In order to provide adequate open space for access of light and circulation of air, to facilitate the prevention and fighting of fires, to prevent undue concentration of population and to lessen congestion on streets, no building or premises shall be erected, altered or used except in accordance with the standards set forth in this article.
[Amended 6-29-2000 by L.L. No. 4-2000]
The attached schedule of density control regulations is hereby adopted and declared to be a part of this chapter and is hereinafter referred to as the "Density Control Schedule."[1]
Editor's Note: Said schedule is included at the end of this chapter.
Determining maximum number of dwelling units in a subdivision.
The maximum number of dwelling units shall be calculated as per the density requirements of the district or districts in which the parcel is located. The area used to determine the number of allowable dwelling units shall not include areas within the F-1 100-year floodplain boundary, regulated wetlands and areas with slopes greater than 20%.
The Planning Board shall require a conventional subdivision plat for the purpose of determining the maximum number of allowable dwelling units for the parcel. The Planning Board shall evaluate a sketch plan for a conventional subdivision for whether the proposed subdivision complies with all applicable density regulations. The Planning Board shall also consider soils, slopes and environmental concerns in determining the maximum number of allowable dwelling units permitted in the subdivision. Where a conservation subdivision is required or proposed, the number of dwelling units shall not exceed the maximum number allowed by evaluation of the conventional subdivision plat unless a density bonus has been granted.
For parcels that are located within more than one residential district, calculations shall be made separately for the portion of the parcel in each district. This density may be combined and distributed anywhere within the parcel.
A density bonus of one dwelling unit for every five acres of land dedicated for public use, including trails, active recreation, access to streams or other similar areas, may be issued by the Planning Board, subject to approval by the Village Board. This land is not to be considered as the parkland or fee in lieu of parkland provided by the developer in accordance with § 110-18 of Chapter 110, Subdivision of Land. However, any dwelling units from this density bonus are not to be included in the dwelling units for the calculation of the land or fee in lieu of parkland per § 110-18 of Chapter 110, Subdivision of Land.
Bulk rules.
The conservation subdivision is mandatory for all major subdivisions in the AR Zone and may be required for minor subdivisions in the AR Zone. All conservation subdivisions must meet the listed density and minimum lot size requirements. Bulk dimensions shall be determined at the time of subdivision review by the Planning Board. In no case shall the front setback from the street right-of-way be less than 15 feet. See Chapter 110, Subdivision of Land, § 110-19, for conservation subdivision standards and requirements.
The Planning Board may reduce or allow flexibility in bulk dimensions if the applicant proposes a conservation subdivision or an alternative design showing innovative layout that enhances the streetscape and promotes traditional village-style neighborhoods as described in the publication "Hamlet Design Guidelines," provided that the density requirement and minimum lot size is maintained for the district. This publication is on file in the Village Clerk's office.
See Article V, § 130-16O, for townhouse requirements.
In the event of a partial or total destruction of a structure due to fire, storm or other act of God, the structure may be rebuilt in the footprint of the destroyed structure even though the front yard, side yard and maximum lot coverage requirements are not met, provided that the replacement occurs within one year from the date of the loss. However, the rebuilt structure must meet existing standards for on-site sewage disposal.
There is no side yard minimum requirement except where a lot abuts a residential district. If a side yard is provided, it shall be at least 12.5 feet long.
For conservation subdivisions in the AR District, see the table on the approved final subdivision plat for these dimensions. If the parcel has not been part of a conservation subdivision, the bulk dimensions shown for the R-1 District apply.
Dimensional requirements in the R District for existing small lots. For existing lots of 10,000 square feet or less in the R-1 District, new structures, including any accessory buildings, shall not be closer than five feet to a side or rear lot line.
Wherever a side or rear yard is adjacent to a street, the standards for front yard shall apply.
The following projections into required yards may be permitted:
Open fire escapes: four feet into required side or rear yards.
Awnings, movable canopies: six feet into any required yard.
Cornices, eaves and other similar architectural features: three feet into any required yard.
Any open or enclosed porch or carport shall be considered a part of the building in the determination of the size of the required yard or lot coverage.
Accessory uses enclosed in a building shall not be located in a required front or side yard but may be located in a required rear yard, subject to the provisions of § 130-16E, and provided such building shall not be located closer than 10 feet to a rear or side lot line.
District building height regulations shall not apply to flagpoles, radio or television antennas, transmission towers or cables, spires or cupolas, chimneys, elevator or stair bulkheads, penthouses, parapets or railings, water tanks or cooling towers or any similar structures, provided that such structures in their aggregate coverage occupy no more than 10% of the roof area of the building.
Where two or more principal residential structures are permitted by this chapter to be located on the same lot, the minimum lot area per dwelling unit requirement must be complied with.
A residential lot of required or larger than required size as set forth in this chapter shall not be reduced in size for transfer of ownership if such lot so subdivided will form one or more lots which shall not be in compliance with the requirements for the minimum lot area per dwelling unit for the district in which such lot or lots are situated.
[Amended 8-11-1993 by L.L. No. 1-1993]
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Side yards for semidetached and attached buildings shall be required at the ends of the total structure only.
No detached principal building shall be closer to any other principal building on the same lot than the average height of said buildings.