public Works Coordinator. Within the Department of Public Works, under the supervision of the Mayor and Township Administrator, and subject to the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works, there is hereby created the position of Public Works Coordinator. The essential functions of this position shall be more particularly described in a job description issued by the Greenwich Township Administrator. In general, these essential functions include, but are not limited to the following:
[Added 6-21-2004 by Ord. No. 6-2004]
Process and monitor all purchase orders, vouchers and invoices for all services rendered by the Department of Public Works.
Prepare reports to state, county, local agencies and the Township Council as directed by the Superintendent of Public Works.
Perform administrative and clerical functions within the Public Works Department as directed by the Superintendent of Public Works.
Perform such other duties that fall within the job description prepared by the Township Administrator.
Supervisor of Public Works. Within the Department of Public Works, under the supervision of the Mayor and Township Administrator, and subject to the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works, there is hereby created the position of Supervisor of Public Works. The essential functions of this position shall be more particularly described in a job description issued by the Greenwich Township Administrator. In general, these essential functions include, but are not limited to the following:
[Added 5-16-2005 by Ord. No. 7-2005]
Serve as the direct assistant to the Superintendent of Public Works.
In the absence of the Superintendent, assume all responsibilities of the Superintendent's position.
Administer and enforce rules and regulations and special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the employees and personnel in the Department of Public Works.
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all subordinates and personnel. Delegate such authority as may deem necessary for the efficient operation of the Department of Public Works to be exercised under the delegate's direction and supervision.
Process purchase orders, vouchers, invoices, and other necessary documents for various divisions within the Department of Public Works.
Prepare and order notices in the newspaper and cable TV for various and sundry public works activities.
Prepare, mail and file various reports to state, county, local agencies, and the Township Council for Director of Public Works.
Approve, process and file local utility road opening permits, and all road opening permits applied for by the Township from the State of New Jersey DOT and the County Engineering Department.
Assist in the development of policies and procedures, public relations documents and in preparing and updating Operation and Maintenance Manuals, and Standard Operating Procedures for the Department.
Perform such other duties that fall within the job description prepared by the Township Administrator.
Buildings and Grounds Coordinator. Within the Department of Public Works, under the supervision of the Mayor and Township Administrator, and subject to the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works and any other superior official within the department, there is hereby created the position of Building and Grounds Coordinator. The essential functions of this position shall be more particularly described in a job description issued by the Greenwich Township Administrator. In general, these essential functions include, but are not limited to the following:
[Added 11-7-2005 by Ord. No. 16-2005]
The care and maintenance of all municipally owned facilities and grounds with in Greenwich Township.
The care and maintenance of facilities identified by and assigned to him by the Superintendent of Public Works when such assignment is needed to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
To provide assistance in the event of any emergency affecting the Township when such assistance is directed by the Superintendent of Public Works or a superior official within the Department of Public Works.
Perform such other duties that fall within the job description prepared by the Township Administrator.
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Municipal Maintenance and Services, the head of which shall be the Director of the Department of Public Works. The Division shall manage and supervise the construction, maintenance, improvement and operation of all physical properties of the Township, including sanitary sewer and water supply facilities, other than office furniture, equipment and supplies and shall maintain the Township in a sanitary condition and engage in solid waste collection and disposal.
Duties. The Division shall have the following duties:
To maintain and repair all Township roads, streets, bridges, culverts and drains.
To maintain and repair storm sewers under Township jurisdiction.
To maintain and repair drainage and conservation easements required by law to be maintained by the Township.
To keep the Township's streets and roads in clean, safe and usable condition, free from obstructions and hazards and remove snow and ice therefrom as required.
To undertake new road construction and road resurfacing projects when so instructed by the Council.
To receive applications for and issue street opening permits and driveway permits under such ordinances and regulations as may be required for the public protection, not inconsistent with the Charter or ordinance.
To supervise the administration of streetlighting contracts with the Township.
To ensure that utilities having rights-of-way within the Township and contractors operating within the Township maintain safe the use of public thoroughfares and restore thoroughfares to their original condition on the completion of work.
To install, repair and maintain street traffic signs, lines and markers and paint control signals.
To operate a garage for the storage, servicing, repair and maintenance of Township-owned vehicles and supervise such work as may be done thereto pursuant to contract.
To control the maintenance of Township vehicles through vehicle operating records, cost studies and replacement schedules.
To supervise the administration and performance of sanitation work for the Township, including solid waste collection and disposal, and assist organized recycling and/or cleanup programs when so directed.
To operate and maintain all public buildings owned by the Township.
To trim, plant and care for trees, public parks and greens.
To provide custodial and janitorial services for all municipal buildings other than firehouses and schools.
To maintain and repair all recreational facilities and playgrounds and equipment which are the property of the Township.
To maintain records of use of public buildings and recreational facilities and maintain repair schedules.
To supervise and work with employees engaged in the water and sewer utilities within the Township and establish and maintain schedules of said work.
To supervise the proper handling of equipment to prevent damage.
To provide suitable assignments to employees and supervise their work.
To supervise the obtaining, storing, safeguarding and distribution of related equipment, materials and supplies in connection with utilities.
To develop effective work methods for subordinates.
To ensure the proper use of needed equipment, materials and supplies.
To repair and keep the needed records and reports of personnel and work done, equipment used and time spent to maintain and efficiently operate the water and sewer utilities within the Township.
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Engineering, the head of which shall be the Township Engineer.
