[Added 1-11-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006]
Where the Village Board of Trustees, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Historic Preservation Commission, or Code Enforcement Officer find it necessary to utilize the services of engineers, attorneys or other professional consultants for review of the adequacy or substantive details of applications, including but not limited to building permits, special use permit approvals, site plan approvals, subdivision approvals, use or area variances, historic review, applications for rezoning of parcels to accommodate site-specific land development proposals or otherwise, or to assist in assuring an applicant's compliance with the terms and conditions of all the aforementioned administrative and legislative permits or approvals, the Village may collect funds from the applicant/landowner to be held in escrow in order to pay the consultant fees and costs. The applicant and landowner, if different, shall be jointly and severally responsible for payment of all the reasonable and necessary costs of such services. Nothing herein shall change or modify the provisions of the Code that relate to telecommunications towers and collection of escrow and consultant fees.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 116, Telecommunications Facilities, § 116-16, Retention of expert assistance; reimbursement by applicant.
As early as possible after submission of an application for review or consideration, the reviewing board or entity shall make a determination whether it reasonably requires the services of a professional consultant to assist with the review process. An estimate should be submitted by the consultant for the anticipated costs of the services.
All fees as estimated by the consultant shall be placed on deposit with the Village of Kinderhook by the applicant and/or landowner. The Village shall hold such funds in escrow without accumulation of interest. The Village's consultants shall bill or invoice the Village no less frequently than monthly for services rendered.
If at any time it appears that there may be insufficient funds available to pay current or anticipated consultant fees, the Village shall cause the applicant or landowner to deposit additional sums to meet such expenses or anticipated expenses. The reviewing board or entity shall have the right to refuse to undertake or continue to review any application upon the failure of the applicant and/or landowner to submit such requested fees.
Upon the final action of the reviewing board or entity, any excess funds remaining on deposit after receipt and processing of all consultant bills shall be refunded to the applicant and/or landowner. At that time, the applicant shall receive an itemization of how funds in the escrow account were disbursed.