[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Wayland 3-12-1973 by Art. 14 as Art. 5 of the 1973 Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 11-18-1982 STM by Art. 15]
All boards, commissions, committees, officers and agents of the Town shall submit to the Selectmen, not later than September 30 after the end of each fiscal year, a written report giving an account of the business transacted during the preceding fiscal year. The Selectmen shall prepare such reports for publication each December in the Annual Town Report.
Every Annual Report shall contain a section entitled "Current Debt," which shall provide the following information for the debt funded by the Town, with debt remaining and/or with as yet unfunded grants from the commonwealth or the federal government: (1) name of the debt; (2) funds appropriated by identified Town meeting article(s); (3) cumulative funds expended at fiscal year-end; (4) cumulative interest paid at fiscal year-end; and (5) anticipated final cost to the Town, including principal and interest after receipt of funded grants, if any, and date when all financing will have been paid off or otherwise completed.
[Added 5-12-2004 ATM by Art. 39]
[Amended 11-18-1982 STM by Art. 15]
The Selectmen shall notify all officers and agents of the Town and the Chairmen of all boards, commissions and committees of the final date for submitting such reports for publication. This notice shall be given by letter mailed in May of each year.
If an appointed board, commission or committee of the Town, other than those created under the General Laws of the commonwealth, does not submit its written report on or before such final date for publication in the Annual Town Report, it shall be dissolved, except in such instances where the creating vote specifically provides that it is to report at longer given intervals, or unless the Town at the next annual Town meeting, by vote naming the board, commission or committee, continues it in existence.
[Added 11-12-1975 STM by Art. 11]
Whenever a report required by law is submitted to a Town meeting, it shall be included in the minutes of said meeting set forth in the Annual Town Report.