Composition. The Division shall include the Township Engineer and such other staff as shall be authorized by the Council by ordinance. The Township Engineer shall be appointed annually by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. The Township Engineer shall, prior to his appointment, hold a professional degree in mechanical engineering or civil engineering from an accredited school or college and shall be a licensed professional engineer recognized by the State of New Jersey. He shall meet such other qualifications as may be established by law for municipal engineers. He shall be qualified by training and experience to serve as Township Engineer and shall have at least five years' experience in responsible engineering work.
Powers and duties. Under the supervision of the Director of Public Works, the Division shall:
Prepare or supervise the preparation of plans and specifications for all municipal public works or improvements and the performance of contracts thereunder.
Provide all engineering services required by any department, division, office or agency of the municipal government, except as otherwise directed by the Council.
Advise the Council on technical matters pertaining to the determination of sufficiency, responsiveness and actual relative cost of bids for municipal contracts.
Certify the amounts due and payable for performance under contracts for public works.
Revise Official Tax Map annually.
Maintain cost records on work performed.
Compensation. The Township Engineer shall receive compensation for his services in accordance with a fee schedule filed with and approved by the Township Council and as provided in the annual Salary Ordinance.
[Amended 12-28-2000 by Ord. No. 35-2000]
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Recreation. The Division of Recreation shall consist of the following committees: the Sports Committee, the Special Events and Activities Committee and the Historical Society. The Division of Recreation shall be under the direct supervision of the Mayor who shall coordinate its recommendations with the Department of Public Works.
[Amended 12-19-2022 by Ord. No. 16-2022]
Special Events and Activities Committee.
[Amended 3-15-2021 by Ord. No. 3-2021; 12-19-2022 by Ord. No. 16-2022]
Establishment. There is hereby established a Special Events and Activities Committee in the Township of Greenwich.
Membership. The Special Events and Activities Committee shall consist of 10 members, nine of whom shall be residents of the Township and one of whom shall be a member of the Township Council. The Mayor shall designate one member of the Committee to serve as Coordinator and one member to serve as Secretary.
[Amended 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. 3-2024]
Terms of office; vacancies. The term of a member appointed to the Special Events and Activities Committee shall be three years except for the initial appointment of members in order to create staggered terms as follows: two to a one-year term; two to a two-year term; three to a three-year term. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms.
Compensation. The members of said Special Events and Activities Committee shall receive no compensation for their services except that the Coordinator and Secretary shall receive the compensation provided in the annual Salary Ordinance of the Township.
Appointment of members. The members of the Special Events and Activities Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor.
Duties, powers and responsibilities. The Special Events and Activities Committee shall have the power and authority to organize and promote events, activities and projects designed to promote the entertainment, cultural and celebratory events and activities for the residents of Greenwich Township.
Historical Society.
Establishment. There is hereby established a Historical Society in the Township of Greenwich.
Membership. The Historical Society shall consist of a governing board of nine members, all of whom shall be residents of the Township. The Mayor shall designate one member of the Board to serve as Chairperson and one member to serve as Secretary. General membership will be open to all residents of Greenwich Township.
[Amended 4-6-2009by Ord. No. 9-2009; 3-15-2021 by Ord. No. 3-2021]
Terms of office; vacancies. The term of a member appointed to the Historical Society shall be shall be five years except for the initial appointment of members in order to create staggered terms as follows: one to a one-year term; one to a two-year term; one to a three-year term; one to a four-year term; one to a five-year term. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms.
Compensation. The members of said Historical Society shall receive no compensation for their services except that the Secretary shall receive the compensation provided in the annual Salary Ordinance of the Township.[1]
[Amended 3-15-2021 by Ord. No. 3-2021]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 152, Salaries and Compensation.
Appointment of members. The initial five members of the Historical Society shall be appointed by the Mayor. All remaining members may join as they wish.
Duties, powers and responsibilities. The Historical Society shall have the duty and responsibility of researching the history of Greenwich Township. The Historical Society shall have the power and authority to organize and promote events, activities and projects designed to educate the public about the history of Greenwich Township.
Sports Committee.
[Added 5-16-2011 by Ord. No. 11-2011; 3-15-2021 by Ord. No. 3-2021; 12-19-2022 by Ord. No. 16-2022]
Establishment. There is hereby established a Sports Committee in the Township of Greenwich, in the County of Gloucester and State of New Jersey.
Membership. The Sports Committee shall consist of eight members, seven of whom shall be residents of the Township and one of whom shall be a member of the Township Council. The Mayor shall designate one member of the Committee to serve as Coordinator and one member to serve as Secretary.
Terms of office; vacancies. The term of a member appointed to the Sports Committee shall be three years except for the initial appointment of members in order to create staggered terms as follows: two to a one-year term; two to a two-year term; three to a three-year term. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired terms.
Compensation. The members of said Sports Committee shall receive no compensation for their services except that the Coordinator and Secretary shall receive the compensation provided in the annual Salary Ordinance of the Township.
Appointment of members. The members of the Sports Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor.
Duties, powers and responsibilities. The Sports Committee shall have the power and authority to arrange and provide for the giving of indoor and outdoor exhibitions, games, contests and sporting events and to arrange any and all types of recreational sporting activities for citizens of the Township, young and old, and to recommend to the governing body activities which should be supported by Township funds under appropriations for recreation and admission fees or other charges for the use of recreation sports facilities.